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I love poker. There was this tournament played a couple of summers ago which required a $1M (one million dollar) buy in. The winner of the tournament in the interview was asked what he would credit the win with. His response.


He entered the tournament with his own money and a bunch of money from family and friends. But when he entered, he never "hoped to win." He absolutely convinced himself he was going to win... He won... It took a lot of guts to make that sort of guarantee in yourself when that much money is on the line, and then to trust yourself to get there - knowing any random 1 outer on 5th street ends it all...

Do you have that type of guts? You should.... You must... Well that's if you ever want to earn big money anyway.... Wanna know why?

Those who have become big, have first thought big.

You cannot become big, unless you first think big.

Let me repeat.

In order to become big, you first have to think big.

Those who have become big, have first thought big.

If you disagree with this, please - feel free to stop reading...

Muhammad Ali has been quoted as saying; "the repetition of positive affirmations, lead a to beliefs, and once those beliefs become convictions, things begin to happen."

Cassius Clay was barely an Olympian when he began shadow boxing in the mirror, constantly reminding himself that he...

Was the greatest.

What do you remind yourself about yourself everyday when you look in the mirror? Are you getting bigger? Do you think that if you thought bigger you might eventually... get bigger?

Let me ask this again... I don't think you quite understand... Do you know of anyone who made it big, who first didn't think big? Even folks who have done big things unrelated to earning material wealth have first thought big (George Washington, Dr. King, Mother Theresa...)

When I found this place... I saw a gold mine. I saw a gold mine because I figured what better place than to sell my widget I had just recently shipped with the last of my money. What better place to sell it, other than a place where there are a bunch of marketers!

Then... when I became apprised of the real oppty - I began to think bigger. What was the oppty? The oppty to attend "Warrior University."

I was like "my God, I can make millions from all this knowledge!" I swear to God I will.

I took courses in sales funnel creation in the IM forum, created a totally useless product and ran some experiments as my final exam.

I hopped on over to the SEO forum, acquired some skills and applied it to this little itty bitty site I had for experimental purposes - survived 2 updates. Then I took some course in video / video SEO... I could go on.

I dove into these subjects - because I began to think really big...

I am a witness, that yes, "the repetition of positive affirmations lead to a belief, and once that belief becomes a conviction, things begin to happen."

Remind yourself of who want to be - often. Be fearless in getting after it.

Farewell everyone... thanks for everything... Will be spending 0 time here, and more time with folks who think big soon.

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