VoiceBroadcasting message: is this one legal?

3 replies
I'm seeking feedback on this outgoing voicebroadcasting message. I'd be broadcasting to active offline businesses, and this Youtube video I saw months back, but I've not used it yet. This got my attention.

Network Marketing Leads - Your First Contact With The MLM Leads We Generate For You - YouTube

The script: Hi, this is Dennis. I had a quick question about your business. Does it....(message stops).

The pros: it's short. 6 seconds. It's cheap. And it gets curious people's attention.

The con: No opt-out message.

The con is why I'm throwing this here. Is this legal? The video was done early 2013, and the laws changed in 2012.
#legal #message #voicebroadcasting
  • Profile picture of the author chaotic squid
    I don't like it. Seems kinda deceptive to the caller thinking the line was cut off or something. Not the best way to start a business relationship and you're not creating any value with this technique.

    Seems like a unique way to qualify leads, because it takes almost no time on your end and the people who are interested and more likely to convert will call back. Not sure about the legality of it, but it certainly may get people frustrated cutting off after only 6 seconds.
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    • Profile picture of the author Goalie35
      I agree with chaotic squid. Irregardless of whether or not it's legal (sorry, I'm not sure about the legalities), it just seems like a bad way to start out a business relationship. If I were receiving this message, I would be pretty frustrated.
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  • Profile picture of the author Greg guitar
    Always a bad idea asking for legal advice from the "school of somebody said so". But here is my non-expert opinion: you're right in thinking you need an opt-out option; "press [whatever number] to be removed from our call list" or something like that.

    Why would you even consider this; the message says nothing? Do you really want prospects dumb enough to respond to this? I doubt 1 in a million would anyway. This is a lot like scraping millions of names to spam instead of actually building a real business. It's more effort, not effective at all, and illegal; why oh why bother doing something like that?

    Mark Helton is an excellent marketer you can find on the forum, who has a voice broadcast service. I suggest looking him up, and considering becoming a client if you are serious about getting into voice broadcasting; it works, but not the ridiculous approach you described; you're better off "investing" in lotto tickets.

    Edit: I just noticed it's for MLM; don't do that. Use common sense; not many people who have a legit business are going to go for even a decent pitch for an MLM; think about it. If you owned a dry cleaning business, would you respond to a call trying to convince you to become somebody's "downline"? Don't waste your time with that nonsense. You're on a forum where you can learn to build a real business; the "opportunity" you're looking into is garbage.
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