Help needed with PHP error

8 replies
Warriors I need help with PHP language On the submission time over my PHP website directory This error quoted below is coming i am not understanding it can anybody help me in curing it.

"Fatal error: Call to a member function Fields() on a non-object in /home/a1373990/public_html/include/functions.php on line 217"
#error #needed #php
  • Profile picture of the author Arshid
    Check file path correct or not .

    ::::::::::::::::::WordPress login security plugin [Skype:arshidkv12]::::::::::::::::::

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10596246].message }}
  • {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10596289].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Asgeco
    From error I would say that most likely you'r trying to access Fields() method on a variable which is NULL instead of an object of a class. If you need more help show your code.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10596880].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author dmammar
    # ################################################## ####################
    # Project: PHPLinkDirectory: Version 2.1.3
    # ************************************************** ********************
    # Copyright (C) 2004-2006 NetCreated, Inc. (NetCreated - Home)
    # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
    # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
    # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
    # of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
    # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    # GNU General Public License for more details.
    # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
    # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
    # ************************************************** ********************
    # For questions, help, comments, discussion, etc., please join the
    # PHP Link Directory Forum PHP Link Directory Forum
    # @link PHP Link Directory Script - Create a directory on your site!
    # @copyright 2004-2007 NetCreated, Inc. (NetCreated - Home)
    # @projectManager David DuVal <>
    # @package PHPLinkDirectory
    # ################################################## ####################

    * Reads the configuration data from the database and sets it as constants
    * @author dcb
    function read_config($db)
    global $tables, $tpl;

    $sql = "SELECT * FROM `{$tables['config']['name']}`";
    $rs = $db->Execute($sql);
    while (!$rs->EOF)
    define ($rs->Fields('ID'), $rs->Fields('VALUE'));
    function gotoUnauthorized($reason, $tplFile='unauthorized.tpl', $returnVal=false)
    global $tpl;

    //Remove request variables
    unset ($_POST, $_GET, $_REQUEST);

    //Provide a reason why access was unautorised
    $tpl->assign('unauthorizedReason', $reason);

    //Clean whitespace
    $tpl->load_filter('output', 'trimwhitespace');

    //Compress output for faster loading
    if (COMPRESS_OUTPUT == 1)
    $tpl->load_filter('output', 'CompressOutput');

    $output = $tpl->fetch($tplFile);

    if ($returnVal)
    return $output;
    echo $output;
    * Creates a Smarty object and sets default values
    * @author dcb
    function get_tpl() {
    $tpl = new IntSmarty('en');
    $tpl->template_dir = INSTALL_PATH.'templates';
    $tpl->compile_dir = INSTALL_PATH.'temp/templates';
    $tpl->cache_dir = INSTALL_PATH.'temp/cache';
    return $tpl;

    * Shortcut function for string translations
    * @param string $str String to translate
    * @return string translated string
    * @author dcb
    function _L($str) {
    global $tpl;
    if (method_exists ($tpl, 'translate'))
    return $tpl->translate($str);
    return $str;

    * Extracts from the global variable $_REQUEST only the values those keys correspond to table column names
    * @param string $table table name
    * @return array associative array
    * @author dcb
    function get_table_data($table) {
    global $tables;
    $data = array ();
    foreach ($tables[$table]['fields'] as $col => $v)
    if (isset ($_REQUEST[$col]))
    $data[$col] = $_REQUEST[$col];
    return $data;

    * Read language files, and get the language
    * @author Constantin Bejenaru / Boby <> (@frozenminds)
    function select_lang($dirname = '../lang/')
    $lang = array ();
    $files = array ();

    // Get language files of directory
    $extension = "php";
    $extension = str_replace (" ", "", $extension);
    $ext = explode (",", $extension);
    if ($handle = @ opendir ($dirname))
    while (false !== ($file = readdir ($handle)))
    for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof ($ext);$i++)
    if (strstr ($file, ".".$ext[$i]) && stristr ($file, '~') === false && !empty ($ext[$i]))
    $files[] = $file;
    @ closedir ($handle);

    //Select needed file info
    foreach ($files as $key => $f)
    if (is_readable ($dirname.$f))
    $lang_file_info = language_file_data($dirname.$f);
    $arr_key = substr ($f, 0, -4);
    if (isset ($lang_file_info['LANGUAGE']) && !empty ($lang_file_info['LANGUAGE']))
    $lang[$arr_key] = ucfirst ($lang_file_info['LANGUAGE']);
    $lang[$arr_key] = ucfirst (substr ($f, 0, -4));
    unset ($f);

    unset ($file,$files, $dirname, $ext, $extension, $handle, $language, $i, $key, $arr_key, $f);
    natcasesort ($lang);

    return $lang;

    * Get information of language filesize
    * @author Constantin Bejenaru / Boby <> (@frozenminds)
    function language_file_data($lang_file)
    $lang_file = implode ('', file ($lang_file));

    preg_match ("|Language.*)|i" , $lang_file, $lang );
    preg_match ("|Language File Author.*)|i" , $lang_file, $author_name);
    preg_match ("|Language File Author URL.*)|i", $lang_file, $author_URL );

    /* Remove unused vars and clean the information we get */
    unset ($lang_file,$lang[0],$author_name[0],$author_URL[0]);
    $lang[1] = $lang[1];
    $author_name[1] = $author_name[1];
    $author_URL[1] = $author_URL[1];

    return array ('LANGUAGE' => $lang[1], 'AUTHOR_NAME' => $author_name[1], 'AUTHOR_URL' => $author_URL[1]);

    * Encode a password using "sha1" or "md5" depending on PHP version
    * @author Constantin Bejenaru / Boby <> (@frozenminds)
    function encrypt_password($password='')
    if (empty($password))
    return false;

    if (version_compare (phpversion(), "4.3.0", ">=") && function_exists ('sha1'))
    return "{sha1}".sha1($password);
    return "{md5}".md5($password);

    function get_categs_tree($id=0)
    global $db, $tables;
    static $categs = array ("0" => "[Top]");
    static $level = 0;
    $rs = $db->Execute("SELECT `ID`, `TITLE` FROM `{$tables['category']['name']}` WHERE `STATUS` = '2' AND `PARENT_ID` = ".$db->qstr($id)." AND `SYMBOLIC` <> 1 ORDER BY `TITLE`");

    while (!$rs->EOF)
    if (empty($_SESSION['user_id']) ||$_SESSION['is_admin'])
    $categs[$rs->Fields('ID')] = str_repeat('|&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;', $level -1).'|___'.$rs->Fields('TITLE');
    if (in_array($rs->Fields('ID'),$_SESSION['user_permission_array']))
    $categs[$rs->Fields('ID')] = str_repeat('|&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;', $level -1).'|___'.$rs->Fields('TITLE');
    return $categs;

    function get_grant_categs_tree($id=0)
    global $db, $tables;
    static $categs = array ("0" => "[Top]");
    static $level = 0;
    $rs = $db->Execute("SELECT `ID`, `TITLE` FROM `{$tables['category']['name']}` WHERE `PARENT_ID` = ".$db->qstr($id)." AND `SYMBOLIC` <> 1 ORDER BY `TITLE`");

    while (!$rs->EOF)
    if ($_SESSION['is_admin'])
    $categs[$rs->Fields('ID')] = str_repeat ('|&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;', $level -1).'|___'.$rs->Fields('TITLE');
    if (in_array ($rs->Fields('ID'), $_SESSION['user_grant_permission_array']))
    $categs[$rs->Fields('ID')] = str_repeat ('|&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;', $level -1).'|___'.$rs->Fields('TITLE');


    return $categs;

    * Get visitor/client IP address
    * @author Constantin Bejenaru / Boby <> (@frozenminds)
    function get_client_ip() {
    //Regular expression pattern for a valid IP address
    $ip_regexp = "/^([0-9]{1,3})\.([0-9]{1,3})\.([0-9]{1,3})\.([0-9]{1,3})/";

    //Retrieve IP address from which the user is viewing the current page

    //Clean IP address
    $visitorIP = preg_replace ($ip_regexp, "\\1.\\2.\\3.\\4", $visitorIP);

    return $visitorIP;

    function get_page($list_total) {
    if (!isset ($_SESSION['p']))
    $_SESSION['p'] = array ();
    $page = isset ($_REQUEST['p']) ? $_REQUEST['p'] : (isset ($_SESSION[SCRIPT_NAME]['p']) ? $_SESSION[SCRIPT_NAME]['p'] : 1);
    if (($page -1) > ($list_total / LINKS_PER_PAGE))
    $page = floor($list_total / LINKS_PER_PAGE) + 1;
    $_SESSION[SCRIPT_NAME]['p'] = $page;
    $_REQUEST['p'] = $page;
    return $page;

    function request_uri() {
    if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])
    return $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];

    return $_SERVER['HTTP_X_REWRITE_URL'];
    $p = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'];
    $p .= '?'.$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'];
    return $p;

    function get_category($uri = NULL) {
    global $db, $tables;

    if ($uri != NULL)
    $uri = parse_url($uri);
    $query = $uri['query'];
    $path = $uri['path'];
    parse_str($query, $vars);
    if (isset ($vars['c']))
    $cid = $vars['c'];
    if (isset ($_REQUEST['c']))
    $cid = $_REQUEST['c'];
    $path = request_uri();
    $id = 0;

    if (ENABLE_REWRITE && !isset ($cid))
    $path = substr ($path, strlen(DOC_ROOT) + 1);
    $qp = strpos ($path, '?');
    if ($qp !== false)
    $path = substr ($path, 0, $qp);
    $path = split ('/', $path);
    $id = 0;
    foreach ($path as $cat)
    if (!empty ($cat))
    $id = $db->GetOne("SELECT `ID` FROM `{$tables['category']['name']}` WHERE `STATUS` = '2' AND `TITLE_URL` = ".$db->qstr($cat)." AND `PARENT_ID` = ".$db->qstr($id));
    elseif (preg_match('`[\d]+`', $cid)) {
    $id = $db->GetOne("SELECT `ID` FROM `{$tables['category']['name']}` WHERE `STATUS` = '2' AND `ID` = ".$db->qstr($cid));

    return ($id ? $id : '0');
    function get_path($id) {
    global $db, $tables;
    $path = array ();
    $i = 0;
    while ($id != 0 && $i < 100)
    $row = $db->GetRow("SELECT * FROM `{$tables['category']['name']}` WHERE `ID` = ".$db->qstr($id));
    $id = $row['PARENT_ID'];
    $path[] = $row;
    $i ++;
    $path[] = array ('ID' => '0', 'TITLE' => _L(SITE_NAME), 'TITLE_URL' => DOC_ROOT, 'DESCRIPTION' => SITE_DESC);
    return array_reverse($path);

    function validate_link($url)
    $ret = get_url($url, URL_HEADERS);
    return array ($ret['status'] ? 2 : 0, ($ret['status'] || $ret['code']) ? $ret['response'] : $ret['error']);

    function validate_captcha($value, $empty, &$params, &$form)
    require_once 'libs/captcha/captcha.class.php';

    return isset ($_SESSION['CAPTCHA']) && strtolower ($_SESSION['CAPTCHA']) == strtolower ($value);

    * !! DEPRECATED !!
    * If you have updated from any prior version
    * please disable link ID feature from admin panel
    function init_submission()
    $_SESSION['RECPR_ID'] = mt_rand (0, 0xFFFFFF);

    function validate_url_online($value, $empty, & $params, & $form)
    $ret = get_url($value, URL_HEADERS);
    return $ret['status'] ? 1 : 0;

    function validate_recpr_link($value, $empty, &$params, &$form)
    global $tpl;

    if ($empty && empty ($value))
    return 1;

