"Consultants who can't make a good ad to save their life..."

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One of the most irritating things that I deal with on a
regular basis is offliners or consultants who constantly
complain that display ads don't work for them.
  • They complain that facebook ads don't work.
  • They complain that banner ads on local chamber don't work.
  • They complain that full page display ads in trade magazines don't work.
  • They complain that postcards don't work.
  • They complain that tearsheets don't work.

If you listen to them, you'd think that nothing works!

Let me be the first to tell that, it's not the tactic that
doesn't work, it's the execution of the tactic that's not working.

Let me say this loud and clear:

If there is a problem with the results of a any type of
display ad (or any marketing tactic for that matter) that
you've run, it's one of three things...

1. Wrong target market to begin with.

There is nothing that can overcome a prospect or group
of prospects who would rather get a root canal than spend
one thin dime on a consultant like you.

Sometimes you do your research and think you'e got the
pain and pleasure points figured out but the target
market still doesn't respond.

That's why I say get five, six or seven niche specific
funnels setup and then sit back and see which ones
are receptive to your offers.

2. Weak or wrong offer.

This just means that your offer is simply not irresistible.
It's just the same old thing everybody else's offers.

Your offer has to be bold and offer something that you
know for a fact that your target market values and is willing,
ready and able to pay for.

3. Not enough exposure to the right market with the
right offer.

This includes not running a ad long enough or simply not
getting it in front of the right people at the right time.

Sometimes it's a stretch of bad luck.

Like running your ad when there's a industry wide event
and most serious prospects are focused on that.

That's why I always try to run a ad three different times
to get 500-1,000 eyeballs on it (if online).

Or I shoot for 100 eyeballs (and usually 3 different ad
runs with testing tweaks) to my specific landing page
if it's offline.

That's my own personal threshold.

Don't beat me up for it and don't take it as holy gospel.
That's just my own little comfort zone for ads.

My opinion is if I can't get a few business owners to
contact me from 500-1000 eyeballs, then I know
that I'm doing something wrong.

Especially because in my experience, business owners
are more responsive to good advertising than the
regular consumers.

Now, to wrap this up.

Here's my simple little formula for a effective display ad:

1. Irresistable offer. (non-negotiable)
2. Good guarantee. (if there's room on the ad.)
3. Expiration date. (7-12 days from the run date.)
4. Call to action. (Phone # or webform)

(Note: Graphics, images and color concerns are tied for last
place. I will choose all text over those three all day long.
Of course you need images with Facebook, but in all other
places they're pretty much optional.)

That's it.

It's not complicated or complex, but obviously it's what a
large percentage of offliners and consultants are missing.

So, if you're struggling with creating effective display ads
and banner ads that actually attract quality prospects,
try my formula.

It's simple.

It's easy to do.

And it's deadly effective.

See you at the top,


P.S. I don't know how else to say this, but a good offer to
a reasonably targeted prospect pool makes everything else
soooooo much easier. You can almost get everything else
wrong and still get two or three clients each month like
clockwork if you get those two things kinda right.
#marketing plr #offline consultant #offline plr

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