DOCSTOC links are no longer active

31 replies
  • SEO
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Now you can add docstoc to a the list of document sharing sites where they don't have outbound links. I understand you've gotta control spam but do these people really think people are going to submit content just for a pat on the back.

You've got to have a relationship to make it work. Right now, it's one sided if you can't link to your website.

It looks like the document sharing sites have ran their course for seo.

I guess I can see why though, after checking out a lot of the niche stuff it's all just one big affiliate advertisement. This is why you gotta get in quick before someone else screws everything up.
#active #docstoc #links #longer
  • Profile picture of the author subse7en
    Hey James, what do you mean when you say they won't no longer allow us to have outbound links? Are you saying that they won't allow the links (within our PDFs/eBooks) to be clicked on/searchable anymore?
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    • Profile picture of the author ZerosToHero
      I am saying that you can no longer click on the links. Any link in the document is now inactive. I am sure you can still put links in but if no one can click on them it doesn't do much good.
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      • Profile picture of the author subse7en
        Yeah, that sure does suck bro'! However, even though the link won't be "clickable", can't we put a link (to our site's) in the more info/description section that describes what the eBook/PDF is about? Sure, we won't be getting any "link love" and visitors will have to MANUALLY copy/paste the link, but at least we could get *some* visitor's to our site's, right?
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        • Profile picture of the author paulgl
          If docstoc wants to remain viable in a google-plexed
          world, why would they not change?

          Now it may not have anything to do with google, but
          many sites like this are spam farms. If they want to keep
          their adsense ads up, maybe something did happen.


          If you were disappointed in your results today, lower your standards tomorrow.

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        • Profile picture of the author jkovats
          So...back to Scribd?
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          • Profile picture of the author Spot the Ball
            Originally Posted by jkovats View Post

            So...back to Scribd?
            Yeah, untill they get sick of every Tom, Dick and Sally putting crap on there without so much as thinking about the word effort.
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  • Profile picture of the author ZerosToHero
    I agree. It seems like I always show up a little late to the party. By the time I start to use a service it gets shut down or affiliates get banned because of the shotty work they do.

    Hell, you can go to scribd and see actual salesletter being copied and turned into a .pdf. These are the same people that can't figure out why they can't make a sale.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1993459].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author paulgl
      People, you really need to stop relying on the other
      guy. Rely on yourself, your own domains, your own
      content. It's up to you to quit thinking that programs
      and sites like those are going to make your business.

      Stop thinking of the next site that you can exploit.

      Think of ways to sell and promote yourself.


      If you were disappointed in your results today, lower your standards tomorrow.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1993504].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Spot the Ball
        Originally Posted by paulgl View Post

        People, you really need to stop relying on the other
        guy. Rely on yourself, your own domains, your own
        content. It's up to you to quit thinking that programs
        and sites like those are going to make your business.

        Stop thinking of the next site that you can exploit.

        Think of ways to sell and promote yourself.

        You make a very valid point Paul,

        Im a baby to this Im world but learning fast, Im already going back over my sites to correct what I think is crap and try to offer real value.

        I want people linking to me because I offer valued information.
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      • Profile picture of the author brendanwenzel
        Originally Posted by paulgl View Post

        People, you really need to stop relying on the other
        guy. Rely on yourself, your own domains, your own
        content. It's up to you to quit thinking that programs
        and sites like those are going to make your business.

        Stop thinking of the next site that you can exploit.

        Think of ways to sell and promote yourself.

        Great point! While good to leverage them to build your own brand and promote yourself, it's not good when all you're looking to do is exploit them.
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  • Profile picture of the author Biggy Fat
    So it looks like the WSOs on Document Sharing will be rendered useless.
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  • Profile picture of the author jazbo
    The march to an unlinked, nofollowed internet wasteland by 2012 continues....
    CONTENT WRITER. Reliable, UK-Based, 6 Years Experience - ANY NICHE
    Click Here For Writing Samples & Online Ordering
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  • Profile picture of the author Texjd
    I just looked and it appears that all documents are now displayed using flash. Never noticed that before but the links are dead.

    I'll give them a week to see what happens since there's been no anouncement about it.

    But if it remains no links, I'll pull every document I have on there asap. There's no reason to give them any adsense income if they don't want to play fair. And although I do get 50% of the clicks money, they can forget it.

    It's getting to be an adventure getting links to stay in place anywhere these days.
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  • Profile picture of the author Texjd
    OK, I sent Docstoc a note asking why links are no longer live in articles. Here's their response:

    Dear John,

    Thank you for your email. Docstoc no longer enable live links in the previews of document that may be downloaded from the site.

    Best regards,

    The Docstoc Team

    Well, that says it all. Goodbye Docstor. What a drag, they were good links while they lasted.
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  • Profile picture of the author Randy Daugherty
    dang that it not good, time to use an alternative
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    • Profile picture of the author subse7en
      Originally Posted by Mukul Verma View Post

      Links are now live again
      Thanks Mr. Mukul for letting us know! BTW, have you been uploading video's (at YouTube) lately? I *love* your video's bro', as they're VERY inspirational and also informative...!
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  • Profile picture of the author kbs
    Good to hear that the links are live again. I'm sure it didn't take them long to realize that if they disabled the links the article submissions would go down and fewer articlew submissions means less adsense exposure and revenue.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kwerk
    Docstoc links in the previews of submitted documents don't seem to do anything for me. They flash when clicked, but nothing happens. Did Docstoc render them live again last summer (see the posts above), then decide to make them not clickable anymore later on? Trying to figure out if doc sharing websites like Docstoc are even worth bothering with to create backlinks and boost traffic.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3415493].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Mukul Verma
      Originally Posted by Kwerk View Post

      Docstoc links in the previews of submitted documents don't seem to do anything for me. They flash when clicked, but nothing happens. Did Docstoc render them live again last summer (see the posts above), then decide to make them not clickable anymore later on? Trying to figure out if doc sharing websites like Docstoc are even worth bothering with to create backlinks and boost traffic.
      They were clickable, then stopped for a month, then made it clickable last spring. Then end of 2010 made it unclickable.

      Is it worth it? I get a double thousand visitors a month constant for the last 2 years (I got a WSO somewhere on this). So yeah I would say its worth a try.

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  • Profile picture of the author Jordan Kovats
    It "might" depend on the account holder. One of my very active accounts got an email survey from someone at Docstoc in the Summer of 2010. I said I left because of unclickable links. A few days later, they replied back and said they were clickable now. I have a few pdf's for different accounts to upload today, I'll test this theory and see if it depends on the account holder.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jordan Kovats
    I'm calling their bluff. I just uploaded, and the links are not clickable. One less bookmark I need.
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    • Profile picture of the author KatyaSenina
      Originally Posted by theseoguys View Post

      I'm calling their bluff. I just uploaded, and the links are not clickable. One less bookmark I need.
      Not clickable? I was thinking of submitting to them, not anymore. :rolleyes: I guess Docstoc will lose its popularity fairly quickly if they continue this nonsense.
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