    $ret = check_recpr_link($form);
    if (empty ($ret))
    return 0;

    return 1;

    * Check if reciprocal link page has a valid reciprocal link
    * @author Constantin Bejenaru / Boby <> (@frozenminds)
    function check_recpr_link($data)
    $data['RECPR_URL'] = trim ($data['RECPR_URL']);

    if (empty ($data['RECPR_URL']))
    return -1;

    $ret = get_url($data['RECPR_URL'], URL_CONTENT);

    if (!isset ($ret['content']) || empty ($ret['content']))
    return -1;
    //Look for reciprocal in any link tag
    preg_match_all ("`<(\s*)a([^>]*)".parseDomain(SITE_URL)."([^>]*)>(.*)<\/a>`Ui", $ret['content'], $matches);

    //First check if matches array was created
    if (!is_array ($matches) || empty ($matches))
    return 0;

    //Set internal pointer of array
    //to its first element
    reset ($matches);

    //Check if URL exists
    if (!is_array ($matches[key ($matches)]) || empty ($matches[key ($matches)]))
    return 0;

    //Check for nofollow
    foreach ($matches as $m => $match)
    foreach ($match as $key => $value)
    //If anything nofollow is found validation fails
    if (preg_match ('`rel[\s]*=[\s]*("|\')?[\s]*nofollow[\s]*("|\')`Ui', $value))
    return 0;
    unset ($match[$key]);
    unset ($matches[$m]);
    unset ($matches, $ret);
    return 1;

    define ('URL_RESPONSE', 0);
    define ('URL_HEADERS' , 1);
    define ('URL_CONTENT' , 2);

    function get_url($url, $what = 0, $referer = "", $cookies = array (), $useragent = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)")
    static $redirect_count = 0;
    $ret = array ();
    $ret['status'] = false;
    $timeout = 10;
    $urlArray = parse_url ($url);
    if (!$urlArray['port'])
    if ($urlArray['scheme'] == 'http')
    $urlArray['port'] = 80;
    elseif ($urlArray['scheme'] == 'https')
    $urlArray['port'] = 443;
    elseif ($urlArray['scheme'] == 'ftp')
    $urlArray['port'] = 21;
    if (!$urlArray['path'])
    $urlArray['path'] = '/';

    $errno = "";
    $errstr = "";
    $fp = @ fsockopen ($urlArray['host'].'.', $urlArray['port'], $errno, $errstr, $timeout);
    if ($fp)
    $request = "GET {$urlArray['path']}";
    if (!empty ($urlArray['query']))
    $request .= "?".$urlArray['query'];

    $request .= " HTTP/1.1\r\n"."Host: {$urlArray['host']}\r\n"."User-Agent: {$useragent}\r\n";
    if (!empty ($referer))
    $request .= "Referer: $referer\r\n";
    $request .= "Accept: text/xml,application/xml,application/xhtml+xml,text/html;q=0.9,text/plain;q=0.8,video/x-mng,image/png,image/jpeg,image/gif;q=0.2,text/css,*/*;q=0.1\r\n"."Accept-Language: en-us, en;q=0.50\r\n".
    #"Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, compress;q=0.9\r\n".
    //"Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1, utf-8;q=0.66, *;q=0.66\r\n".
    #"Keep-Alive: 300\r\n".
    "Connection: close\r\n"."Cache-Control: max-age=0\r\n";
    foreach ($cookies as $k => $v)
    $request .= "Cookie: {$k}={$v}\r\n";

    $request .= "\r\n";
    @ fputs ($fp, $request);
    $ret['response'] = fgets($fp);
    if (preg_match ("`HTTP/1\.. (.*) (.*)`U", $ret['response'], $parts))
    $ret['status'] = $parts[1][0] == '2' || $parts[1][0] == '3';
    $ret['code'] = $parts[1];
    if ($what == URL_RESPONSE || !$ret['status'])
    @ fclose ($fp);
    return $ret;
    $ret['headers'] = array ();
    $ret['cookies'] = array ();
    while (!feof ($fp))
    $header = @ fgets ($fp, 2048);
    if ($header == "\r\n" || $header == "\n" || $header == "\n\l")
    list ($key, $value) = split(':', $header, 2);
    if (trim ($key) == 'Set-Cookie')
    $value = trim ($value);
    $p1 = strpos ($value, '=');
    $p2 = strpos ($value, ';');
    $key = substr ($value, 0, $p1);
    $val = substr ($value, $p1 + 1, $p2 - $p1 - 1);
    $ret['cookies'][$key] = $val;
    $ret['headers'][trim ($key)] = trim ($value);
    if (($ret['code'] == '301' || $ret['code'] == '302') && !empty ($ret['headers']['Location']) && $redirect_count < 20)
    $redirect_count ++;
    @ fclose ($fp);
    if (strpos ($ret['headers']['Location'], 'http://') === 0 || strpos ($ret['headers']['Location'], 'http://'))
    $redir_url = $ret['headers']['Location'];
    elseif (strpos ($ret['headers']['Location'], '/') === 0)
    $redir_url = $urlArray['scheme']."://".$urlArray[host].$ret['headers']['Location'];
    $redir_url = $urlArray['scheme']."://".$urlArray[host].$urlArray[path].$ret['headers']['Location'];

    return get_url($redir_url, $what, $url, $ret['cookies']);
    $redirect_count = 0;
    if($what == URL_HEADERS)
    @ fclose ($fp);
    return $ret;
    $chunked = isset ($ret['headers']['Transfer-Encoding']) && ('chunked' == $ret['headers']['Transfer-Encoding']);
    while (!feof ($fp))
    $data = '';
    if ($chunked)
    $line = @ fgets ($fp, 128);
    if (preg_match ('/^([0-9a-f]+)/i', $line, $matches))
    $len = hexdec ($matches[1]);
    if (0 == $len)
    while (!feof ($fp))
    @ fread ($fp, 4096);
    $data = @ fread ($fp, $len);
    $data = @ fread ($fp, 4096);

    $ret['content'] .= $data;
    $errstr = "Bad Communication";

    @ fclose ($fp);
    else { // Occurs when if ($fp) returns false
    $ret['error'] = $errstr;

    return $ret;

    function parse_news($str)
    $str = str_replace ("\r\n", "\n", $str);
    $str = str_replace ("\r", "\n", $str);
    $str = split ("\n", $str);
    $news = array ();
    $len = count ($str);
    $i = 0;
    while ($i < $len)
    if ($str[$i] == '')
    $i ++;
    $n = array ();
    $n['title'] = $str[$i ++];
    $n['date'] = $str[$i ++];
    while ($i < $len &&$str[$i] != '')
    $n['body'] .= $str[$i ++]."\n";
    $news[] = $n;
    $i ++;
    return $news;

    function check_allowed_feat($CategID=0)
    global $db, $tables;

    if (empty ($CategID))
    return 0;

    $count = $db->GetOne("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `{$tables['link']['name']}` WHERE `STATUS` = '2' AND `FEATURED` = '1' AND `CATEGORY_ID` = ".$db->qstr($CategID));

    return ($count >= FTR_MAX_LINKS ? 0 : 1);

    function validate_unique($value, $empty, &$params, &$form)
    return check_unique($params['field2'], $params['field'], $value, $params['field3'], $params['field4'], $form[$params['field4']], $params['field5'], $params['field6']);

    * SmartyValidate function for URL unique test
    * @author Constantin Bejenaru / Boby <> (@frozenminds)
    function validateUrlUnique($value, $empty, &$params, &$form)
    return checkUrlUnique($params['field2'], $params['field'], $value, $params['field3'], $params['field4'], $form[$params['field4']], $params['field5'], $params['field6']);

    * Check if URL is unique
    * @author Constantin Bejenaru / Boby <> (@frozenminds)
    function checkUrlUnique($table, $field, $value, $exclude_id = NULL, $parent_field = NULL, $parent_value = NULL, $exclude_from_field = NULL, $exclude_value = NULL)
    global $tables, $db;

    //Use only domain
    $value = parseDomain($value);

    if (empty ($value))
    return 0;

    $sql = "SELECT `URL` FROM `".$tables[$table]['name']."` WHERE `".$field."` LIKE ".$db->qstr('%'.$value.'%');
    if (strlen ($exclude_id) > 0)
    $sql .= " AND `ID` != ".$db->qstr($exclude_id);

    if (!empty ($parent_field))
    $sql .= " AND `".$parent_field."` = ".$db->qstr($parent_value);

    if (!empty ($exclude_from_field) && !empty ($exclude_value))
    $sql .= " AND `".$exclude_from_field."` != ".$db->qstr($exclude_value);

    //Retrieve simmilar URLs from DB
    $simmilarURLs = $db->GetCol($sql);

    if (!is_array ($simmilarURLs) || empty ($simmilarURLs))
    //No simmilar URLs found
    return 1;
    //Loop through each simmilar URL and compare
    foreach ($simmilarURLs as $key => $dbURL)
    //Get only domain
    $dbURL = parseDomain($dbURL);

    //Check if domains match
    if (preg_match ('#^'.$value.'$#i', $dbURL))
    //Domains matched
    return 0;

    //Free some memory
    unset ($simmilarURLs[$key], $dbURL);

    return 1;

    function check_unique($table, $field, $value, $exclude_id = NULL, $parent_field = NULL, $parent_value = NULL, $exclude_from_field = NULL, $exclude_value = NULL)
    global $tables, $db;
    $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `{$tables[$table]['name']}` WHERE `{$field}` = ".$db->qstr($value);
    if (strlen ($exclude_id) > 0)
    $sql .= " AND `ID` != ".$db->qstr($exclude_id);

    if (!empty ($parent_field))
    $sql .= " AND `".$parent_field."` = ".$db->qstr($parent_value);

    if (!empty ($exclude_from_field) && !empty ($exclude_value))
    $sql .= " AND `".$exclude_from_field."` != ".$db->qstr($exclude_value);

    $c = $db->GetOne($sql);

    return ($c == 0 ? 1 : 0);

    function validate_symbolic_unique($value, $empty, &$params, &$form)
    global $tpl, $tables, $db, $id;
    $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `{$tables['category']['name']}` WHERE `SYMBOLIC_ID` = ".$db->qstr($value)." AND `PARENT_ID` = " .$db->qstr($form['PARENT_ID']);
    if ($id > 0)
    $sql .= " AND ID <> ".$id;

    $c = $db->GetOne($sql);

    return ($c == 0 ? 1 : 0);

    function validate_symbolic_parent($value, $empty, &$params, &$form)
    global $tpl, $tables, $db;
    $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `{$tables['category']['name']}` WHERE `ID` = ".$db->qstr($value)." AND `PARENT_ID` = ".$db->qstr($form['PARENT_ID']);
    $c = $db->GetOne($sql);

    return ($c == 0 ? 1 : 0);

    function validate_not_equal($value, $empty, &$params, &$form)
    return $value != $params['field2'];

    function validate_not_equal_var($value, $empty, &$params, &$form)
    return $value != $form[$params['field2']];

    function parse_version($val)
    preg_match('`(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\s*((RC)(\d+))?`', $val, $match);
    $ver = sprintf("%02d%02d%02d%02d", $match[1], $match[2], $match[3], $match[6]);

    return $ver;

    if (!function_exists ('file_get_contents'))
    function file_get_contents ($fn)
    $len = filesize ($fn);
    return false;

    $fp = @ fopen ($fn, 'r');
    if ($fp)
    return @ fread ($fp, $len);
    return false;

    function set_log($file)
    @ ini_set ('display_errors', 0);
    @ ini_set ('log_errors', 1);
    @ ini_set ('error_log', INSTALL_PATH.'temp/'.$file);
    error_reporting (E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE);

    function replace_email_vars($text, $data, $type = 1)
    if ($type == 1)
    $prefix = 'EMAIL_';
    elseif ($type == 2)
    $prefix = 'LINK_';
    elseif ($type == 3)
    $prefix = 'PAYMENT_';

