Universal referral link

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Hi guys!

I create landing pages for the online community.

What I am trying to figuere out now, is how to create an universal referral link.

What I mean with that. I want people to be able to enter their username in the URL, so that username shows up under the sign up button on the page.

For example the URL will be :
http://blabla .com/ref?=YOURUSERNAME

Then the username they enter in YOURUSERNAME, should be automatically inserted in the button on that page.

If I enter this:
http://blabla .com/ref?=forexus

The hyperlink on the button should also become:
http://blabla .com/ref?=forexus

How to do that?

Would be great if anyone could help. Got referred to this site by my friend Tanguy


#link #referral #universal

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