Transferring My Site to New Owner - HELP PLEASE

by lovboa Banned
3 replies

I am meeting with the buyers tomorrow in person where we will do the entire transaction in person.

**It is a Wordpress site

I have never transferred a site to a new owner before so I am a little worried that everything may not go smoothly.

The things I know how to do are push the domain to buyer's account, and download my site files from the public_html.

exporting my database

I am reading some guides out there on how to go into phpMyAdmin and exporting the database for my site.

However, when I went into my phpMyAdmin, it is showing 4 databases and I don't know which one is the one for the site I'm selling.

The names are all _wrd1, _wrd2, _wrd3, _wrd4.

That is very confusing. If somebody could help me I would really appreciate it.


2nd part is uploading to buyers new hosting account.
My Wordpress site currently uses a custom permalink structure that reads

So before everything is uploaded to buyer's hosting, should I install a clean version of Wordpress, change the permalink structure so it matches the one above, and then install the premium theme I am using?


Thank you for your help.
#owner #site #transferring
  • Profile picture of the author Janet Sawyer
    To find the right database, open the database in phpmyadmin and look for the table wp_options.

    The first line of that table will tell you the site url associated with the database.
    That will be the quickest and easiest way of finding the right database to download.

    You may also have to manually edit the wordpress file wp-config.php with the new owners details. Pay particular attention to these lines

    define('DB_NAME', 'insert their database name');

    /** MySQL database username */
    define('DB_USER', 'insert their database username');

    /** MySQL database password */
    define('DB_PASSWORD', 'insert their database password');

    /** MySQL hostname */
    define('DB_HOST', 'localhost');

    Or you could use a plugin called xcloner and see if that does the trick for you.
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  • Profile picture of the author topnichewebsites
    Did you get this done ?
    Signature <- eBook add eCovers <- WordPress Websites and Maintenance
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  • Profile picture of the author MyNiches
    If you're doing this live with your customers for the very first time - shoot, I'd recommend doing a trial run first. Setup another quick site for ten bucks, and see if you can't transfer it from one host to another. Or even try backing up and restoring this website once before you try to do it infront of your buyers.
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