by dkk06
14 replies
Does anyone use fanpages for traffic on Fb. How successful are you with it?
#media #social
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  • Profile picture of the author Johnny0204
    Not very much...yet.

    But I have seen a lot of people use fanpages so successfully that drive ton of traffic to both their Facebook page and their website indicated on the Facebook Post. So i believe keep trying and you can make it.
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  • Profile picture of the author angelap999
    The fanpage I created took a few months to build up likes (that were mostly free) and a community where people like what I did and engaged. It will depend on your niche, but it's worth a shot to try it.

    The key is to be very direct with what you want your visitors to do on your page,i.e. comment on a post, share the post, like the post, etc. But in the shortest and simplest way possible.

    And to make short, but interesting posts throughout the week. Seek out people in your niche to post on your page, giving them the direct link.

    You're able to put your website URL on your fan page. If you're contemplating creating one or not, you should definitely do it.
    Winning Facebook (Free) Marketing Strategies
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    • Profile picture of the author Janice Wald
      I appreciate your help. I'm sorry I didn't check my notifications in so long. I assumed incorrectly I didn't have any.
      I'm sorry to show my ignorance, but what's the difference between a Fan page and a business page? Thanks,
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  • Profile picture of the author Janice Wald
    I have tried Facebook ads twice with little to no results. I've heard such good things about it I will try it again. As far as Facebook Fan pages, I have a page for my blog. I can't see the value.
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  • Profile picture of the author David Jones42
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    • Profile picture of the author Mark Kooijman
      I am offering free and paid PLR ebooks and software on my facebook pages and it works fine for me.

      My following is growing every day. And I effectively boost my organic traffic to my website without spending a dime.
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  • Profile picture of the author st0nec0ld
    Hmm, yeah I use social media for traffic because why not? it's free. But yeah I don't get that much maybe because my audience aren't there.

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  • Profile picture of the author Elna R Wiley
    facebook fan page is one of the best way for getting more traffic..
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    • Profile picture of the author Janice Wald
      Why? Do you have a lot of likes so Facebook shows your pages to people?
      Thanks for trying to help me.
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  • Profile picture of the author techwiiz
    Fan Pages are really helpful. But before you start with that, make sure you go through this tutorial. It will tell how exactky you can use your page and drive traffic.
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    • Profile picture of the author Janice Wald
      It sounds like I really need this tutorial. Thank you for sending it to me.
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  • Profile picture of the author Shin Wilson
    Using Fan pages for getting likes and getting traffic on Facebook is the best method and very effective among all..
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  • Profile picture of the author Janice Wald
    Hasn't Facebook minimized the importance of Facebook pages lately?
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  • Profile picture of the author ajaykashyap146
    Yes I do but they do not send that much traffic. It all depends upon how many active and targeted users you have on your Fan page who are actually interested in knowing what you are offering.
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