Penguin 2.0 A Persective Of The Last 10 Years Of Updates

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Hi, Reposted after being deleted on from wrong subforum (my bad ) and yes it should read "Perspective"

Just realized that tomorrow is exactly 17 years since I started in IM. 25th May 1996. Pre Google. Keyword stuffing, buying banner space, gaming Lycos and Alta Vista. I had just been turned down for a promotion at work and really needed the extra cash. In my mind (like so many people applying for a big promotion) the expected pay rise was already spent. I needed that extra cash. I saw a news program about the burgeoning .com boom (there was one on every 20 minutes back then) and asked around "How did these guys make money".
I didn't have a "big idea" but I was told that piggy backing on other peoples ideas as someone who could market for them was a great way to get a head start. The word "affiliate" was never used - but that's what it was.

On 25th May I bought my first domain and spent about 3 weeks trying to set up a website on it selling shoes by mail order as a sort of affiliate with a handshake deal from the shoe makers (which they honoured for as long as I had the site). I made my first few quid (I'm British) in August of that year and by Christmas was making almost 50% of my income online. I was earning a LOT more than the lady who got the promotion.

Back to today (wibbly screen...wooh woooh wibbly screen)

Today this site is full of "Oh noes. .SEO is dying. Is there still any value in link building? - Shall I go back to stacking shelves in the supermarket"?

Other sites (ones full of self righteous "johnny come lately's") - and yes I'm talking about you among others Mr Fishkin - actually feed the flames.
"Tidy up your act. Do this - do that - this WON'T WORK anymore."
And it's the use of these empirical statements that REALLY winds me up.

Penguin 2.0 is ONGOING - the dust hasn't settled yet, the cards are STILL BEING SHUFFLED yet I see SEO after SEO claiming to have found the "golden answer" already.
How? How the feck did they do that when the index is still very much in flux - and will be for many days to come?
What exactly have these people extrapolated so far from a shuffling index.
If they played poker could they tell if they would have the best dealt hand while the cards are being shuffled?
(In case you are wondering the answer is "No")

Here's a post with perspective. I left the links in on purpose (they don't lead to any sites of mine but to authority SEO sites) See just how much the world has changed in the last ten years (no...not )


Look at the shocking news I read today (then please read the summary at the bottom)

“With the latest update Google is looking to increase the value of authority sites. Sites that have links from other authority sites and have good quality content themselves may well be rewarded with an increase in search engine ranking while those that rely on links from irrelevant sites may well suffer as a result of the latest update”

Penguin 2.0?
Nope. This is the “Google Bourbon” update from 2004. It was the “End of SEO
Ok what about this then...

"This latest update is the ultimate anti spam sub algorithm. The most severe slap Google has ever given the the SEO community. Bad links – poor context and poor surrounding content will be for the long drop and Google sets out to clean house.
Sites where our algorithms had very low trust in the inlinks or the outlinks of that site. Examples that might cause that include excessive reciprocal links, linking to spammy neighborhoods on the web, or link buying/selling.

So this is Penguin 2.0 then?
Nope This is the “Google Big Daddy” update from 2005. It was the “End of SEO

Ok - what about THIS one them...
Google latest update seem to prefer older sites in some cases, although it is all still at an early stage.
We have been seeing some updates in Page ranks and the like, but fortunately going towards the positive point and taking the link building process into consideration. Poor quality links are being penalized as best practice for SEO is being rewarded (at last). The quality and relevancy of content is also part of this update.

So this has GOT to be Penguin then. Or maybe Panda (it mentions content)?
Nope this is a “Google Dewey” update from 2008. It was widely regarded as the “End of SEO

  • Is this a full and complete list?
  • How many updates has Google had that have said much the same thing?

“No” and “plenty” are the answers you are looking for.

And the unasked question?

Yes – Almost all the updates say more or less the exact same thing. They go back to 2003 with “Fritz”. Their have been many since.

Some Serious Points

The update has only just been rolled out less than 48 hours ago. It will take up to a week for the dust to settle. Don’t extrapolate anything yet. The indexes are in flux. The results are best measured once they have settled.

Google has made many (many) changes, all supposedly to the same aim. While the indexes are getting a little better and quality is slowly winning out over spam – it’s pretty easy to see it’s a war of attrition. No “one” update ever changes anything like as much of the index landscape as the noise disgruntled SEO’s make would seem to suggest.

