Automatic email not coming through

by thejlw
2 replies
Hopefully this is the right spot for this.

When someone purchases something on my website an automatic email is triggered to me however about a month ago this all of a sudden stopped working and I can't figure out why.

My hosting is through HostGator and my domain & email are through GoDaddy. I've contacted both and both have said the issue is not on their end. I've also had my developer take a look and he can't find any issues and nothing has changed.

If I send an individual email to the email address (example it will come through but when someone goes to my website and purchases something the automatic email that should be sent to doesn't come through.

I'm not sure if there was some sort of spam filter enabled because we were doing a bunch of testing and the email was being sent 50 times or more a day and this 'newbiz' email is being blocked somewhere along the way.

#automatic #coming #email
  • Even we had faced a similar issue for sometime. Earlier the subscriber notification was sent to but we suddenly stopped receiving the notifications, when changed the id to, we started receiving it again. My technical guy checked and informed me that it was the problem with the IP where the domain was hosted.

    Try this solution, might work for you as well.
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    • Profile picture of the author rwil02
      Originally Posted by eluminoustechnologies View Post

      Even we had faced a similar issue for sometime. Earlier the subscriber notification was sent to but we suddenly stopped receiving the notifications, when changed the id to, we started receiving it again. My technical guy checked and informed me that it was the problem with the IP where the domain was hosted.

      Try this solution, might work for you as well.
      Most likely something like this.
      It sounds like it's coming to you?
      In which case your ISP has probably decided "automatically" that it is spam.
      I'd start by whitelisting the origin address per your ISPs instructions.
      If that doesn't work, then ask them (or look up in their help) what blacklist provider they use and check that out to see if your servers IP address is blocked.

      Roger Willcocks
      L-Space Design
      Please vote to help me win a 3kW solar array

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