    $text = str_replace('{MY_SITE_NAME}', SITE_NAME, $text);
    $text = str_replace('{MY_SITE_URL}' , SITE_URL , $text);
    $text = str_replace('{MY_SITE_DESC}', SITE_DESC, $text);

    foreach ($data as $k => $v)
    $text = str_replace("{".$prefix.$k."}", $v, $text);

    return trim ($text);

    function get_emailer()
    global $db, $tables;

    if (!empty ($_SESSION['user_id']))
    $where = "`ID` = ".$db->qstr($_SESSION['user_id']);
    $where = "`LEVEL` = '1'";


    $user_info = $db->GetRow($sql);

    require_once 'libs/phpmailer/class.phpmailer.php';

    $mail = new PHPMailer();
    $mail->PluginDir = 'libs/phpmailer/';
    $mail->From = $user_info['EMAIL'];
    $mail->FromName = $user_info['NAME'];
    $mail->Mailer = EMAIL_METHOD;

    unset ($user_info, $sql);

    switch (EMAIL_METHOD)
    case 'smtp' :
    $mail->Host = EMAIL_SERVER;
    if (strlen (EMAIL_USER) > 0)
    $mail->SMTPAuth = true;
    $mail->Username = EMAIL_USER;
    $mail->Password = EMAIL_PASS;
    case 'sendmail' :
    $mail->Sendmail = EMAIL_SENDMAIL;
    return $mail;

    function get_emailer_admin()
    global $tables, $db;


    $user_info = $db->GetRow($sql);

    require_once 'libs/phpmailer/class.phpmailer.php';

    $mail = new PHPMailer();
    $mail->PluginDir = 'libs/phpmailer/';
    $mail->From = $user_info['EMAIL'];
    $mail->FromName = $user_info['NAME'];
    $mail->Sender = $user_info['EMAIL'];
    $mail->Mailer = EMAIL_METHOD;

    unset ($user_info, $sql);

    switch (EMAIL_METHOD)
    case 'smtp':
    $mail->Host = EMAIL_SERVER;
    if (strlen (EMAIL_USER) > 0)
    $mail->SMTPAuth = true;
    $mail->Username = EMAIL_USER;
    $mail->Password = EMAIL_PASS;
    case 'sendmail':
    $mail->Sendmail = EMAIL_SENDMAIL;
    return $mail;

    function format_email($address, $name)
    $name = trim ($name);
    $address = trim ($address);
    if ($name)
    return "{$name} <{$address}>";

    return $address;

    * Check if installer and config file do not poses security risks
    * @author Constantin Bejenaru / Boby <> (@frozenminds)
    function install_security_check()
    $warnings = array ();

    //Check if installer is still available
    $installer = 'install/index.php';
    if (is_file (INSTALL_PATH.$installer))
    $installer_msg = _L('Installer is still available. This poses a major security risk, please remove ##INSTALLER## file immediately!');
    $warnings[] = str_replace('##INSTALLER##', '<strong><em>'.trim ($installer).'</em></strong>', $installer_msg);
    unset ($installer_msg, $installer);

    //Check if config file is still writeable
    $config_file = 'include/config.php';
    if (is_writable (INSTALL_PATH.$config_file))
    @ chmod ($config_file, 0755);

    if (is_writable (INSTALL_PATH.$config_file))
    $config_msg = _L('Configuration file is still writeable by the user the webserver runs under. This poses a major security risk, please drop writing permissions for ##CONFIGFILE## file immediately!');
    $warnings[] = str_replace('##CONFIGFILE##', '<strong><em>'.trim ($config_file).'</em></strong>', $config_msg);
    unset ($config_msg, $config_file);

    return $warnings;

    function db_replace($table, $data, $keyCol)
    global $tables, $db;

    foreach ($data as $key => $val)
    if (substr($tables[$table]['fields'][$key], 0, 1) == 'T')
    $data[$key] = $db->DBDate($val);
    $data[$key] = $db->qstr($val);
    return $db->Replace($tables[$table]['name'], $data, $keyCol, false);

    * Send submit/reject notifications
    * @param mixed $data if type is array it is considered a link associative array; otherwise it is considered a link id
    * @param boolean $update if change owner notification type
    * @author dcb
    function send_status_notifications($data, $update = true)
    global $db, $tables;
    if (DEMO)

    if (is_array ($data))
    $id = $data['ID'];
    $id = $data;
    $data = $db->GetRow("SELECT * FROM `{$tables['link']['name']}` WHERE `ID` = ".$db->qstr($id));

    if ($data['OWNER_NOTIF'] >= 2)
    if ($data['STATUS'] == 0)
    $tid = NTF_REJECT_TPL;
    elseif ($data['STATUS'] == 2)
    $tid = NTF_APPROVE_TPL;

    $sql = "SELECT `SUBJECT`, `BODY` FROM `{$tables['email_tpl']['name']}` WHERE `ID` = ".$db->qstr($tid);
    $tmpl = $db->GetRow($sql);
    if ($tmpl)
    $mail = get_emailer();
    $mail->Body = replace_email_vars($tmpl['BODY'] , $data, 2);
    $mail->Subject = replace_email_vars($tmpl['SUBJECT'], $data, 2);
    if ($data['OWNER_EMAIL'])
    $mail->AddAddress($data['OWNER_EMAIL'], $data['OWNER_NAME']);
    $sent = $mail->Send();
    if ($update)
    $db->Execute("UPDATE `{$tables['link']['name']}` SET `OWNER_NOTIF` = '2' WHERE `ID` = ".$db->qstr($id));

    * Send submit notifications
    * @param mixed $data if type is array it is considered a link associative array; otherwise it is considered a link id
    function send_submit_notifications($data)
    global $db, $tables, $notif_msg;

    if (DEMO)
    return false;

    $sql = "SELECT `SUBJECT`, `BODY` FROM `{$tables['email_tpl']['name']}` WHERE `ID` = ".$db->qstr(NTF_SUBMIT_TPL);
    $tmpl = $db->GetRow($sql);

    if ($tmpl)
    $mail = get_emailer_admin();
    $mail->Body = replace_email_vars($tmpl['BODY'] , $data, 2);
    $mail->Subject = replace_email_vars($tmpl['SUBJECT'], $data, 2);
    $mail->AddAddress($data['OWNER_EMAIL'], $data['OWNER_NAME']);
    $sent = $mail->Send();

    $tmpl = $notif_msg['submit'];

    $admin = $db->GetRow("SELECT `ID`, `NAME`, `EMAIL` FROM `{$tables['user']['name']}` WHERE `ADMIN` = '1' AND `SUBMIT_NOTIF` = '1' LIMIT 1");
    $where = (!empty ($admin['ID']) ? 'AND `ID` != '.$db->qstr($admin['ID']) : '');

    $users = $db->GetAll("SELECT `NAME`, `EMAIL` FROM `{$tables['user']['name']}` WHERE `SUBMIT_NOTIF` = '1' {$where}");

    $mail = get_emailer_admin();
    $mail->Body = replace_email_vars($tmpl['BODY'] , $data, 2);
    $mail->Subject = replace_email_vars($tmpl['SUBJECT'], $data, 2);

    if (!empty ($admin['EMAIL']))
    $mail->AddAddress($admin['EMAIL'], $admin['NAME']);

    if (is_array ($users) && !empty ($users))
    foreach ($users as $user)
    $mail->AddBCC($user['EMAIL'], $user['NAME']);

    $sent = $mail->Send();

    function send_payment_notifications($pdata, $ldata)
    global $db, $tables, $notif_msg;

    if (DEMO)
    return false;

    $pdata['SUCCESS'] = $pdata['CONFIRMED'] ? 'successful' : 'failed';

    $sql = "SELECT `SUBJECT`, `BODY` FROM `{$tables['email_tpl']['name']}` WHERE `ID` = ".$db->qstr(NTF_PAYMENT_TPL);
    $tmpl = $db->GetRow($sql);
    if ($tmpl)
    $mail = get_emailer_admin();
    $body = replace_email_vars($tmpl['BODY'] , $ldata, 2);
    $subject = replace_email_vars($tmpl['SUBJECT'], $ldata, 2);
    $mail->Body = replace_email_vars($body , $pdata, 3);
    $mail->Subject = replace_email_vars($subject , $pdata, 3);
    $mail->AddAddress($data['OWNER_EMAIL'], $data['OWNER_NAME']);
    $sent = $mail->Send();

    $tmpl = $notif_msg['payment'];

    $admin = $db->GetRow("SELECT `ID`, `NAME`, `EMAIL` FROM `{$tables['user']['name']}` WHERE `ADMIN` = '1' AND `SUBMIT_NOTIF` = '1' LIMIT 1");

    $where = (!empty ($admin['ID']) ? 'AND `ID` != '.$db->qstr($admin['ID']) : '');

    $users = $db->GetAll("SELECT `NAME`, `EMAIL` FROM `{$tables['user']['name']}` WHERE `PAYMENT_NOTIF` = '1' {$where}");

    $mail = get_emailer();
    $body = replace_email_vars($tmpl['BODY'] , $ldata, 2);
    $subject = replace_email_vars($tmpl['SUBJECT'], $ldata, 2);
    $mail->Body = replace_email_vars($body , $pdata, 3);
    $mail->Subject = replace_email_vars($subject , $pdata, 3);

    if (!empty ($admin['EMAIL']))
    $mail->AddAddress($admin['EMAIL'], $admin['NAME']);

    if (is_array ($users) && !empty ($users))
    foreach ($users as $user)
    $mail->AddBCC($user['EMAIL'], $user['NAME']);

    $sent = $mail->Send();

    function date_add($timestamp, $months)
    $d = getdate($timestamp);
    $mon = $months % 12;
    $years = $months / 12;
    $mytime = mktime($d['hours'], $d['minutes'], $d['seconds'], $d['mon'] + $mon, 1, $d['year'] + $years);
    $days = min($d['mday'], date('t', $mytime));
    $mytime += ($days -1) * 86400;
    return $mytime;

    function calculate_expiry_date($start, $units, $um)
    switch ($um) {
    case 1 :
    $mul = 1;
    case 2 :
    $mul = 3;
    case 3 :
    $mul = 6;
    case 4 :
    $mul = 12;
    default :
    $mul = 0;
    if ($mul != 0)
    return date_add($start, $units * $mul);
    return 0;

    function update_link_payment($pid, $data, $success, $raw)
    global $db, $tables;

    $pdata = $db->GetRow("SELECT * FROM `{$tables['payment']['name']}` WHERE `ID` = ".$db->qstr($pid));
    if (!$pdata['ID'])
    return false;

    $pdata['NAME'] = $data['name'];
    $pdata['EMAIL'] = $data['email'];
    $pdata['PAYED_TOTAL'] = (int) $data['total'];
    $pdata['PAYED_QUANTITY'] = (float) $data['quantity'];
    $pdata['CONFIRMED'] = ($success ? 1 : 0);
    $pdata['CONFIRM_DATE'] = gmdate ('Y-m-d H:i:s');
    $pdate['RAW_LOG'] = $raw;
    if ((float) $pdata['PAYED_TOTAL'] < (float) $pdata['TOTAL'])
    $pdata['CONFIRMED'] = -1;

    db_replace('payment', $pdata, 'ID');
    $ldata = $db->GetRow("SELECT * FROM `{$tables['link']['name']}` WHERE `ID` = ".$db->qstr($pdata['LINK_ID']));
    send_payment_notifications($pdata, $ldata);
    //Take no action if link not found
    if (!$ldata['ID'])
    return false;

