I need a practical PPV training

2 replies
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Hey guys I am looking for a product that will teach me how to use PPV for direct linking and building a list mostly IM and MMO niche.
I already have different email lists from other traffic sources.
I also use some ppc so i know how it works.
Ive heard about some ppv networks and i get the idea.
But I need something practical and updated that can learn how to actually start campaigns that will convert.
Looking for practical info and not general stuff which I already read and doesn't help me enough.
#ppv #practical #training
  • Profile picture of the author Mr Lim
    PPV, I guess you need to burn plenty of money before finding the winning, I cannot afford that.
    What is the general stuff you've looked which doesn't helped you, I would like to know that.
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  • Profile picture of the author Liam89
    PPV is not a direct response form of marketing so it is hard to get people to respond by taking an action. PPV is best for building brand awareness ? That's what the book would say anyway!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10492028].message }}

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