Video to Text Scripting

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This technology was first used by the military, then by the Medical Industry; and now by us...

Sure you have seen this high-tech before... Obama uses it for his speeches...

Internet was designed for text, but as we are so lazy to read, then came images, sound and now video.

The problem is that search engines still just read text.

That is why 'tags' were invented, but no one can really describe the video's essence and make its content available just with cloud tags.

Here is where VIDEO TO TEXT comes in place. It makes the whole content of a video available for people to search !!!

The text from the speech of the video comes attached at the bottom of it. This IS NOT a Transcript, this is a coded script.

This Script creates text visible to all Search Engines. Just like Obama's Speeches.

It also makes meta-tags and sitemaps.

You can scroll from the text to the video and vice versa at the exact second...

People won't run from those long burring videos as they can search the content within the video.

Also it highlights the text as the video plays.

Best Regards,


Want to know more? PM me...
#scripting #text #video

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