Clickbank Pitchplus script

20 replies

In order to use clickbank pitchplus for recurring product, I have to use a code ( javascript ) provided by clickbank. The problem is that when I put this code(I use wordpress), the checkbox turns out to normal box text type.

Here is what clickbank said:
Sample Recurring Billing Code

The following is an example of some simple code you could put on your PitchPlus Upsell Pitch Page to allow for Recurring Billing products to be sold in your One-Click Upsell flow. It is very important that you collect and pass the cbrblaccpt parameter to ClickBank if you are selling a recurring billing product. You must collect acceptance to terms from the consumer to set this value or your flow will not be approved.
This script content should be placed in the <head> element on your PitchPlus upsell pitch page
<script type="text/javascript">
function toggleAccept() {
var acceptLink = document.getElementById("accept");
var agreeCheckbox = document.getElementById("agreeCheckbox");
if (agreeCheckbox.checked) {
acceptLink.onclick=function() {
window.location=this.href + "&cbrblaccpt=true";
return false;
} else {
acceptLink.onclick=function() {
return false;
function mustAccept() {
window.alert("By clicking accept, you agree to the payment terms of this recurring product.");
<h1>One Click Recurring Upsell Sample Page</h1>
<p>It's neat - buy it!</p>
<table width="100%">
This is the accept link which may be placed anywhere in the <body> element of your page. ITEM_BEING_UPSOLD & YOUR_NICKNAME need to be replaced. For users with javascript disabled it will function but they will need to agree to the terms and conditions on the orderform.
<a href="" id="accept"
onclick="mustAccept(); return false;">Accept</a>
This is the decline link which may be placed anywhere in the <body> element of your page. ITEM_BEING_UPSOLD & YOUR_NICKNAME need to be replaced
<a href=" cbur=d">Decline</a>
<td colspan="2″>
<form action="#">
This is the box that the customer must check before accepting the upsell. The text should be adjusted to match the initial purchase amount, recurring amounts & frequency
<input type="checkbox" onchange="toggleAccept()" id="agreeCheckbox">
<label for="agreeCheckbox">I agree to the following payment terms: An initial payment of $0.00 with recurring payments of $0.00/frequency. I understand that I can cancel at any time.</label>
#clickbank #pitchplus #script
  • Profile picture of the author telewarrior

    What comes to mind immediately is that the comments are not correct in most cases. In HTML, commented sections require two dashes each and not one as in most of the places shown. See W3Schools for more information.

    The root of the problem may be a difference of character codes during the copy and past operation. Simple ASCII text has a single code for characters, while Unicode has double the number of codes per character.

    While this may be a case of manually adding returns while formatting the code for the post, this would be the first place I'd look.

    When attempting to debug things, try removing sections of code to troubleshoot where the problem is and is not. Kinda like playing 20 questions to uncover what works and where it breaks. It might be in HTML, the JavaScript, or even in the formatting for comments.

    One tool that I use to check and see if a page's code is valid is Amaya (GPL by World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)). It does a very robust parsing of the code and will reject files that have HTML that is "not well formed". That will tell if the code might break summarily upon loading. It will even reject <br> in favor of the more formal <br />.

    Of course, YMMV , but consider stripping down to the basic and building it back up until the error shows.

    Hope that helps,

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5052562].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author ShowSpace
      Originally Posted by telewarrior View Post

      What comes to mind immediately is that the comments are not correct in most cases. In HTML, commented sections require two dashes each and not one as in most of the places shown. See W3Schools for more information.
      I think this happens if you past in two dashes in this forum (or maybe a text editor the OP uses), it converts it into one slightly longer dash, i.e. -- vs. -
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5057237].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author telewarrior

        Yes, that seems to be true, but I carefully examined the pasted in code from above and there are still the issues that I pointed out. Take this comment from the code above for example:

        This script content should be placed in the <head> element on your PitchPlus upsell pitch page

        The opening comment is correct (extended by the forum), but the ending one needs two dashes and it only has one. That will obviate the code below until the parser in a particular browser either handles the error by recognizing it (most modern browsers have some code to handle such errors gracefully) or goes insane.

        That is why it is important to check the code out in a robust program that will catch such errors. That doesn't mean to say that this is the exact source of the error, but behavior will vary depending on whether you are using IE, FF, Konqueror, Opera, etc.

        Admittedly, pasting it into a forum and then copying it out again really messes with the resulting text. Just try it and see the mess you get.

        While there are surely workarounds, I'd be happy to test an attached text file in Amaya in case the author is on a Mac.

        Note that WP is in Php and placing this as a page may have its issues both in the desired operation and how WP serves it up. Either way, it is both instructive and valuable to test the snippet intensely before deploying in a production environment. At least the error was detected.

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  • Profile picture of the author acuvic
    Hi Franz, did you ever sort this Clickbank PitchPlus recurring billing script out? I am trying to do the same but not getting far. If you got the solution through hiring a coder, I'm happy to share your cost for the solution. Thanks.

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  • Profile picture of the author annaharris
    The script that you have shared doesn't look so promising. You can hire any professional to work on it.
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  • Profile picture of the author lancelotw
    i am having the same problem? would you recommend anyone?


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    • Profile picture of the author Mark Ford
      The sample code provided works - its a straightforward javascript - no rocket science here - why do people over complicate stuff

      I threw a sample up so you can see it in action. If the user clicks the buy now button on your upsell page without clicking the accept box, the javascript will throw the alert that they have to check the box i.e agree to the terms which authorizes the recurring - they click the accept box - then hit the buy button - its all done - sent to CB who handle the rest. If they click the no thanks link - the deny kicks in and shoots them back to the original item.