    $ldata['EXPIRY_DATE'] = '';
    if ($pdata['CONFIRMED'] != 1 || (float) $pdata['PAYED_TOTAL'] < (float) $pdata['TOTAL'])
    $ldata['PAYED'] = 0;
    $ldata['PAYED'] = $pdata['ID'];
    $ldata['STATUS'] = 2;
    $exp_date = calculate_expiry_date(time(), $pdata['QUANTITY'], $pdata['UM']);
    if ($exp_date != 0)
    $ldata['EXPIRY_DATE'] = gmdate ('Y-m-d H:i:s', $exp_date);
    db_replace('link', $ldata, 'ID');

    function sprint_r($val)
    $ret = ob_get_contents();
    return $ret;

    function numeric_entify_utf8($utf8_string)
    $out = "";
    $ns = strlen($utf8_string);
    for ($nn = 0; $nn < $ns; $nn ++) {
    $ch = $utf8_string[$nn];
    $ii = ord($ch);
    //1 7 0bbbbbbb (127)
    if ($ii < 128)
    $out .= $ch;
    //2 11 110bbbbb 10bbbbbb (2047)
    if ($ii >> 5 == 6) {
    $b1 = ($ii & 31);
    $nn ++;
    $ch = $utf8_string[$nn];
    $ii = ord($ch);
    $b2 = ($ii & 63);
    $ii = ($b1 * 64) + $b2;
    $ent = sprintf("&#%d;", $ii);
    $out .= $ent;
    //3 16 1110bbbb 10bbbbbb 10bbbbbb
    if ($ii >> 4 == 14) {
    $b1 = ($ii & 31);
    $nn ++;
    $ch = $utf8_string[$nn];
    $ii = ord($ch);
    $b2 = ($ii & 63);
    $nn ++;
    $ch = $utf8_string[$nn];
    $ii = ord($ch);
    $b3 = ($ii & 63);
    $ii = ((($b1 * 64) + $b2) * 64) + $b3;
    $ent = sprintf("&#%d;", $ii);
    $out .= $ent;
    //4 21 11110bbb 10bbbbbb 10bbbbbb 10bbbbbb
    if ($ii >> 3 == 30) {
    $b1 = ($ii & 31);
    $nn ++;
    $ch = $utf8_string[$nn];
    $ii = ord($ch);
    $b2 = ($ii & 63);
    $nn ++;
    $ch = $utf8_string[$nn];
    $ii = ord($ch);
    $b3 = ($ii & 63);
    $nn ++;
    $ch = $utf8_string[$nn];
    $ii = ord($ch);
    $b4 = ($ii & 63);
    $ii = ((((($b1 * 64) + $b2) * 64) + $b3) * 64) + $b4;
    $ent = sprintf("&#%d;", $ii);
    $out .= $ent;
    return $out;

    function xml_utf8_encode($str)
    return numeric_entify_utf8(htmlspecialchars ($str));

    function validate_email_and_add_link($value, $empty, &$params, &$form)
    global $tpl, $tables, $db, $id;

    if ($form['TPL_TYPE'] !=3)
    return true;

    if(!empty ($id))
    return true;
    $sql = "SELECT `ID` FROM `{$tables['email_tpl']['name']}` WHERE `TPL_TYPE` = '3'";
    $c = $db->GetOne($sql);
    if ($c)
    return false;
    return true;

    function validate_not_sub_category($value, $empty, &$params, &$form)
    global $tpl, $tables, $db, $u;

    $category = $value;

    $sql = "SELECT `PARENT_ID` FROM `{$tables['category']['name']}` WHERE `ID` = ".$form['CATEGORY_ID'];
    $category = $db->GetOne($sql);

    if ($category != 0)
    $count_sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `{$tables['user_permission']['name']}` WHERE `USER_ID` = ".$db->qstr($u). " AND (`CATEGORY_ID` = ".$db->qstr($category);

    while ($category != 0)
    $sql = "SELECT `PARENT_ID` FROM `{$tables['category']['name']}` WHERE `ID` = ".$db->qstr($category);
    $category = $db->GetOne($sql);
    if ($category != 0)
    $count_sql .= " OR `CATEGORY_ID` = ".$db->qstr($category);
    $count_sql .= ")";
    $c = $db->GetOne($count_sql);
    $c = 0;

    return ($c == 0 ? 1 : 0);

    function find_child_categories()
    global $tables, $db, $data, $u;

    $child_count = 0;

    $rs = $db->Execute("SELECT `CATEGORY_ID` FROM `{$tables['user_permission']['name']}` WHERE `USER_ID` = ".$db->qstr($u));

    while (!$rs->EOF)
    $row = $rs->FetchRow();

    $category = $row['CATEGORY_ID'];

    while ($category != 0)
    $sql = "SELECT `PARENT_ID` FROM `{$tables['category']['name']}` WHERE `ID` = ".$db->qstr($category);
    $category = $db->GetOne($sql);
    if ($category == $data['CATEGORY_ID'])

    return $child_count;

    function delete_child_categories()
    global $tables, $db, $id, $u;

    $child_count = 0;

    $rs = $db->Execute("SELECT `ID`, `CATEGORY_ID` FROM `{$tables['user_permission']['name']}` WHERE `USER_ID` = ".$db->qstr($u));

    while (!$rs->EOF)
    $row = $rs->FetchRow();

    $category = $row['CATEGORY_ID'];

    while ($category != 0)
    $sql = "SELECT `PARENT_ID` FROM `{$tables['category']['name']}` WHERE `ID` = ".$db->qstr($category);
    $category = $db->GetOne($sql);
    if ($category == $id)
    $db->Execute("DELETE FROM `{$tables['user_permission']['name']}` WHERE `ID` = ".$db->qstr($row['ID']));

    function get_editor_permission($user_id=0)
    global $tables, $db, $user_grant_permission, $user_permission, $user_grant_permission_array, $user_permission_array;

    $all_first_iteration = true;
    $first_iteration = true;

    $rs = $db->Execute("SELECT `CATEGORY_ID` FROM `{$tables['user_permission']['name']}` WHERE `USER_ID` = ".$db->qstr($user_id));

    while (!$rs->EOF)
    $row = $rs->FetchRow();
    if ($all_first_iteration)
    $user_permission = "ID = ".$db->qstr($row['CATEGORY_ID']);
    $all_first_iteration = false;
    $user_permission .= " OR ID = ".$db->qstr($row['CATEGORY_ID']);

    $user_permission_array[] = $row['CATEGORY_ID'];

    $new_sub_categories = get_sub_categories($row['CATEGORY_ID']);

    foreach ($new_sub_categories as $category_id)
    if ($first_iteration)
    $user_grant_permission = "ID = ".$db->qstr($category_id);
    $user_permission .= " OR ID = ".$db->qstr($category_id);
    $first_iteration = false;
    $user_grant_permission .= " || ID = ".$db->qstr($category_id);
    $user_permission .= " OR ID = ".$db->qstr($category_id);
    $user_permission_array[] = $category_id;
    $user_grant_permission_array[] = $category_id;


    function get_sub_categories($id=0)
    global $db, $tables;

    $categs = array ();
    $rs = $db->Execute("SELECT `ID`, `TITLE` FROM `{$tables['category']['name']}` WHERE `PARENT_ID` = ".$db->qstr($id)." ORDER BY `TITLE`");
    while (!$rs->EOF)
    $categs[] = $rs->Fields('ID');
    $categs = array_merge ($categs, get_sub_categories($rs->Fields('ID')));

    return $categs;

    * Build URL rewrite path for a given category ID
    * @param numeric category ID
    * @return Rewritten URL for category
    * @author Constantin Bejenaru / Boby <> (@frozenminds)
    function construct_mod_rewrite_path($cat_id=0)
    global $tables, $db;

    $category = $cat_id;
    $first_iteration = true;

    while ($category != 0)
    //Get category title and add into URL
    $parent_row = $db->GetRow("SELECT `TITLE`, `TITLE_URL` FROM `{$tables['category']['name']}` WHERE `ID` = ". $db->qstr($category));
    if (empty ($parent_row['TITLE_URL']))
    $parent_row['TITLE_URL'] = preg_replace ('`[^\w_-]`', '_', $parent_row['TITLE']);
    $parent_row['TITLE_URL'] = str_replace ('__', '_', $parent_row['TITLE_URL']);
    $mod_rewrite_url = $parent_row['TITLE_URL'];
    $first_iteration = false;
    $mod_rewrite_url = $parent_row['TITLE_URL']."/".$mod_rewrite_url;

    $category = $db->GetOne("SELECT `PARENT_ID` FROM `{$tables['category']['name']}` WHERE `ID` = ".$db->qstr($category));

    $mod_rewrite_url = DOC_ROOT."/{$mod_rewrite_url}";

    return $mod_rewrite_url;

    * Parse URL and return its components
    * @param string The URL to be parsed
    * @return array Submitted URL components
    * @author Constantin Bejenaru / Boby <> (@frozenminds)
    function parseURL($url)
    $url = trim ($url);

    if (empty ($url))
    return false;

    return parse_url ($url);

    * Parse URL and return its domain name
    * @param string The URL to be parsed
    * @return string Domain name of URL
    * @author Constantin Bejenaru / Boby <> (@frozenminds)
    function parseDomain($url)
    $url = trim ($url);

    if (empty ($url))
    return false;

    $output = parseURL($url);

    if (!isset ($output['host']))
    return false;

    $pattern = array ('`^http[s]?:`', '`^ftp:`', '`^mailto:`', '`^www.`', '`^\.`', '`\.$`', '`[^\w\d-\.]`');
    $output['host'] = preg_replace ($pattern, '', $output['host']);

    return $output['host'];

    * [DEBUG] Print an array
    * @author Constantin Bejenaru / Boby <> (@frozenminds)
    function print_array($array)
    echo "<div style=\"text-align:left;\"><pre>";
    print_r ($array);
    echo "</pre></div>";

    * Clean/handle white-space chars or given ressource (array|string)
    * @author Constantin Bejenaru / Boby <> (@frozenminds)
    * @param mixed [array|string]
    * @return mixed [array|string]
    function filter_white_space($ressource)
    if (!empty ($ressource))
    if (is_array ($ressource))
    foreach ($ressource as $key => $value)
    if (is_string ($value))
    $ressource[$key] = clean_str_white_space($value);

    return $ressource;
    elseif (is_string ($ressource))
    $ressource = clean_str_white_space($ressource);
    return $ressource;
    return false;

    * Clean a string of unneeded white-space chars
    * @author Constantin Bejenaru / Boby <> (@frozenminds)
    function clean_str_white_space($string='')
    //Windows to *nix
    $string = str_replace ("\r\n" , "\n" , $string);
    //Mac to *nix
    $string = str_replace ("\r" , "\n" , $string);
    $string = str_replace ("\t" , " " , $string);
    $string = str_replace ("\0" , "" , $string);
    //Vertical TABs
    $string = str_replace ("\x0B" , "" , $string);
    //Multiple white-space chars
    //$string = preg_replace ('#[\s]+#i', ' ' , $string);
    $string = trim ($string);

    return $string;

    * Clean a string of all white-space chars, except simple space only once
    * @author Constantin Bejenaru / Boby <> (@frozenminds)
    * @param string Text to be processed
    * @param string String with which to replace white-space characters
    * @return string clean text
    function strip_white_space($string='', $replace=' ')
    //Remove all kind of white-space chars
    $search = array ( "\n", //*NIX
    "\r", //Mac
    "\r\n", //Windows
    "\t", //Tab
    "\x0B", //Vertical Tab
    "\0" //NULL BYTE
    $string = str_replace ($search, '', $string);

