Which bookmarking software you are using?

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Which bookmarking software you guys are using ?

Bookmark wiz
Bookmarking demon
Social bot ?

I have bookmark wiz but I think I will buy bookmarking demon.
Your ideas will be appreciated.

#bookmarking #software
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  • Profile picture of the author YasirYar
    Originally Posted by shoaibahmad9999 View Post

    Which bookmarking software you guys are using ?

    Bookmark wiz
    Bookmarking demon
    Social bot ?

    I have bookmark wiz but I think I will buy bookmarking demon.
    Your ideas will be appreciated.

    Bookmarking demon has been a nightmare for me to set up and run.. there were a lot of errors and the accounts kept on getting deleted.

    I now have hired a person to do everything manually and 95% of the bookmarks are sticking.

    >>>Get your websites ACTUALLY ranked by checking these out: Quantum SEO Labs, Home Page Link Building & SERP Ability. Want to get rid of negative listings? Check out Reputation Enhancer.

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  • Profile picture of the author OnlyTopResults
    Bookmarking demon - it IS fiddly to set up, but with the decaptcha service it's posting about 70% of submissions.

    "Since light travels faster than sound - many people appear bright until they speak!"

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  • Profile picture of the author Darren Hodgson
    SocialBot works for me, it's a bit time consuming to set up but once it's ready then it's easy to use.

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  • Profile picture of the author vanalli
    I use IMAutomator, Social Monkee and Social Marker as free tools, and have also used Ping Kaching, Traffic Brain and a couple of other paid ones.
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    • Profile picture of the author Wiggy0618
      Originally Posted by vanalli View Post

      I use IMAutomator, Social Monkee and Social Marker as free tools, and have also used Ping Kaching, Traffic Brain and a couple of other paid ones.
      I use IMAutomator for indexing. I got the full version of SocialMonkee a while back and freakin' hated it. Didn't work worth a damn. Couldn't recommend against it enough.

      How do you like Ping Kaching? I saw it mentioned on another forum and it looked pretty cool. Getting good results with it?

      For social bookmarking I want results with, I outsource it to either somebody on fiverr or a guy over at **********.
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      • Profile picture of the author vanalli
        Ping Kaching has been all right so far, but I have been a bit disappointed that it doesn't have more SB sites in the system. I used it on some new sites though and put new posts and articles through it and it's been pretty good and not an overly expensive tool, but for what it is, you could do most of it for free without investing too much time.

        Originally Posted by Wiggy0618 View Post

        I use IMAutomator for indexing. I got the full version of SocialMonkee a while back and freakin' hated it. Didn't work worth a damn. Couldn't recommend against it enough.

        How do you like Ping Kaching? I saw it mentioned on another forum and it looked pretty cool. Getting good results with it?

        For social bookmarking I want results with, I outsource it to either somebody on fiverr or a guy over at **********.
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  • Profile picture of the author Andy Fletcher
    The beta release version of Digi Traffic Accelerator due for public release in October
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  • Profile picture of the author Coby
    Hey Shoaib,

    I use bookmarking whiz - it's a little tough to set up for a non-techy, but not as hard to setup as bookmarking demon sounds...

    I grabbed it for a super low price when it was on WSO - I've seen it on WSO a few times after that for a higher price...

    Another option is Fiverr.com which I use when I need a quick boost and I'm feeling lazy :p

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  • Profile picture of the author bkkmma
    I use Bookmarking Demon, but as with most people when they first using it I had a hard time to say the least. It certainly test your patience!
    Anyway, persisted with it and now I have quite a bit of success. Many people complain about it it is true to say though.
    So am I happy with it. In a word yes
    Selling guest posts in the health niche on an aged, PR3 site with a legit link from HuffPo for only $17 a pop. Limit of 10 available per month. PM if interested. Permanent sitewides for $45 (Limit of 8 EVER.)
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  • Profile picture of the author Glad Warrior
    Hey Shoaib,

    I use bookmarking whiz - it's a little tough to set up for a non-techy, but not as hard to setup as bookmarking demon sounds...

    I grabbed it for a super low price when it was on WSO - I've seen it on WSO a few times after that for a higher price...

    Another option is Fiverr.com which I use when I need a quick boost and I'm feeling lazy

    Hey Coby

    I purchased bookmark wiz 2 days back and asked for refund today it was only able to submit to 6 websites out of 40. Maybe I was not able to set it up properly.

    I am thinking to buy one off payment tool like bookmarking demon. I was also thinking about socialmonkee...
    Money is a symbol of confidence in ourselves!
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  • Profile picture of the author 36burrows
    I've had the best results with Bookmarking Demon, gets my new sites indexed within 1-2 days easily.
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  • Profile picture of the author simonbuzz
    automation tools are just useless..they make everything worse..
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  • Profile picture of the author That Guy
    Trying to get the hang of Bookmarking Demon right now. Haven't really tried too hard to get used to it to tell you the truth. Been going to Fiverr and getting some quick bookmarking links for link diversity.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kiril S
    I use Magic Submitter, and it serves me well. It also has other features, and is much more less expensive than SENukeX
    - Offer here -
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  • Profile picture of the author ShaneBoyd
    I use Mr. Bookmarks.com The price is right and the links stick. takes about 3 weeks...but it's worth it.

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  • Profile picture of the author movies
    Bookmark software I never used, are generally issued with a manual to use tools to feel not very good.
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  • Profile picture of the author timpears
    I got Big Mike's software some time ago but could never figure out how to work it. I got confused as hell trying to read the instructions. So it is Fiverr.com for me from now on.

    Tim Pears

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    • Profile picture of the author android45
      I am using socialmonkee.
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  • Profile picture of the author JamieSEO
    Happy with SENukeX, I tried SocialBot a while back but the success rate was less than great...

    Still, Big Mike's stuff was a great, affordable starting point

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  • Profile picture of the author enni
    According to me you have to use Bookmarking demon because with that your site is going to index very easily. I suggest you to use this software.
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  • Profile picture of the author ulcseminary
    I use bookmarking Demon. It's a bit of a pain, but I set up my own couple of bookmarking sites too. Some of those are sticking. I really don't know what sticks and what doesn't. I figure that I'm just going to throw them out there and see what happens.

    It IS a pain to set up though.

    I run the Universal Life Church seminary website. I post my Spiritual Bookmarks at this Universal Life Church site.

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    • Profile picture of the author desmin
      We never use tool or s/w , we are doing manually.
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  • Profile picture of the author Tom Albas
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    • Profile picture of the author allistercook
      My suggestion is that don't use any software for any submission.For me manual submission is very helpful for getting ranking and traffic.today people want everything manual because of they know which is good for us.so i am doing manual submission everywhere.
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  • Profile picture of the author daweelmac
    I use social monkee for this. Haven't seen a result yet since I just signed up for it few days ago. But I'm hoping I can get good results.
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    • Profile picture of the author atomasini
      I bookmark manually.

      Social bookmarks sites get shutdown or close profile pages so often that soon there will be only a handful. Then it won't matter what software you use.
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      • Profile picture of the author halfpoint

        Been using it for about 3 years and it still works great.
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  • Profile picture of the author V8200T5
    I am also using a service who does it manually because I think that the results of automatic submissions aren't good enough to have much value.
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  • Profile picture of the author coreyhammond
    Bookmarking Demon here, hear good things about senukex though
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  • Profile picture of the author neoo28
    im using , onlywire, socialmonkee, and social bot
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  • Profile picture of the author gxfcrjdj
    I'm using Socialbot
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