Does PR 5+ links help?

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Does 10 PR5+ OFF TOPIC links help to reach #1 on google from #4?
Total competitors 830,000.... Any ideas? Thoughts....

Do you have any PR5+ links too, I am ready to do some exhanges too, As I have some PR5+ links and I have already used them, If I can get new, that would be fine :p
#links #pr links
  • Profile picture of the author bigcat1967
    Does 10 PR5+ OFF TOPIC links help to reach #1 on google from #4?
    Heck, no! Unless your top competitors are weak. I really don't see it happening.

    If you are going to post links on non-relevant sites, you will need more than 10 links. Also, why don't you write a couple of articles and post them on dofollow article submission sites like and - those would be quality links.

    <a href="">How to Lower Your Water Bill</a>

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  • Profile picture of the author Floyd Bogart
    I find that these will help.

    I would also write the articles and post to both EZA and GoArticles but I also like and sometimes I post on

    I highly recommend the backlinks packages sold by Angela Edwards. They have done a lot for my own sites...
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  • Profile picture of the author Bob Monie
    Every link helps, even if its from an off topic site with little PR. The link juice will still flow through, just not much of it.

    I classify high pagerank to be anything above PR4. If you do a search in Google you will notice that Google only show backlinks that are from sites that are PR4 or higher, sometimes they list lower pr sites but i find thats rare. Usually a small portion of your total backlinks. PR5 links will be good even if they arnt on topic.

    Remember the backlink anchor text is just as important as the link itself, so be sure to use your target keyword as the anchor text. Make sure you change the variation of the anchor text so it appears as natural link growth to Google. eg "marketing guides" "best marketing guides" "top marketing guides".

    DO NOT bother with link exchanges. They arnt worth the time it takes to get them. Unless you can get 3 way link exchange.

    I agree with the other guys, that focusing your time on building targeted backlinks with article submissions. Google luvs in content links from authority article directories. Since Google ranks pages, not sites. The article will be on the niche your targeting which means the backlink is from a relevant page. Google give these links the most weight.

    10 links from the top 10 article directories will be worth more than 10 off topic PR5 links.

    Top 10 article directories can be found at
    Will be the next authority article directory. Come take a look around. Submit and Publish your own articles.
    200,000+ Articles, 48,000+ Authors, Articles indexed in Google in under 1 minute
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