      Now, as to why its doing weird stuff in your wordpress page - am not sure but would need to see a link to help you any further.
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      • Profile picture of the author lancelotw
        hey Mark!

        i think i have my code all confused??? on my pitch page there is a "buy now" button and a "no thanks" button

        the Buy now button is linked to

        and the No Thanks button is linked to cbur=d

        as the upsell is for a recurring product...i need the checkbox on the page....
        can i just put the checkbox code on the page? or does it all have to be tied in like the code that Franz Regan gave?


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        • Profile picture of the author Mark Ford
          Yeh you could but you would have to recode it - the javascript they provide links it all together with their form code for the check box.

          Check this quick sample
          Acutal CB product links have been removed but you will see the ?cbur=a and d links if you mouseover.

          Ignore the missing images - but you will see how it works - if they click the buy button without checking the option it will throw the alert - you can't proceed past without checking the option - it's all tied together which is why it's easy for you to use the code.
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          • Profile picture of the author lancelotw
            ahhh ok i much would you charge to do it for my site?

            i only need the website creator can insert it!


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  • Profile picture of the author RyanY
    Hi Lancelotw,

    Please refer to the code above - at the start of this conversation.

    Best Regards,

    Digital consultant, to help you get the best out of your digital presence.

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    • Profile picture of the author lancelotw
      sorry i a total noobe with code....

      the only thing im stuggling get my head round i leave the "Buy Now" button and the "No thanks" button alone and insert this code also?

      those two buttons have the two links...

      the Buy now button is linked to”

      and the No Thanks button is linked to cbur=d

      am i right in thinking that i put the code in aswell as leaving those buttons as they are?


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      • Profile picture of the author Mark Ford
        the only thing im stuggling get my head round i leave the "Buy Now" button and the "No thanks" button alone and insert this code also?
        You have to add the check box as I described as this once clicked sends the parameters to Clickbank.

        Without this then Clickbank won't charge the recurring - its basically saying
        " Yeah I accept that I have to pay you xx per month"

        Use the button codes I showed for your accept and no thanks - they are in the sample code and you're good to go.

        Also check which shows you how it all ties together.
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        • Profile picture of the author lancelotw
          Ok so this is what I'm doing step by step…i will use *** to separate out items so i don't get confused

          1) i am putting this code in the HEAD section of the website


          <script type=”text/javascript”>
          function toggleAccept() {
          var acceptLink = document.getElementById(“accept”);
          var agreeCheckbox = document.getElementById(“agreeCheckbox”);
          if (agreeCheckbox.checked) {
          acceptLink.onclick=function() {
          window.location=this.href + “&cbrblaccpt=true”;
          return false;
          } else {
          acceptLink.onclick=function() {
          return false;
          function mustAccept() {
          window.alert(“By clicking accept, you agree to the payment terms of this recurring product.”);
          <h1>One Click Recurring Upsell Sample Page</h1>
          <p>It’s neat – buy it!</p>
          <table width=”100%”>


          2)i am adding this code for the Tick Box section below my payment buttons

          <input type=”checkbox” onchange=”toggleAccept()” id=”agreeCheckbox”>
          <label for=”agreeCheckbox”>I agree to the following payment terms: An initial payment of $197.00 with recurring payments of $27.00/month. I understand that I can cancel at any time.</label>


          3) I have inserted this into the body element of the page

          <a href=”” id=”accept”
          onclick=”mustAccept(); return false;”>Accept</a>
          This is the decline link which may be placed anywhere in the <body> element of your page. ITEM_BEING_UPSOLD & YOUR_NICKNAME need to be replaced
          <a href=” cbur=d”>Decline</a>
          <td colspan=”2″>
          <form action=”#”>


          4)I have inserted this into the this also into the body element of the page


          <a href=” cbur=d”>Decline</a>
          <td colspan=”2″>
          <form action=”#”>

          5)once I change the links to match my nickname and product will all this be ok?
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        • Profile picture of the author lancelotw
          ignore that last post i was talking complete gobbledegook!

          does anyone know anyone who could help me with this?

          i dont think that sample code is a good one...i think some of the code is wrong....


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          • Profile picture of the author Mark Ford
            The code works as I have shown you - if you are still struggling after the examples posted it's best if you grab your programmer or someone from the Warriors For Hire and have them set it up in your page for you. It will save you pulling out your hair
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8402056].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author 21clg
              Huge thanks @Mark Ford.

              Would you know how to do this for a 2 upsell sequence which includes a recurring product in the "middle" of said sequence? I am having problems.

              Below OTP stand for One Time Payment

              Thanks to you I implemented the above correctly for:
              [original (OTP), + upsell offer (Recurring), end]...

              ...but having problems if I toss on a 2nd upsell offer:
              [original (OTP), + upsell offer #1 (Recurring), + upsell offer #2 (OTP),end]

              It seems to go through the flow correctly in terms of which pages I land on next, but at the end of the day my Mr Test Customer only gets 2 products (both of the OTP products), even though he accepted all

              Thanks for any thoughts on this one!
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8947268].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Mark Ford
      Yep - use the code at the top - javascript in the head as they show.

      Then drop your form action in:

      <form action="#">
      <input type="checkbox" onChange="toggleAccept()" id="agreeCheckbox">
      <label for="agreeCheckbox">I agree to the following payment terms: blabla bla and what ever else you want to say etc - I understand that I can cancel at any time.</label>

      Then add the links how they describe.

      Accept button code
      <a href="" id="accept" onClick="mustAccept(); return false;">

      And your decline code:
      <a href="">NO THANK YOU</a>

      Once they approve it - they will give you the ID number to add to your link and then it's live.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8399905].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Luis Vaugier
    Thank you! You really saved me Mark Ford
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  • Profile picture of the author celente
    Damn this post 2 months would have saved me pulling hair out. I am nearly bald. LOL
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