Confusion regarding Local/Global Monthly Searches

6 replies
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Please can anyone help?

I feel that I should know the answer to this, but I read an article which has made me doubt myself.

This is my understanding of the situation .....

When you're using the Google Keyword Tool and you want the results for a local monthly search, you need to select a country and a language from the drop-down menu. For example, if you wanted to target English speaking people in the US.

If you want the results for a global monthly search, you need to select "All Countries" but you still need to select a language. For example, if you wanted to target English speaking people all over the world.

That's my understanding, but can someone please confirm that it's correct?

Thanks in advance,

#confusion #local or global #monthly #searches
  • Profile picture of the author Rozanne
    You are right, there is an option for specific search. IMHO, this is a right way to analyze keyword search. Thanks
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  • Profile picture of the author sandrax
    Sherrie, you are right. You will always find conflicting info on info all over the web on all kinds of topics, that's just how it is.
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  • Profile picture of the author noble
    You're correct. Personally I do a lot of variations of searches though just to check out every angle.
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    • Profile picture of the author toodlepipfornow
      Hi all,

      Thanks for your replies and for confirming the situation.

      There's so much conflicting information out there and the more you read, the easier it becomes for doubt to creep in.

      Thanks again,

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  • Profile picture of the author mithil
    Actually I really do not rely on Google Webmaster Tools as it does not provide complete information.
    Instead, I use sktool from Google only.
    It gives realistic numbers for search volume.
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    • Profile picture of the author toodlepipfornow
      Hi Mithil,

      I started off with sktool, but pretty much every time I used it, my computer froze, which is why I changed over.

      Have got more memory now though, so I'm off to take another look.

      Thanks for the reply,

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