    //Remove multiple white-spaces
    $string = preg_replace ('#[\s]+#i', $replace, $string);

    $string = trim ($string);
    return $string;
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10597323].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author dmammar
    # ################################################## ####################
    # Project: PHPLinkDirectory: Version 2.1.3
    # ************************************************** ********************
    # Copyright (C) 2004-2006 NetCreated, Inc. (NetCreated - Home)
    # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
    # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
    # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
    # of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
    # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    # GNU General Public License for more details.
    # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
    # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
    # ************************************************** ********************
    # For questions, help, comments, discussion, etc., please join the
    # PHP Link Directory Forum PHP Link Directory Forum
    # @link PHP Link Directory Script - Create a directory on your site!
    # @copyright 2004-2007 NetCreated, Inc. (NetCreated - Home)
    # @projectManager David DuVal <>
    # @package PHPLinkDirectory
    # ################################################## ####################

    * Reads the configuration data from the database and sets it as constants
    * @author dcb
    function read_config($db)
    global $tables, $tpl;

    $sql = "SELECT * FROM `{$tables['config']['name']}`";
    $rs = $db->Execute($sql);
    while (!$rs->EOF)
    define ($rs->Fields('ID'), $rs->Fields('VALUE'));
    function gotoUnauthorized($reason, $tplFile='unauthorized.tpl', $returnVal=false)
    global $tpl;

    //Remove request variables
    unset ($_POST, $_GET, $_REQUEST);

    //Provide a reason why access was unautorised
    $tpl->assign('unauthorizedReason', $reason);

    //Clean whitespace
    $tpl->load_filter('output', 'trimwhitespace');

    //Compress output for faster loading
    if (COMPRESS_OUTPUT == 1)
    $tpl->load_filter('output', 'CompressOutput');

    $output = $tpl->fetch($tplFile);

    if ($returnVal)
    return $output;
    echo $output;
    * Creates a Smarty object and sets default values
    * @author dcb
    function get_tpl() {
    $tpl = new IntSmarty('en');
    $tpl->template_dir = INSTALL_PATH.'templates';
    $tpl->compile_dir = INSTALL_PATH.'temp/templates';
    $tpl->cache_dir = INSTALL_PATH.'temp/cache';
    return $tpl;

    * Shortcut function for string translations
    * @param string $str String to translate
    * @return string translated string
    * @author dcb
    function _L($str) {
    global $tpl;
    if (method_exists ($tpl, 'translate'))
    return $tpl->translate($str);
    return $str;

    * Extracts from the global variable $_REQUEST only the values those keys correspond to table column names
    * @param string $table table name
    * @return array associative array
    * @author dcb
    function get_table_data($table) {
    global $tables;
    $data = array ();
    foreach ($tables[$table]['fields'] as $col => $v)
    if (isset ($_REQUEST[$col]))
    $data[$col] = $_REQUEST[$col];
    return $data;

    * Read language files, and get the language
    * @author Constantin Bejenaru / Boby <> (@frozenminds)
    function select_lang($dirname = '../lang/')
    $lang = array ();
    $files = array ();

    // Get language files of directory
    $extension = "php";
    $extension = str_replace (" ", "", $extension);
    $ext = explode (",", $extension);
    if ($handle = @ opendir ($dirname))
    while (false !== ($file = readdir ($handle)))
    for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof ($ext);$i++)
    if (strstr ($file, ".".$ext[$i]) && stristr ($file, '~') === false && !empty ($ext[$i]))
    $files[] = $file;
    @ closedir ($handle);

    //Select needed file info
    foreach ($files as $key => $f)
    if (is_readable ($dirname.$f))
    $lang_file_info = language_file_data($dirname.$f);
    $arr_key = substr ($f, 0, -4);
    if (isset ($lang_file_info['LANGUAGE']) && !empty ($lang_file_info['LANGUAGE']))
    $lang[$arr_key] = ucfirst ($lang_file_info['LANGUAGE']);
    $lang[$arr_key] = ucfirst (substr ($f, 0, -4));
    unset ($f);

    unset ($file,$files, $dirname, $ext, $extension, $handle, $language, $i, $key, $arr_key, $f);
    natcasesort ($lang);

    return $lang;

    * Get information of language filesize
    * @author Constantin Bejenaru / Boby <> (@frozenminds)
    function language_file_data($lang_file)
    $lang_file = implode ('', file ($lang_file));

    preg_match ("|Language.*)|i" , $lang_file, $lang );
    preg_match ("|Language File Author.*)|i" , $lang_file, $author_name);
    preg_match ("|Language File Author URL.*)|i", $lang_file, $author_URL );

    /* Remove unused vars and clean the information we get */
    unset ($lang_file,$lang[0],$author_name[0],$author_URL[0]);
    $lang[1] = $lang[1];
    $author_name[1] = $author_name[1];
    $author_URL[1] = $author_URL[1];

    return array ('LANGUAGE' => $lang[1], 'AUTHOR_NAME' => $author_name[1], 'AUTHOR_URL' => $author_URL[1]);

    * Encode a password using "sha1" or "md5" depending on PHP version
    * @author Constantin Bejenaru / Boby <> (@frozenminds)
    function encrypt_password($password='')
    if (empty($password))
    return false;

    if (version_compare (phpversion(), "4.3.0", ">=") && function_exists ('sha1'))
    return "{sha1}".sha1($password);
    return "{md5}".md5($password);

    function get_categs_tree($id=0)
    global $db, $tables;
    static $categs = array ("0" => "[Top]");
    static $level = 0;
    $rs = $db->Execute("SELECT `ID`, `TITLE` FROM `{$tables['category']['name']}` WHERE `STATUS` = '2' AND `PARENT_ID` = ".$db->qstr($id)." AND `SYMBOLIC` <> 1 ORDER BY `TITLE`");

    while (!$rs->EOF)
    if (empty($_SESSION['user_id']) ||$_SESSION['is_admin'])
    $categs[$rs->Fields('ID')] = str_repeat('|&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;', $level -1).'|___'.$rs->Fields('TITLE');
    if (in_array($rs->Fields('ID'),$_SESSION['user_permission_array']))
    $categs[$rs->Fields('ID')] = str_repeat('|&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;', $level -1).'|___'.$rs->Fields('TITLE');
    return $categs;

    function get_grant_categs_tree($id=0)
    global $db, $tables;
    static $categs = array ("0" => "[Top]");
    static $level = 0;
    $rs = $db->Execute("SELECT `ID`, `TITLE` FROM `{$tables['category']['name']}` WHERE `PARENT_ID` = ".$db->qstr($id)." AND `SYMBOLIC` <> 1 ORDER BY `TITLE`");

    while (!$rs->EOF)
    if ($_SESSION['is_admin'])
    $categs[$rs->Fields('ID')] = str_repeat ('|&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;', $level -1).'|___'.$rs->Fields('TITLE');
    if (in_array ($rs->Fields('ID'), $_SESSION['user_grant_permission_array']))
    $categs[$rs->Fields('ID')] = str_repeat ('|&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;', $level -1).'|___'.$rs->Fields('TITLE');


    return $categs;

    * Get visitor/client IP address
    * @author Constantin Bejenaru / Boby <> (@frozenminds)
    function get_client_ip() {
    //Regular expression pattern for a valid IP address
    $ip_regexp = "/^([0-9]{1,3})\.([0-9]{1,3})\.([0-9]{1,3})\.([0-9]{1,3})/";

    //Retrieve IP address from which the user is viewing the current page

    //Clean IP address
    $visitorIP = preg_replace ($ip_regexp, "\\1.\\2.\\3.\\4", $visitorIP);

    return $visitorIP;

    function get_page($list_total) {
    if (!isset ($_SESSION['p']))
    $_SESSION['p'] = array ();
    $page = isset ($_REQUEST['p']) ? $_REQUEST['p'] : (isset ($_SESSION[SCRIPT_NAME]['p']) ? $_SESSION[SCRIPT_NAME]['p'] : 1);
    if (($page -1) > ($list_total / LINKS_PER_PAGE))
    $page = floor($list_total / LINKS_PER_PAGE) + 1;
    $_SESSION[SCRIPT_NAME]['p'] = $page;
    $_REQUEST['p'] = $page;
    return $page;

    function request_uri() {
    if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])
    return $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];

    return $_SERVER['HTTP_X_REWRITE_URL'];
    $p = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'];
    $p .= '?'.$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'];
    return $p;

    function get_category($uri = NULL) {
    global $db, $tables;

    if ($uri != NULL)
    $uri = parse_url($uri);
    $query = $uri['query'];
    $path = $uri['path'];
    parse_str($query, $vars);
    if (isset ($vars['c']))
    $cid = $vars['c'];
    if (isset ($_REQUEST['c']))
    $cid = $_REQUEST['c'];
    $path = request_uri();
    $id = 0;

    if (ENABLE_REWRITE && !isset ($cid))
    $path = substr ($path, strlen(DOC_ROOT) + 1);
    $qp = strpos ($path, '?');
    if ($qp !== false)
    $path = substr ($path, 0, $qp);
    $path = split ('/', $path);
    $id = 0;
    foreach ($path as $cat)
    if (!empty ($cat))
    $id = $db->GetOne("SELECT `ID` FROM `{$tables['category']['name']}` WHERE `STATUS` = '2' AND `TITLE_URL` = ".$db->qstr($cat)." AND `PARENT_ID` = ".$db->qstr($id));
    elseif (preg_match('`[\d]+`', $cid)) {
    $id = $db->GetOne("SELECT `ID` FROM `{$tables['category']['name']}` WHERE `STATUS` = '2' AND `ID` = ".$db->qstr($cid));

    return ($id ? $id : '0');
    function get_path($id) {
    global $db, $tables;
    $path = array ();
    $i = 0;
    while ($id != 0 && $i < 100)
    $row = $db->GetRow("SELECT * FROM `{$tables['category']['name']}` WHERE `ID` = ".$db->qstr($id));
    $id = $row['PARENT_ID'];
    $path[] = $row;
    $i ++;
    $path[] = array ('ID' => '0', 'TITLE' => _L(SITE_NAME), 'TITLE_URL' => DOC_ROOT, 'DESCRIPTION' => SITE_DESC);
    return array_reverse($path);

    function validate_link($url)
    $ret = get_url($url, URL_HEADERS);
    return array ($ret['status'] ? 2 : 0, ($ret['status'] || $ret['code']) ? $ret['response'] : $ret['error']);

    function validate_captcha($value, $empty, &$params, &$form)
    require_once 'libs/captcha/captcha.class.php';

    return isset ($_SESSION['CAPTCHA']) && strtolower ($_SESSION['CAPTCHA']) == strtolower ($value);

    * !! DEPRECATED !!
    * If you have updated from any prior version
    * please disable link ID feature from admin panel
    function init_submission()
    $_SESSION['RECPR_ID'] = mt_rand (0, 0xFFFFFF);

    function validate_url_online($value, $empty, & $params, & $form)
    $ret = get_url($value, URL_HEADERS);
    return $ret['status'] ? 1 : 0;

    function validate_recpr_link($value, $empty, &$params, &$form)
    global $tpl;

    if ($empty && empty ($value))
    return 1;

    $ret = check_recpr_link($form);
    if (empty ($ret))
    return 0;

    return 1;

    * Check if reciprocal link page has a valid reciprocal link
    * @author Constantin Bejenaru / Boby <> (@frozenminds)
    function check_recpr_link($data)
    $data['RECPR_URL'] = trim ($data['RECPR_URL']);

    if (empty ($data['RECPR_URL']))
    return -1;

    $ret = get_url($data['RECPR_URL'], URL_CONTENT);

    if (!isset ($ret['content']) || empty ($ret['content']))
    return -1;
    //Look for reciprocal in any link tag
    preg_match_all ("`<(\s*)a([^>]*)".parseDomain(SITE_URL)."([^>]*)>(.*)<\/a>`Ui", $ret['content'], $matches);