Links win – always have - always will. Think a few hundred quality rather than tens of thousands of rubbish links. No news here. Nothing to see…move on.

Of course I will take a look at Penguin 2.0 in due time. I’ll wait for the updates to complete and the shuffling to settle down. That may take a good few days yet. Be wary of the “gurus” who tell you they know all about this or any other update almost as soon as the rollout has started. They don’t and indeed can’t know the ramifications as it is currently an on-going process.

Now – Penguin 2.0 is a deck of cards… in mid shuffle
#penguin #persective #updates #years
  • Profile picture of the author Mike Anthony
    Great points. Had a thread about this earlier. DO you have a link to Rand's Penguin 2.0 recommendations? Just want to read or watch. Like you not buying anything at least until after the weekend. I like a lot of SEOmoz stuff but one thing I realized long ago. They have a very vested interest in staying in Google's good graces and because of that they evangelize for them even when they know what they are stating is not true.

    Every now and again Rand talks about not buying links and you can catch that "i know I am not telling the whole truth and nothing but" look on his face. But hey. I don't wrong him/them too bad for it. They have a ton load of people who do business with them that buy what Google says on ever single thing. So it is what it is. It serves no purpose for them to rock the boat.

    and to be honest about 80% of the time they are right.

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    • Profile picture of the author Scritty
      Rand has indeed done something on Whiteboard Friday I believe. Though how he can extrapolate anything from the pack as it's being shuffled I have no idea.
      Perhaps he is Derren Brown in disguise. I posted a similr set on my own blog at demondemon dot com with all the outbound links to the specific details of these updates.
      Yes they do have a very vested interest in staying quite clean (in their opinion - though Google has never verified objectively whether they agree with Mr Fishkin's own appraisal of his methods.
      Link building is link building.
      And let's not forget that Matt Cutts is head of anti spam and that Penguin is an anti spam update. While there is of course an overlap between discouraging spam and the order of Google's index...they AREN'T THE SAME THING.
      A point which seems lost on just about everyone "guru", expert or noob.
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      • Profile picture of the author Mike Anthony
        Originally Posted by Scritty View Post

        Rand has indeed done something on Whiteboard Friday I believe.
        White board Friday is up for this week and it is not about Penguin 2.0. Do you actually have a source for this from somewhere that Fishkin is jumping the gun or are you just guessing?

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        • Profile picture of the author Scritty
          Originally Posted by Mike Anthony View Post

          White board Friday is up for this week and it is not about Penguin 2.0. Do you actually have a source for this from somewhere that Fishkin is jumping the gun or are you just guessing?
          You are write right. (I stand corrected on that last post) The Moz forum is full of it - but Rand himself has as yet said nothing.
          If you check the original post - I never actually said he did - just implied that he usually jumps on the "fear" bandwagon - that's something I still think, but I know others swear by MOZ methods so no issue there.

          So far a trawl through none brand comercial terms reveals just how little has changed.

          In the middle (or the early part) of this shuffle it is named brands (of products or people) that seem to have benefitted the most. The official site for a celeb rather than a fan made one - the official manufacturer of a product rather than a review or affiliate site. This is something that Moz have also noticed.

          Hey - who'd have guessed!

          Generic terms - even commercial ones?

          I see very little change and the guys from SEO metrics are on it like a rash chacking now "mid shuffle" and hopefully many times over the next few weeks. I've heard the sample size of URL's and sites is almost double their last statistical measurement. Almost 1 million sites and 22 million URL's being checked.

          That's the data I'll wait for. Pure analyzed stats. What are the properties of the site - how does it rank - with a massive sample size you can extrapolate some pretty smart moves and get a good idea of which way the wind is blowing.

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          • Profile picture of the author Mike Anthony
            Originally Posted by Scritty View Post

            You are write right. (I stand corrected on that last post) The Moz forum is full of it - but Rand himself has as yet said nothing.
            If you check the original post - I never actually said he did - just implied that he usually jumps on the "fear" bandwagon - that's something I still think, but I know others swear by MOZ methods so no issue there.
            Well I think we have to try and understand the perspective. Thats a white hat board so I don't know that its fear as much as the things that they will rant against are black and grey to begin with. Sometimes Rand just gets caught being a lightning rod to black and grey hatters (and I would definitely be considered by them to be a grey or even black hat) similar to how people just hate Cutts for the same thing.

