Problem setting up 7search + Click Magick + MaxBounty communication

4 replies
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Hey everyone,

So here's my current setup:

1) I setup my ClickMagick global postback URL in MaxBounty.

2) I selected an offer from MaxBounty, appended &s1=[clickid] to the offer URL.

3) I paste this new MaxBounty URL in ClickMagick to create a new tracking link.

4) I append ###KEYWORD### to my tracking URL in order to pass keyword data back to ClickMagick.

5) Tracking clicks works well. I'm also able to tell ClickMagick the conversion amount from MaxBounty.

Now I'd like to send conversion data back to 7search, so I know which keywords are performing. 7search generates a tracking pixel, which I believe I should be able to setup on MaxBounty's side without affecting my ClickMagick postback URL.

I opened a support ticket with ClickMagick, and they advised that I should ask MaxBounty if they have a way to add another tracking pixel (7search's) into their system.

I asked my MaxBounty AM, and: they do, however it would overwrite ClickMagick's postback URL -- so that wouldn't work. The AM recommended that I speak with ClickMagick

So now I'm a little confused as to what I should do -- it's turning into finger pointing game, which I'd like to avoid, hence I'm coming to communities for some help.

Any insights would be useful.


#7search #click #communication #magick #maxbounty #problem #setting
  • Profile picture of the author dsiomtw
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10662962].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author shim333
    I think you have to ask "ClickMagic" - they look that they have good support
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  • Profile picture of the author Aisibor

    Did you manage to resolve this issue, is the Maxbounty, 7search, Clickmagick working properly for you now ? Cheers
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  • Profile picture of the author vMartin
    It seems maxbounty is using the Cake platform.

    - You are NOT able to add more than two postback pixels in Cake.

    - If 7search provides an Image pixel you are simply able to place it under the postback in the HTML pixel field:

    This won't screw up your postback.

    On another note do not use #s1# because cake uses this to pass it's own subids, instead simply change the s1 to #s2#.

    On a second note why are you using ClickMagick? (They are light-years behind)

    There are far better trackers out there that easily allow you to setup the pixels under the traffic source such as for example.

    Would simply work like this:


    CLICK HERE AND FIND OUT Get up to $120 per sale
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  • Profile picture of the author celente
    is it me, or 7search traffic quality gone down again, even more. I regret signing up with them again.

    I would like to know thoughts but. Back in the day I did ok with them as a PPC engine. But right now, it seems to be such bad quality traffic, even when you block the bad referrers. Hmmmmm??
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