    //First check if matches array was created
    if (!is_array ($matches) || empty ($matches))
    return 0;

    //Set internal pointer of array
    //to its first element
    reset ($matches);

    //Check if URL exists
    if (!is_array ($matches[key ($matches)]) || empty ($matches[key ($matches)]))
    return 0;

    //Check for nofollow
    foreach ($matches as $m => $match)
    foreach ($match as $key => $value)
    //If anything nofollow is found validation fails
    if (preg_match ('`rel[\s]*=[\s]*("|\')?[\s]*nofollow[\s]*("|\')`Ui', $value))
    return 0;
    unset ($match[$key]);
    unset ($matches[$m]);
    unset ($matches, $ret);
    return 1;

    define ('URL_RESPONSE', 0);
    define ('URL_HEADERS' , 1);
    define ('URL_CONTENT' , 2);

    function get_url($url, $what = 0, $referer = "", $cookies = array (), $useragent = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)")
    static $redirect_count = 0;
    $ret = array ();
    $ret['status'] = false;
    $timeout = 10;
    $urlArray = parse_url ($url);
    if (!$urlArray['port'])
    if ($urlArray['scheme'] == 'http')
    $urlArray['port'] = 80;
    elseif ($urlArray['scheme'] == 'https')
    $urlArray['port'] = 443;
    elseif ($urlArray['scheme'] == 'ftp')
    $urlArray['port'] = 21;
    if (!$urlArray['path'])
    $urlArray['path'] = '/';

    $errno = "";
    $errstr = "";
    $fp = @ fsockopen ($urlArray['host'].'.', $urlArray['port'], $errno, $errstr, $timeout);
    if ($fp)
    $request = "GET {$urlArray['path']}";
    if (!empty ($urlArray['query']))
    $request .= "?".$urlArray['query'];

    $request .= " HTTP/1.1\r\n"."Host: {$urlArray['host']}\r\n"."User-Agent: {$useragent}\r\n";
    if (!empty ($referer))
    $request .= "Referer: $referer\r\n";
    $request .= "Accept: text/xml,application/xml,application/xhtml+xml,text/html;q=0.9,text/plain;q=0.8,video/x-mng,image/png,image/jpeg,image/gif;q=0.2,text/css,*/*;q=0.1\r\n"."Accept-Language: en-us, en;q=0.50\r\n".
    #"Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, compress;q=0.9\r\n".
    //"Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1, utf-8;q=0.66, *;q=0.66\r\n".
    #"Keep-Alive: 300\r\n".
    "Connection: close\r\n"."Cache-Control: max-age=0\r\n";
    foreach ($cookies as $k => $v)
    $request .= "Cookie: {$k}={$v}\r\n";

    $request .= "\r\n";
    @ fputs ($fp, $request);
    $ret['response'] = fgets($fp);
    if (preg_match ("`HTTP/1\.. (.*) (.*)`U", $ret['response'], $parts))
    $ret['status'] = $parts[1][0] == '2' || $parts[1][0] == '3';
    $ret['code'] = $parts[1];
    if ($what == URL_RESPONSE || !$ret['status'])
    @ fclose ($fp);
    return $ret;
    $ret['headers'] = array ();
    $ret['cookies'] = array ();
    while (!feof ($fp))
    $header = @ fgets ($fp, 2048);
    if ($header == "\r\n" || $header == "\n" || $header == "\n\l")
    list ($key, $value) = split(':', $header, 2);
    if (trim ($key) == 'Set-Cookie')
    $value = trim ($value);
    $p1 = strpos ($value, '=');
    $p2 = strpos ($value, ';');
    $key = substr ($value, 0, $p1);
    $val = substr ($value, $p1 + 1, $p2 - $p1 - 1);
    $ret['cookies'][$key] = $val;
    $ret['headers'][trim ($key)] = trim ($value);
    if (($ret['code'] == '301' || $ret['code'] == '302') && !empty ($ret['headers']['Location']) && $redirect_count < 20)
    $redirect_count ++;
    @ fclose ($fp);
    if (strpos ($ret['headers']['Location'], 'http://') === 0 || strpos ($ret['headers']['Location'], 'http://'))
    $redir_url = $ret['headers']['Location'];
    elseif (strpos ($ret['headers']['Location'], '/') === 0)
    $redir_url = $urlArray['scheme']."://".$urlArray[host].$ret['headers']['Location'];
    $redir_url = $urlArray['scheme']."://".$urlArray[host].$urlArray[path].$ret['headers']['Location'];

    return get_url($redir_url, $what, $url, $ret['cookies']);
    $redirect_count = 0;
    if($what == URL_HEADERS)
    @ fclose ($fp);
    return $ret;
    $chunked = isset ($ret['headers']['Transfer-Encoding']) && ('chunked' == $ret['headers']['Transfer-Encoding']);
    while (!feof ($fp))
    $data = '';
    if ($chunked)
    $line = @ fgets ($fp, 128);
    if (preg_match ('/^([0-9a-f]+)/i', $line, $matches))
    $len = hexdec ($matches[1]);
    if (0 == $len)
    while (!feof ($fp))
    @ fread ($fp, 4096);
    $data = @ fread ($fp, $len);
    $data = @ fread ($fp, 4096);

    $ret['content'] .= $data;
    $errstr = "Bad Communication";

    @ fclose ($fp);
    else { // Occurs when if ($fp) returns false
    $ret['error'] = $errstr;

    return $ret;

    function parse_news($str)
    $str = str_replace ("\r\n", "\n", $str);
    $str = str_replace ("\r", "\n", $str);
    $str = split ("\n", $str);
    $news = array ();
    $len = count ($str);
    $i = 0;
    while ($i < $len)
    if ($str[$i] == '')
    $i ++;
    $n = array ();
    $n['title'] = $str[$i ++];
    $n['date'] = $str[$i ++];
    while ($i < $len &&$str[$i] != '')
    $n['body'] .= $str[$i ++]."\n";
    $news[] = $n;
    $i ++;
    return $news;

    function check_allowed_feat($CategID=0)
    global $db, $tables;

    if (empty ($CategID))
    return 0;

    $count = $db->GetOne("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `{$tables['link']['name']}` WHERE `STATUS` = '2' AND `FEATURED` = '1' AND `CATEGORY_ID` = ".$db->qstr($CategID));

    return ($count >= FTR_MAX_LINKS ? 0 : 1);

    function validate_unique($value, $empty, &$params, &$form)
    return check_unique($params['field2'], $params['field'], $value, $params['field3'], $params['field4'], $form[$params['field4']], $params['field5'], $params['field6']);

    * SmartyValidate function for URL unique test
    * @author Constantin Bejenaru / Boby <> (@frozenminds)
    function validateUrlUnique($value, $empty, &$params, &$form)
    return checkUrlUnique($params['field2'], $params['field'], $value, $params['field3'], $params['field4'], $form[$params['field4']], $params['field5'], $params['field6']);

    * Check if URL is unique
    * @author Constantin Bejenaru / Boby <> (@frozenminds)
    function checkUrlUnique($table, $field, $value, $exclude_id = NULL, $parent_field = NULL, $parent_value = NULL, $exclude_from_field = NULL, $exclude_value = NULL)
    global $tables, $db;

    //Use only domain
    $value = parseDomain($value);

    if (empty ($value))
    return 0;

    $sql = "SELECT `URL` FROM `".$tables[$table]['name']."` WHERE `".$field."` LIKE ".$db->qstr('%'.$value.'%');
    if (strlen ($exclude_id) > 0)
    $sql .= " AND `ID` != ".$db->qstr($exclude_id);

    if (!empty ($parent_field))
    $sql .= " AND `".$parent_field."` = ".$db->qstr($parent_value);

    if (!empty ($exclude_from_field) && !empty ($exclude_value))
    $sql .= " AND `".$exclude_from_field."` != ".$db->qstr($exclude_value);

    //Retrieve simmilar URLs from DB
    $simmilarURLs = $db->GetCol($sql);

    if (!is_array ($simmilarURLs) || empty ($simmilarURLs))
    //No simmilar URLs found
    return 1;
    //Loop through each simmilar URL and compare
    foreach ($simmilarURLs as $key => $dbURL)
    //Get only domain
    $dbURL = parseDomain($dbURL);

    //Check if domains match
    if (preg_match ('#^'.$value.'$#i', $dbURL))
    //Domains matched
    return 0;

    //Free some memory
    unset ($simmilarURLs[$key], $dbURL);

    return 1;

    function check_unique($table, $field, $value, $exclude_id = NULL, $parent_field = NULL, $parent_value = NULL, $exclude_from_field = NULL, $exclude_value = NULL)
    global $tables, $db;
    $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `{$tables[$table]['name']}` WHERE `{$field}` = ".$db->qstr($value);
    if (strlen ($exclude_id) > 0)
    $sql .= " AND `ID` != ".$db->qstr($exclude_id);

    if (!empty ($parent_field))
    $sql .= " AND `".$parent_field."` = ".$db->qstr($parent_value);

    if (!empty ($exclude_from_field) && !empty ($exclude_value))
    $sql .= " AND `".$exclude_from_field."` != ".$db->qstr($exclude_value);

    $c = $db->GetOne($sql);

    return ($c == 0 ? 1 : 0);

    function validate_symbolic_unique($value, $empty, &$params, &$form)
    global $tpl, $tables, $db, $id;
    $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `{$tables['category']['name']}` WHERE `SYMBOLIC_ID` = ".$db->qstr($value)." AND `PARENT_ID` = " .$db->qstr($form['PARENT_ID']);
    if ($id > 0)
    $sql .= " AND ID <> ".$id;

    $c = $db->GetOne($sql);

    return ($c == 0 ? 1 : 0);

    function validate_symbolic_parent($value, $empty, &$params, &$form)
    global $tpl, $tables, $db;
    $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `{$tables['category']['name']}` WHERE `ID` = ".$db->qstr($value)." AND `PARENT_ID` = ".$db->qstr($form['PARENT_ID']);
    $c = $db->GetOne($sql);

    return ($c == 0 ? 1 : 0);

    function validate_not_equal($value, $empty, &$params, &$form)
    return $value != $params['field2'];

    function validate_not_equal_var($value, $empty, &$params, &$form)
    return $value != $form[$params['field2']];

    function parse_version($val)
    preg_match('`(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\s*((RC)(\d+))?`', $val, $match);
    $ver = sprintf("%02d%02d%02d%02d", $match[1], $match[2], $match[3], $match[6]);

    return $ver;

    if (!function_exists ('file_get_contents'))
    function file_get_contents ($fn)
    $len = filesize ($fn);
    return false;

    $fp = @ fopen ($fn, 'r');
    if ($fp)
    return @ fread ($fp, $len);
    return false;

    function set_log($file)
    @ ini_set ('display_errors', 0);
    @ ini_set ('log_errors', 1);
    @ ini_set ('error_log', INSTALL_PATH.'temp/'.$file);
    error_reporting (E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE);

    function replace_email_vars($text, $data, $type = 1)
    if ($type == 1)
    $prefix = 'EMAIL_';
    elseif ($type == 2)
    $prefix = 'LINK_';
    elseif ($type == 3)
    $prefix = 'PAYMENT_';

    $text = str_replace('{MY_SITE_NAME}', SITE_NAME, $text);
    $text = str_replace('{MY_SITE_URL}' , SITE_URL , $text);
    $text = str_replace('{MY_SITE_DESC}', SITE_DESC, $text);

    foreach ($data as $k => $v)
    $text = str_replace("{".$prefix.$k."}", $v, $text);

    return trim ($text);

    function get_emailer()
    global $db, $tables;

    if (!empty ($_SESSION['user_id']))
    $where = "`ID` = ".$db->qstr($_SESSION['user_id']);
    $where = "`LEVEL` = '1'";