            You will probably disagree but I think it high time for black hatters to start listening to white hatters more than they have been. I am probably never going to entirely agree with their definitions of white and black because I don't know a business sector in the world that doesn't buy other companies to leverage their assets as I do with aged domains. However theres more than enough in BH that Google is going after and CAN get to see the writing on the wall that BH is far more volatile than white and will only continue to be until its just not worth bothering with them any more.

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            • Profile picture of the author Backlinko
              Originally Posted by Mike Anthony View Post

              You will probably disagree but I think it high time for black hatters to start listening to white hatters more than they have been..
              I agree 110%.

              Penguin SHOULD have been a huge wake up call for people in SEO.

              For a time, black hatters were actually right on: it made sense to spam.

              But it's been OVER A YEAR since Penguin 1.0 and it seems that most people here still haven't gotten the white hat memo.

              I personally don't have anything morally against black hat stuff.

              It's just that you can make A LOT more money with white hat than black hat...which is why I'm in this game.

              If you look at what guys like Rand were saying 3-years ago: diversify your anchor text, write compelling content, build a brand, it's what most people in SEO are scrambling to do right now.

              I just got back from SearchLove in Boston and I can tell you that Penguin 2.0 was NEVER discussed. Why? Because they're doing next level shit. They're already 2-years ahead of most people.

              If you're in SEO that's where you want to be: 2+ years ahead of the curve.
              Find Awesome Keywords...Without ANY Tools
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  • Profile picture of the author Icematikx
    All of my Amazon sites rose quite steadily since the apparent Penguin 2.0 update. A few sites nabbed #1, and others went from #10 to #5. None of them have dropped in rankings thus far.

    My only backlink method is my own multi-tiered pyramid private blog network.

    Just got back from a #BrightonSEO. I was given room 404 in the hotel I stayed at. Couldn’t find it anywhere!

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  • Profile picture of the author online only
    Wondering how does your "shoe affiliate" site does in 2013? Still alive or... ?
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  • Profile picture of the author YellowGreenMedia
    LOL spam in some shape or form and BH techniques will always work, there is always a way to "game" the algo... saying Blackhat is dead is just as stupid as saying SEO is dead...
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  • Profile picture of the author Paul Gram
    Great post Scritty.

    Also, in regards to SEOMoz, many people don't realize that they built their business, brand, and following using lots of so called black hat stuff.

    That being said, I like SEOMoz and there is lots of great info on there as well but it shouldn't be anyone's sole source of SEO information.
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    • Profile picture of the author TheFBGuy
      Scritty: great post. You posted this on the "other forum", and i must say the level of intelligence and discussion between here and on the "other forum" is like night and day, wouldn't you agree? hahaha

      Others: this thread is not about SEOMoz. :p
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      • Profile picture of the author Scritty
        Originally Posted by TheFBGuy View Post

        Scritty: great post. You posted this on the "other forum", and i must say the level of intelligence and discussion between here and on the "other forum" is like night and day, wouldn't you agree? hahaha

        Others: this thread is not about SEOMoz. :p
        Thanks for pointing that out. I should have made it clearer myself.
        I'm not an advocate of spam. But automation, strong link building in quantities still works.. And works consistently for most.
        Here's the question.

        Why would grey hatters "get the white hat memo" when the solid link building processes they are still using continue to work extremely well and very ( very) much faster?

        Would you a bricks an mortar business... Act on a memo that said;

        "Slow down your revenue stream and massively reduce your incoming client potential while adding extra time and expense to your core business processes"

        The subtext being..." Oh and by the way...the method we propose is every bit as self serving and none ethical as the far more effective method you are using now...just a hell of a lot slower and normally a lot more expensive"

        Google are against ALL self serving link building past syndication. If you are building links..or calling the process whatever you like ("relationship building" is the most linguistically dexterous nonsense phrase I've heard in this regard) then you are working against Google best practice.

        You can call it White can call it "Magic Fairy Dust For Websites" if you' still the exact same process and every bit as condemned by Google...just a lot slower and a lot more expensive in most cases.

        I'm not denying that every update tightens the game a percent or two, and over time the tightening has had a significant impact on SEOs.
        But conversely to treat every update as if it is,in itself, a paradigm change when for the vast VAST majority of SEOs it has made little or no long term difference is to over egg the pudding somewhat.
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