AMR and ScrapeBox Safe?

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So I'm thinking about buying AMR and ScrapeBox soon, but after hearing about the most recent Panda 2.2 update I'm having some second thoughts. I'm just thinking that a lot of people are just using these two softwares and are losing rank now because of them. So has anyone survived the update and were using AMR and SB? This question is more directed towards marketers with newer sites, but any input would be great!

Also I don't think AMR has a proxy section like ScrapeBox so how would I hide my identity? Is there a program out there that can change my IP using proxies for general usage?
#amr #safe #scrapebox
  • Profile picture of the author Clayton Rice
    I've never been a fan of automated tools, but I do own scrapebox. I would suggest using it for research, not actual posting. Using it to research and find your own pages to post on, it can be extremely powerful.

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    • Profile picture of the author offrav
      i use scrape box for research and sick submitter to post. i've been using proxy switcher to find free proxies
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  • Profile picture of the author markowe
    Any tool can make a mess if used unwisely... Personally I hate comment spam with a passion, but there are people on blackhat forums who have done tests blasting the hell out of new sites with SB spam and seen only positive effects. Then again you may crash and burn *Shrug*. At the end of the day no-one can really tell you what 'works', either they are keeping quiet or they could be lying, or it might just not work for you.

    Re: proxies and AMR, you don't need proxies because you are making legitimate submissions to article directories, not spamming people's blogs! So there is no reason for them to ban your IP unless you are really abusing them in some way.

    Who says you can't earn money as an eBay affiliate any more? My stats say otherwise

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    • Profile picture of the author That Guy
      Originally Posted by markowe View Post

      Re: proxies and AMR, you don't need proxies because you are making legitimate submissions to article directories, not spamming people's blogs! So there is no reason for them to ban your IP unless you are really abusing them in some way.
      I don't need to hide my IP even if my article is being spun 100 times and mass submitted?
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      • Profile picture of the author markowe
        Originally Posted by That Guy View Post

        I don't need to hide my IP even if my article is begin spun 100 times and mass submitted?
        No, I can't see why. Most article dirs are not exactly fussy anyway, they are mostly spammed to death, all the higher quality ones will do is not publish your article, so you don't want to spam complete crap at them. They don't share IP addresses of 'abusers' (whatever that would be) amongst themselves like Akismet does for blog comments (in a manner of speaking), there is no such system that I know of. They WANT your content for the most part, even if it's rubbish, unfortunately! The exception is maybe EZA and a handful of others who MIGHT ban your IP, but more likely just won't publish your articles.

        Who says you can't earn money as an eBay affiliate any more? My stats say otherwise

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