2 years and a lot of work and here is where I am

5 replies
  • SEO
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I have spent the last 2 years building my site

It is now up and running and I have cleared most of the bugs. My only problem is that I know little about the structure required on a site like this for SEO.

If any of you are sat there bored and have brains full of this kind of knowledge, I would appreciate you taking a look at one of my pages to see how I can optimise them for SEO. This page would be a good example

Fingers crossed I get some worthwhile advice as an early Christmas present.
#lot #work #years
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  • Profile picture of the author dengkane
    Just visited your site, and don't know your business model, but for SEO, I can give some recommendations:

    1.do keyword research to find the perfect keywords for one article

    2.try add the keywords in the first paragraph and last paragraph of your article, don't exceed the keyword density above 3%

    3.add keywords into your URL (it seems you have done this)

    4.add keywords to your article title

    5.add a H1 line in your article content and contains the keywords

    6.add a H2 line in your article content and contains the keywords

    7.add a relevant picture, and add an alt text contains the keywords

    Hope they can help.
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  • Profile picture of the author vCr8
    It's a cool looking site, and I think you need press releases for this type of site to promote it. You can also pay for bloggers with high number of followers to make a review about your forum, how cool it is, the functionalities and stuff you can do in it. You can also use other social media to promote your site and maybe add some "interesting" topic to start more engaging discussions.
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    • Profile picture of the author Benjamin Ehinger
      Originally Posted by vCr8 View Post

      It's a cool looking site, and I think you need press releases for this type of site to promote it. You can also pay for bloggers with high number of followers to make a review about your forum, how cool it is, the functionalities and stuff you can do in it. You can also use other social media to promote your site and maybe add some "interesting" topic to start more engaging discussions.
      I agree with using press releases. You may also want to look into guest blogging, as it will help with both traffic and SEO.

      Benjamin Ehinger
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