WordPress blog doesn't send email

by Rehmat
2 replies
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Hi, I was running my blog on Blogger before and now have migrated it to WordPress with my own hosting. I am facing a problem, which is, if someone registers on blog, a message "Check your email" appears but the email is never received by the user. Please help.
#blog #email #send #wordpress
  • Profile picture of the author Brennen Noble

    I have experienced a similar issue. The emails were actually getting sent, but rejected from the mailserver. If I remember correctly, it was because the "from" address was "root@localhost" which was set in /wp-includes/class-phpmailer.php and it was not replacing localhost correctly.

    Open that file up and change it to something like no-reply@yoursitedomain.com or wordpress@yoursitedomain.com or whatever you want it to be.

    Then change the "From name" setting from Root User to YourSite.com or whatever you want the name to show up as.

    Make those changes then test making a new account with an email address that goes to a mailbox NOT on your server (a gmail or yahoo account for instance) and make sure it works.

    Should be good to go after that.
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  • Profile picture of the author Rehmat
    Hello Brennen, it didn't work, but thanks for your response. I think there is something going wrong with my mail host.
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