Whats the catch with social bookmarking backlinks?

by gelsi
6 replies
  • SEO
  • |
I'm building the links on my website. Writing a blog page is hard. But social bookmarking is super easy.
I've found 100's of 'dofollow' bookmarking sites to get links from but I cant believe Google attachs the same value to them as a blog....whats the catch?
#backlinks #bookmarking #catch #social
  • Profile picture of the author simontoaldo
    It's very risk for SEO, bro
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    • Profile picture of the author gelsi
      why risky?
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      • As google said low social bookmarking are harmful to your website ranking. But there are few high-quality social bookmark sites that can help you like a killer. Like: reddit, stumbleupon, digg, diggo, slashdot, delicious etc. Those aren't risky at all. Even help to get the higher rank. Don't focus on link quantity, just focus on link quality and variations of backlinking.
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  • Profile picture of the author dave_hermansen
    Social bookmarks are worthless for building links that search engines care about. The simple rule of thumb for backlinks is this - if you can place the link, yourself, it is likely a completely worthless link. The links that matter are ones that someone at another website has to decide to place on their site - not something you can do, yourself.
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  • Profile picture of the author AndrewGolyanov
    They don't work for SEo
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    • Profile picture of the author gelsi
      Does google recognize them and discriminate against them? Do you have proof, eg. matt cutts statement?
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