C#: How to save/load text?

5 replies

I am working on a new software that lets you load your blogs.

I want it so when I select the blog, it'll populate into the text boxes that will appear the settings that the user inputted previously (for example can be the site name, URL, etc)

How can I do this so it can save and load the text to the text boxes in C#?
#save or load #text
  • Profile picture of the author KirkMcD
    Originally Posted by Edwin Torres View Post

    How can I do this so it can save and load the text to the text boxes in C#?
    Have you never programmed before?
    Save to a file or a database and read them back.
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  • Profile picture of the author cgimaster
    I want it so when I select the blog, it'll populate into the text boxes that will appear the settings that the user inputted previously (for example can be the site name, URL, etc)
    I am a bit confused, are you saying you just want to save the same settings they are using on their blog configuration so that they can see it late ?

    If so you could use SQLite as a NOSQL database which will handle million recrods just fine to save/read the data, however your explainnation is a bit confused and I am unsure of your goal here, perhaps if you could be a bit more clear I could point out a better way to it.

    You could save to a simple file or serialize it to xml as well.
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  • Profile picture of the author muddywaters
    If you could be more elaborate of what it is that you need, I would love to help.
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