Wordpress wp-comments-post.php redirect issue - please help

by Tony_D
3 replies
Hi. I'm wondering how I can add a space to the URL that wordpress redirects me to after I post a comment to an entry.

Line 80/81 of the newest version of wp-comments-post.php look like this:

$location = ( empty($_POST['redirect_to']) ? get_permalink($comment_post_ID) : $_POST['redirect_to'] ) . '#comments';
$location = apply_filters('comment_post_redirect', $location, $comment);

Right now it is redirecting me to:

I need a space before "#comments" appears in the URL, like this:
http://www.websitename.com/2008/09/entrytitle #comments

I've tried modifying line 80 in quite a few ways, I just can't get this to work the way I need. I'm really not a PHP programmer, but I get around alright when it comes to modifying existing code.

Any help????
#code #issue #php #redirect #url #wordpress #wpcommentspostphp

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