by tush
7 replies
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Hi warriors...

Today is exciting for me. I have earned the most money per click since I started displaying these ads ie 3.34. I usually get cents per click Hope I will get more of such clicks. So, what is the most one can earn per click?
#adsense #loving
  • Profile picture of the author culvers
    I have one site that usually gets about 40c per click, however about twice per week it gets clicks that are $8 or $9... very strange. It is a very small niche too.

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  • Profile picture of the author DireStraits
    Originally Posted by tush View Post

    Hi warriors...

    Today is exciting for me. I have earned the most money per click since I started displaying these ads ie 3.34. I usually get cents per click Hope I will get more of such clicks. So, what is the most one can earn per click?
    Congrats indeed :-)

    Silly as it sounds, watching my Adsense clicks roll in (all for varying amounts - sometimes high, sometimes low(er)) gives me quite an adrenaline rush.

    The good thing is (and in response to your question), there is really no upper limit as to what you can get per click. It just depends on how much advertisers are willing to bid per click for each keyword. In very competitive markets, this could translate well into the $xx amount per click.

    Remember though that what you get for each click is only a share of the amount that Google is taking. No-one really knows how much we receive (if indeed there is any amount set in stone), although many believe it to be in the 50% range.
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  • Profile picture of the author Marko Vel
    It was 25.98 before almost a year
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  • Profile picture of the author Alexander CPA
    I've had a few $10 clicks before, crazy PPC marketers, must have some crazy converting **** to be able to profit from $10/click, but really, $1-4 is the average with adsense, keep up the good work though, you seem to have a good start!
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