Backlink anchor text variation

8 replies
  • SEO
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I read the Penguin case study on Microsite Masters. They said;

It means that every single site we looked at which got negatively hit by the Penguin Update had a “money keyword” as its anchor text for over 60% of its incoming links. On the other hand, the sites that were not hit by the update had much more random percentages.

I was wondering, if the main keyword you are targetting to rank for is dishwasher reviews, if you used the keyword best dishwashers in the backlink anchor text, would this still be classed as a money keyword because it has "dishwasher" in the anchor text or would that be good enough to not be classed as a "money keyword".

So for example, if you created 100 backlinks and used the 3 keywords listed below as anchor text, does this mean that only around 33% of the backlinks would be classed as using a "money keyword" in the anchor text?

dishwasher reviews
best dishwashers
top dishwashers
#anchor #backlink #text #variation
  • Profile picture of the author webdevpro
    Not quite sure but the world dishwasher shouldn't be treated as related to the money keyword and also the exact wording in anchor text has the most impact instead of the partial words. So all the keywords as in your case should be treated as different even they have common word dishwasher in them.
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  • Profile picture of the author meatro
    Spin the crap out of your anchor text...

    Throw some "click here" in there, a few "", some images, TYPOS!!!, etc. If you're targeting a specific keyword, exactly like you said.. Do not use it for a wide majority.

    but yes... top dishwashers, dishwasher reviews and best dishwashers are all 3 completely different keywords ("dishwasher" is not the keyword, the whole phrase is the keyword and they are all 3 different phrases.)

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    • Profile picture of the author JSProjects
      Originally Posted by meatro View Post

      Spin the crap out of your anchor text...

      Throw some "click here" in there, a few "", some images, TYPOS!!!, etc. If you're targeting a specific keyword, exactly like you said.. Do not use it for a wide majority.

      but yes... top dishwashers, dishwasher reviews and best dishwashers are all 3 completely different keywords ("dishwasher" is not the keyword, the whole phrase is the keyword and they are all 3 different phrases.)

      This. Just grab a ton of LSI keywords and use them. Although I'd still do at least 20% of the links with exact anchor text. But that's just me.
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  • Profile picture of the author retsek
    You guys really not learning anything from these updates. It's like you're patching holes as they arise, rather than docking your ship and doing extensive upgrades to make it sea worthy. (SERP worthy?)
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  • Profile picture of the author dp40oz
    Stop over thinking things. Just grab a bunch of related keywords and generic stuff and don't worry about having your actual keyword in your anchor text so much. Make it natural.
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    • Profile picture of the author NZB
      Ask yourself if you find something interesting you always links with anchor text? Probably never.
      Your links must be natural. This means that if you want to get to position the specific phrase you need to take care of the variety of links.
      This means that the case is getting increasingly difficult. It's all about quality links. Some tools already introduced parameters of links such as: Citation Flow and Flow Trust.
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  • Profile picture of the author NewYorkerRocks
    Anchor text variation in your link profiles is getting Extremely important now. There are tons of articles on this nowadays, especially after the penguin update. The best to do is to outsource your seo work to Top professionals who actually do high anchor text variations in your linking.
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