    $user_info = $db->GetRow($sql);

    require_once 'libs/phpmailer/class.phpmailer.php';

    $mail = new PHPMailer();
    $mail->PluginDir = 'libs/phpmailer/';
    $mail->From = $user_info['EMAIL'];
    $mail->FromName = $user_info['NAME'];
    $mail->Mailer = EMAIL_METHOD;

    unset ($user_info, $sql);

    switch (EMAIL_METHOD)
    case 'smtp' :
    $mail->Host = EMAIL_SERVER;
    if (strlen (EMAIL_USER) > 0)
    $mail->SMTPAuth = true;
    $mail->Username = EMAIL_USER;
    $mail->Password = EMAIL_PASS;
    case 'sendmail' :
    $mail->Sendmail = EMAIL_SENDMAIL;
    return $mail;

    function get_emailer_admin()
    global $tables, $db;


    $user_info = $db->GetRow($sql);

    require_once 'libs/phpmailer/class.phpmailer.php';

    $mail = new PHPMailer();
    $mail->PluginDir = 'libs/phpmailer/';
    $mail->From = $user_info['EMAIL'];
    $mail->FromName = $user_info['NAME'];
    $mail->Sender = $user_info['EMAIL'];
    $mail->Mailer = EMAIL_METHOD;

    unset ($user_info, $sql);

    switch (EMAIL_METHOD)
    case 'smtp':
    $mail->Host = EMAIL_SERVER;
    if (strlen (EMAIL_USER) > 0)
    $mail->SMTPAuth = true;
    $mail->Username = EMAIL_USER;
    $mail->Password = EMAIL_PASS;
    case 'sendmail':
    $mail->Sendmail = EMAIL_SENDMAIL;
    return $mail;

    function format_email($address, $name)
    $name = trim ($name);
    $address = trim ($address);
    if ($name)
    return "{$name} <{$address}>";

    return $address;

    * Check if installer and config file do not poses security risks
    * @author Constantin Bejenaru / Boby <> (@frozenminds)
    function install_security_check()
    $warnings = array ();

    //Check if installer is still available
    $installer = 'install/index.php';
    if (is_file (INSTALL_PATH.$installer))
    $installer_msg = _L('Installer is still available. This poses a major security risk, please remove ##INSTALLER## file immediately!');
    $warnings[] = str_replace('##INSTALLER##', '<strong><em>'.trim ($installer).'</em></strong>', $installer_msg);
    unset ($installer_msg, $installer);

    //Check if config file is still writeable
    $config_file = 'include/config.php';
    if (is_writable (INSTALL_PATH.$config_file))
    @ chmod ($config_file, 0755);

    if (is_writable (INSTALL_PATH.$config_file))
    $config_msg = _L('Configuration file is still writeable by the user the webserver runs under. This poses a major security risk, please drop writing permissions for ##CONFIGFILE## file immediately!');
    $warnings[] = str_replace('##CONFIGFILE##', '<strong><em>'.trim ($config_file).'</em></strong>', $config_msg);
    unset ($config_msg, $config_file);

    return $warnings;

    function db_replace($table, $data, $keyCol)
    global $tables, $db;

    foreach ($data as $key => $val)
    if (substr($tables[$table]['fields'][$key], 0, 1) == 'T')
    $data[$key] = $db->DBDate($val);
    $data[$key] = $db->qstr($val);
    return $db->Replace($tables[$table]['name'], $data, $keyCol, false);

    * Send submit/reject notifications
    * @param mixed $data if type is array it is considered a link associative array; otherwise it is considered a link id
    * @param boolean $update if change owner notification type
    * @author dcb
    function send_status_notifications($data, $update = true)
    global $db, $tables;
    if (DEMO)

    if (is_array ($data))
    $id = $data['ID'];
    $id = $data;
    $data = $db->GetRow("SELECT * FROM `{$tables['link']['name']}` WHERE `ID` = ".$db->qstr($id));

    if ($data['OWNER_NOTIF'] >= 2)
    if ($data['STATUS'] == 0)
    $tid = NTF_REJECT_TPL;
    elseif ($data['STATUS'] == 2)
    $tid = NTF_APPROVE_TPL;

    $sql = "SELECT `SUBJECT`, `BODY` FROM `{$tables['email_tpl']['name']}` WHERE `ID` = ".$db->qstr($tid);
    $tmpl = $db->GetRow($sql);
    if ($tmpl)
    $mail = get_emailer();
    $mail->Body = replace_email_vars($tmpl['BODY'] , $data, 2);
    $mail->Subject = replace_email_vars($tmpl['SUBJECT'], $data, 2);
    if ($data['OWNER_EMAIL'])
    $mail->AddAddress($data['OWNER_EMAIL'], $data['OWNER_NAME']);
    $sent = $mail->Send();
    if ($update)
    $db->Execute("UPDATE `{$tables['link']['name']}` SET `OWNER_NOTIF` = '2' WHERE `ID` = ".$db->qstr($id));

    * Send submit notifications
    * @param mixed $data if type is array it is considered a link associative array; otherwise it is considered a link id
    function send_submit_notifications($data)
    global $db, $tables, $notif_msg;

    if (DEMO)
    return false;

    $sql = "SELECT `SUBJECT`, `BODY` FROM `{$tables['email_tpl']['name']}` WHERE `ID` = ".$db->qstr(NTF_SUBMIT_TPL);
    $tmpl = $db->GetRow($sql);

    if ($tmpl)
    $mail = get_emailer_admin();
    $mail->Body = replace_email_vars($tmpl['BODY'] , $data, 2);
    $mail->Subject = replace_email_vars($tmpl['SUBJECT'], $data, 2);
    $mail->AddAddress($data['OWNER_EMAIL'], $data['OWNER_NAME']);
    $sent = $mail->Send();

    $tmpl = $notif_msg['submit'];

    $admin = $db->GetRow("SELECT `ID`, `NAME`, `EMAIL` FROM `{$tables['user']['name']}` WHERE `ADMIN` = '1' AND `SUBMIT_NOTIF` = '1' LIMIT 1");
    $where = (!empty ($admin['ID']) ? 'AND `ID` != '.$db->qstr($admin['ID']) : '');

    $users = $db->GetAll("SELECT `NAME`, `EMAIL` FROM `{$tables['user']['name']}` WHERE `SUBMIT_NOTIF` = '1' {$where}");

    $mail = get_emailer_admin();
    $mail->Body = replace_email_vars($tmpl['BODY'] , $data, 2);
    $mail->Subject = replace_email_vars($tmpl['SUBJECT'], $data, 2);

    if (!empty ($admin['EMAIL']))
    $mail->AddAddress($admin['EMAIL'], $admin['NAME']);

    if (is_array ($users) && !empty ($users))
    foreach ($users as $user)
    $mail->AddBCC($user['EMAIL'], $user['NAME']);

    $sent = $mail->Send();

    function send_payment_notifications($pdata, $ldata)
    global $db, $tables, $notif_msg;

    if (DEMO)
    return false;

    $pdata['SUCCESS'] = $pdata['CONFIRMED'] ? 'successful' : 'failed';

    $sql = "SELECT `SUBJECT`, `BODY` FROM `{$tables['email_tpl']['name']}` WHERE `ID` = ".$db->qstr(NTF_PAYMENT_TPL);
    $tmpl = $db->GetRow($sql);
    if ($tmpl)
    $mail = get_emailer_admin();
    $body = replace_email_vars($tmpl['BODY'] , $ldata, 2);
    $subject = replace_email_vars($tmpl['SUBJECT'], $ldata, 2);
    $mail->Body = replace_email_vars($body , $pdata, 3);
    $mail->Subject = replace_email_vars($subject , $pdata, 3);
    $mail->AddAddress($data['OWNER_EMAIL'], $data['OWNER_NAME']);
    $sent = $mail->Send();

    $tmpl = $notif_msg['payment'];

    $admin = $db->GetRow("SELECT `ID`, `NAME`, `EMAIL` FROM `{$tables['user']['name']}` WHERE `ADMIN` = '1' AND `SUBMIT_NOTIF` = '1' LIMIT 1");

    $where = (!empty ($admin['ID']) ? 'AND `ID` != '.$db->qstr($admin['ID']) : '');

    $users = $db->GetAll("SELECT `NAME`, `EMAIL` FROM `{$tables['user']['name']}` WHERE `PAYMENT_NOTIF` = '1' {$where}");

    $mail = get_emailer();
    $body = replace_email_vars($tmpl['BODY'] , $ldata, 2);
    $subject = replace_email_vars($tmpl['SUBJECT'], $ldata, 2);
    $mail->Body = replace_email_vars($body , $pdata, 3);
    $mail->Subject = replace_email_vars($subject , $pdata, 3);

    if (!empty ($admin['EMAIL']))
    $mail->AddAddress($admin['EMAIL'], $admin['NAME']);

    if (is_array ($users) && !empty ($users))
    foreach ($users as $user)
    $mail->AddBCC($user['EMAIL'], $user['NAME']);

    $sent = $mail->Send();

    function date_add($timestamp, $months)
    $d = getdate($timestamp);
    $mon = $months % 12;
    $years = $months / 12;
    $mytime = mktime($d['hours'], $d['minutes'], $d['seconds'], $d['mon'] + $mon, 1, $d['year'] + $years);
    $days = min($d['mday'], date('t', $mytime));
    $mytime += ($days -1) * 86400;
    return $mytime;

    function calculate_expiry_date($start, $units, $um)
    switch ($um) {
    case 1 :
    $mul = 1;
    case 2 :
    $mul = 3;
    case 3 :
    $mul = 6;
    case 4 :
    $mul = 12;
    default :
    $mul = 0;
    if ($mul != 0)
    return date_add($start, $units * $mul);
    return 0;

    function update_link_payment($pid, $data, $success, $raw)
    global $db, $tables;

    $pdata = $db->GetRow("SELECT * FROM `{$tables['payment']['name']}` WHERE `ID` = ".$db->qstr($pid));
    if (!$pdata['ID'])
    return false;

    $pdata['NAME'] = $data['name'];
    $pdata['EMAIL'] = $data['email'];
    $pdata['PAYED_TOTAL'] = (int) $data['total'];
    $pdata['PAYED_QUANTITY'] = (float) $data['quantity'];
    $pdata['CONFIRMED'] = ($success ? 1 : 0);
    $pdata['CONFIRM_DATE'] = gmdate ('Y-m-d H:i:s');
    $pdate['RAW_LOG'] = $raw;
    if ((float) $pdata['PAYED_TOTAL'] < (float) $pdata['TOTAL'])
    $pdata['CONFIRMED'] = -1;

    db_replace('payment', $pdata, 'ID');
    $ldata = $db->GetRow("SELECT * FROM `{$tables['link']['name']}` WHERE `ID` = ".$db->qstr($pdata['LINK_ID']));
    send_payment_notifications($pdata, $ldata);
    //Take no action if link not found
    if (!$ldata['ID'])
    return false;

