Loss of Traffic with Crappy URL Name ??

5 replies
  • SEO
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If I buy a website with some decent traffic but a crap name, how can I change the name without Google dropping it? I mean without losing the search numbers or traffic volume etc. :confused:

For instance if site is crappyname.com

I want to start using greatname.com

What would be the best way to handle that. I guess just pointing the new domain to the old site wouldn't work very well?

Thanks in advance for your help guys....
#crappy #loss #traffic #url
  • Profile picture of the author mystline
    Buy the new domain, change the name servers and then set up a permanent 301 redirect from the old domain to the new. It may be worth holding on to the bad domain until the bots have updated all your site records.
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  • Profile picture of the author John Romaine
    Webmaster tools > Site Configuration > Change of Address.


    BS free SEO services, training and advice - SEO Point

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    • Profile picture of the author LindseyRainwater
      I was wondering about this very thing yesterday! Thank you for sharing that info. I at least have a launchpad for the rest of my research now.
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      • Profile picture of the author paulgl
        I don't get what the crappy domain name has to do with anything.
        How crappy are zillow.com, yelp.com, zoosk.com, ebay.com, kayak.com...?

        Do a little real-world SEO and you have nothing to worry about.

        Changing domains is actually pretty silly. This is not the same as just
        moving a site/url to a different location for various legitimate reasons.

        The only way I would ever change domains is if I bought a site and
        the url was quite lengthy and not easy to memorize. Then I might
        consider it.


        If you were disappointed in your results today, lower your standards tomorrow.

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        • Profile picture of the author GetRichGuru
          Thanks guys for taking the time to respond to me... great advice
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