Optimum budget for Facebook and Bing Ads

6 replies
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Hello Warriors,

I am promoting Clickbank products using Facebook and Bing ads. Initially I have set the budget as $5 per day. However I don't see any result. There are clicks happening on my website but sales are not happening.

Can you suggest what should be my optimum budget so that I can get sales through these 2 channels?

#ads #bing #budget #facebook #optimum
  • Profile picture of the author fasteasysuccess
    There's tons of factors, so based on your post don't know all specifics, but...

    Based on you saying 5 buck budget and some clicks, would suggest simply raising your budget till get an accurate test. If only received a couple clicks, no way to tell anything.

    You should do at least a 100 click or visitors test to see.
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    • Profile picture of the author JC Web
      If you're getting clicks but no sales, and the number of clicks is sufficient to draw a conclusion, then the problem isn't the amount of your budget, but your marketing. Either your ads are not targeted, your landing page is poor, follow-up is poor, or the offer itself is bad.
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  • Profile picture of the author shaunybb
    Originally Posted by Vikram Anand View Post

    Hello Warriors,

    I am promoting Clickbank products using Facebook and Bing ads. Initially I have set the budget as $5 per day. However I don't see any result. There are clicks happening on my website but sales are not happening.

    Can you suggest what should be my optimum budget so that I can get sales through these 2 channels?


    Hey vikram

    I would firstly suggest that you spend what your comfortable with. Some people can have a starting budget of $100 a day and some can only have $5.

    You need to have enough stats and information to be able to tell what you want to spend etc. If $5 a day is only getting you 10 clicks then you need to raise your daily allowance so that you can get more clicks and begin more testing.

    Gradually increase though especially in bing they don't like it when you increase hard and fast. You will see an interruption in your campaign. So increase by five or ten dollars and go from there.

    Good luck!
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    • Profile picture of the author Vikram Anand
      Originally Posted by shaunybb View Post

      Hey vikram

      I would firstly suggest that you spend what your comfortable with. Some people can have a starting budget of $100 a day and some can only have $5.....

      Good luck!
      Thanks for your valuable advice I will try out increasing my budget...
      Is there any area of your life where your need help??

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  • Profile picture of the author globalexperts
    Actually it's prohibited to promote clickbank products on Facebook. One of my Facebook advertising account recently got banned because of this. I was able to run the ads for 3 weeks and made some sales, then they banned my account.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10214771].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Vikram Anand
      Originally Posted by globalexperts View Post

      Actually it's prohibited to promote clickbank products on Facebook. One of my Facebook advertising account recently got banned because of this. I was able to run the ads for 3 weeks and made some sales, then they banned my account.
      Actually I am not directly promoting Clickbank product on Facebook.
      I am using my own domain and redirect to website with a hoplink.
      May be that's why my campaign is running without getting banned.

      My only problem is I am getting clicks but not sales. For that I will simply try to increase my budget and test.
      Is there any area of your life where your need help??

      Click Here to access tons of resources on Self Help
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