    $ldata['EXPIRY_DATE'] = '';
    if ($pdata['CONFIRMED'] != 1 || (float) $pdata['PAYED_TOTAL'] < (float) $pdata['TOTAL'])
    $ldata['PAYED'] = 0;
    $ldata['PAYED'] = $pdata['ID'];
    $ldata['STATUS'] = 2;
    $exp_date = calculate_expiry_date(time(), $pdata['QUANTITY'], $pdata['UM']);
    if ($exp_date != 0)
    $ldata['EXPIRY_DATE'] = gmdate ('Y-m-d H:i:s', $exp_date);
    db_replace('link', $ldata, 'ID');

    function sprint_r($val)
    $ret = ob_get_contents();
    return $ret;

    function numeric_entify_utf8($utf8_string)
    $out = "";
    $ns = strlen($utf8_string);
    for ($nn = 0; $nn < $ns; $nn ++) {
    $ch = $utf8_string[$nn];
    $ii = ord($ch);
    //1 7 0bbbbbbb (127)
    if ($ii < 128)
    $out .= $ch;
    //2 11 110bbbbb 10bbbbbb (2047)
    if ($ii >> 5 == 6) {
    $b1 = ($ii & 31);
    $nn ++;
    $ch = $utf8_string[$nn];
    $ii = ord($ch);
    $b2 = ($ii & 63);
    $ii = ($b1 * 64) + $b2;
    $ent = sprintf("&#%d;", $ii);
    $out .= $ent;
    //3 16 1110bbbb 10bbbbbb 10bbbbbb
    if ($ii >> 4 == 14) {
    $b1 = ($ii & 31);
    $nn ++;
    $ch = $utf8_string[$nn];
    $ii = ord($ch);
    $b2 = ($ii & 63);
    $nn ++;
    $ch = $utf8_string[$nn];
    $ii = ord($ch);
    $b3 = ($ii & 63);
    $ii = ((($b1 * 64) + $b2) * 64) + $b3;
    $ent = sprintf("&#%d;", $ii);
    $out .= $ent;
    //4 21 11110bbb 10bbbbbb 10bbbbbb 10bbbbbb
    if ($ii >> 3 == 30) {
    $b1 = ($ii & 31);
    $nn ++;
    $ch = $utf8_string[$nn];
    $ii = ord($ch);
    $b2 = ($ii & 63);
    $nn ++;
    $ch = $utf8_string[$nn];
    $ii = ord($ch);
    $b3 = ($ii & 63);
    $nn ++;
    $ch = $utf8_string[$nn];
    $ii = ord($ch);
    $b4 = ($ii & 63);
    $ii = ((((($b1 * 64) + $b2) * 64) + $b3) * 64) + $b4;
    $ent = sprintf("&#%d;", $ii);
    $out .= $ent;
    return $out;

    function xml_utf8_encode($str)
    return numeric_entify_utf8(htmlspecialchars ($str));

    function validate_email_and_add_link($value, $empty, &$params, &$form)
    global $tpl, $tables, $db, $id;

    if ($form['TPL_TYPE'] !=3)
    return true;

    if(!empty ($id))
    return true;
    $sql = "SELECT `ID` FROM `{$tables['email_tpl']['name']}` WHERE `TPL_TYPE` = '3'";
    $c = $db->GetOne($sql);
    if ($c)
    return false;
    return true;

    function validate_not_sub_category($value, $empty, &$params, &$form)
    global $tpl, $tables, $db, $u;

    $category = $value;

    $sql = "SELECT `PARENT_ID` FROM `{$tables['category']['name']}` WHERE `ID` = ".$form['CATEGORY_ID'];
    $category = $db->GetOne($sql);

    if ($category != 0)
    $count_sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `{$tables['user_permission']['name']}` WHERE `USER_ID` = ".$db->qstr($u). " AND (`CATEGORY_ID` = ".$db->qstr($category);

    while ($category != 0)
    $sql = "SELECT `PARENT_ID` FROM `{$tables['category']['name']}` WHERE `ID` = ".$db->qstr($category);
    $category = $db->GetOne($sql);
    if ($category != 0)
    $count_sql .= " OR `CATEGORY_ID` = ".$db->qstr($category);
    $count_sql .= ")";
    $c = $db->GetOne($count_sql);
    $c = 0;

    return ($c == 0 ? 1 : 0);

    function find_child_categories()
    global $tables, $db, $data, $u;

    $child_count = 0;

    $rs = $db->Execute("SELECT `CATEGORY_ID` FROM `{$tables['user_permission']['name']}` WHERE `USER_ID` = ".$db->qstr($u));

    while (!$rs->EOF)
    $row = $rs->FetchRow();

    $category = $row['CATEGORY_ID'];

    while ($category != 0)
    $sql = "SELECT `PARENT_ID` FROM `{$tables['category']['name']}` WHERE `ID` = ".$db->qstr($category);
    $category = $db->GetOne($sql);
    if ($category == $data['CATEGORY_ID'])

    return $child_count;

    function delete_child_categories()
    global $tables, $db, $id, $u;

    $child_count = 0;

    $rs = $db->Execute("SELECT `ID`, `CATEGORY_ID` FROM `{$tables['user_permission']['name']}` WHERE `USER_ID` = ".$db->qstr($u));

    while (!$rs->EOF)
    $row = $rs->FetchRow();

    $category = $row['CATEGORY_ID'];

    while ($category != 0)
    $sql = "SELECT `PARENT_ID` FROM `{$tables['category']['name']}` WHERE `ID` = ".$db->qstr($category);
    $category = $db->GetOne($sql);
    if ($category == $id)
    $db->Execute("DELETE FROM `{$tables['user_permission']['name']}` WHERE `ID` = ".$db->qstr($row['ID']));

    function get_editor_permission($user_id=0)
    global $tables, $db, $user_grant_permission, $user_permission, $user_grant_permission_array, $user_permission_array;

    $all_first_iteration = true;
    $first_iteration = true;

    $rs = $db->Execute("SELECT `CATEGORY_ID` FROM `{$tables['user_permission']['name']}` WHERE `USER_ID` = ".$db->qstr($user_id));

    while (!$rs->EOF)
    $row = $rs->FetchRow();
    if ($all_first_iteration)
    $user_permission = "ID = ".$db->qstr($row['CATEGORY_ID']);
    $all_first_iteration = false;
    $user_permission .= " OR ID = ".$db->qstr($row['CATEGORY_ID']);

    $user_permission_array[] = $row['CATEGORY_ID'];

    $new_sub_categories = get_sub_categories($row['CATEGORY_ID']);

    foreach ($new_sub_categories as $category_id)
    if ($first_iteration)
    $user_grant_permission = "ID = ".$db->qstr($category_id);
    $user_permission .= " OR ID = ".$db->qstr($category_id);
    $first_iteration = false;
    $user_grant_permission .= " || ID = ".$db->qstr($category_id);
    $user_permission .= " OR ID = ".$db->qstr($category_id);
    $user_permission_array[] = $category_id;
    $user_grant_permission_array[] = $category_id;


    function get_sub_categories($id=0)
    global $db, $tables;

    $categs = array ();
    $rs = $db->Execute("SELECT `ID`, `TITLE` FROM `{$tables['category']['name']}` WHERE `PARENT_ID` = ".$db->qstr($id)." ORDER BY `TITLE`");
    while (!$rs->EOF)
    $categs[] = $rs->Fields('ID');
    $categs = array_merge ($categs, get_sub_categories($rs->Fields('ID')));

    return $categs;

    * Build URL rewrite path for a given category ID
    * @param numeric category ID
    * @return Rewritten URL for category
    * @author Constantin Bejenaru / Boby <> (@frozenminds)
    function construct_mod_rewrite_path($cat_id=0)
    global $tables, $db;

    $category = $cat_id;
    $first_iteration = true;

    while ($category != 0)
    //Get category title and add into URL
    $parent_row = $db->GetRow("SELECT `TITLE`, `TITLE_URL` FROM `{$tables['category']['name']}` WHERE `ID` = ". $db->qstr($category));
    if (empty ($parent_row['TITLE_URL']))
    $parent_row['TITLE_URL'] = preg_replace ('`[^\w_-]`', '_', $parent_row['TITLE']);
    $parent_row['TITLE_URL'] = str_replace ('__', '_', $parent_row['TITLE_URL']);
    $mod_rewrite_url = $parent_row['TITLE_URL'];
    $first_iteration = false;
    $mod_rewrite_url = $parent_row['TITLE_URL']."/".$mod_rewrite_url;

    $category = $db->GetOne("SELECT `PARENT_ID` FROM `{$tables['category']['name']}` WHERE `ID` = ".$db->qstr($category));

    $mod_rewrite_url = DOC_ROOT."/{$mod_rewrite_url}";

    return $mod_rewrite_url;

    * Parse URL and return its components
    * @param string The URL to be parsed
    * @return array Submitted URL components
    * @author Constantin Bejenaru / Boby <> (@frozenminds)
    function parseURL($url)
    $url = trim ($url);

    if (empty ($url))
    return false;

    return parse_url ($url);

    * Parse URL and return its domain name
    * @param string The URL to be parsed
    * @return string Domain name of URL
    * @author Constantin Bejenaru / Boby <> (@frozenminds)
    function parseDomain($url)
    $url = trim ($url);

    if (empty ($url))
    return false;

    $output = parseURL($url);

    if (!isset ($output['host']))
    return false;

    $pattern = array ('`^http[s]?:`', '`^ftp:`', '`^mailto:`', '`^www.`', '`^\.`', '`\.$`', '`[^\w\d-\.]`');
    $output['host'] = preg_replace ($pattern, '', $output['host']);

    return $output['host'];

    * [DEBUG] Print an array
    * @author Constantin Bejenaru / Boby <> (@frozenminds)
    function print_array($array)
    echo "<div style=\"text-align:left;\"><pre>";
    print_r ($array);
    echo "</pre></div>";

    * Clean/handle white-space chars or given ressource (array|string)
    * @author Constantin Bejenaru / Boby <> (@frozenminds)
    * @param mixed [array|string]
    * @return mixed [array|string]
    function filter_white_space($ressource)
    if (!empty ($ressource))
    if (is_array ($ressource))
    foreach ($ressource as $key => $value)
    if (is_string ($value))
    $ressource[$key] = clean_str_white_space($value);

    return $ressource;
    elseif (is_string ($ressource))
    $ressource = clean_str_white_space($ressource);
    return $ressource;
    return false;

    * Clean a string of unneeded white-space chars
    * @author Constantin Bejenaru / Boby <> (@frozenminds)
    function clean_str_white_space($string='')
    //Windows to *nix
    $string = str_replace ("\r\n" , "\n" , $string);
    //Mac to *nix
    $string = str_replace ("\r" , "\n" , $string);
    $string = str_replace ("\t" , " " , $string);
    $string = str_replace ("\0" , "" , $string);
    //Vertical TABs
    $string = str_replace ("\x0B" , "" , $string);
    //Multiple white-space chars
    //$string = preg_replace ('#[\s]+#i', ' ' , $string);
    $string = trim ($string);

    return $string;

    * Clean a string of all white-space chars, except simple space only once
    * @author Constantin Bejenaru / Boby <> (@frozenminds)
    * @param string Text to be processed
    * @param string String with which to replace white-space characters
    * @return string clean text
    function strip_white_space($string='', $replace=' ')
    //Remove all kind of white-space chars
    $search = array ( "\n", //*NIX
    "\r", //Mac
    "\r\n", //Windows
    "\t", //Tab
    "\x0B", //Vertical Tab
    "\0" //NULL BYTE
    $string = str_replace ($search, '', $string);

    //Remove multiple white-spaces
    $string = preg_replace ('#[\s]+#i', $replace, $string);

    $string = trim ($string);
    return $string;
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10597325].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author David Beroff
      Your category table has a NULL ID or TITLE, or even more likely, the database was never actually configured. Are you seeing any data from it?
      Put MY voice on YOUR video:
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10597449].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author dmammar
    Then please Provide me with the code i want this error to get removed asap
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10597764].message }}
  • (1) check your config.php
    (2) ensure installation of database done correctly, as per instructions
    (3) table names in the database are case sensitive, advisable to check/rename it.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10720335].message }}

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