Google Bans UPS Store Locations for Google Maps Listings

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If you use The UPS Store for your business location and you have a listing in Google maps or Google Places for Business (Google Local), make sure you change it right away. Get another address or you risk getting your local listing yanked by Google.

Google has banned The UPS Store from being used as a Google Maps listing, you can no longer sign up for a new listing and use The UPS Store as your address. They'll deny your listing.

A friend of mine uses The UPS Store for all his business correspondence, bills, his LLC incorporation, etc. and didn't have a Google Local listing, I told him to create one, which he did. He never got the postcard, and when he asked Google about it they said he was denied a listing.
#bans #google #listings #locations #maps #store #ups
  • Profile picture of the author paulgl
    That's always been policy.

    Problem is, people try and shmooze google places by
    claiming an address that's not their real location.

    Bad idea all the way around. Always has been.

    If you are a fool with your listing, especially while
    signing up, you get what you deserve. You need a real
    location, real business phone number.

    That's like using a PO box for google maps. And that,
    no matter how you slice it, is crazy with a capital C.


    If you were disappointed in your results today, lower your standards tomorrow.

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