2 Essential Ways to Explode Your Adsense income
Sadly, most people's Adsense content pages are set up to be NARROW and SHALLOW. No wonder their visitors only visit one page or two and bounce back out.
There are 2 tweaks you can use to greatly increase your Adsense income
1) Split your single big blog post into several pages using the "nextpage" tag in Wordpress
2) CALL each article page's readers to action to click INTERNAL LINKS to increase your dwell time. You can even use teasers as you lead the visitor from page to page.
The end results?
Longer visit lengths

Higher adsense revenue
Conclusion: Adsense can be a great PASSIVE INCOME source for 'filler' niches. You just need to maximize views even if you have a low traffic volume.
The techniques I mention above effective turn 1 pair of eyeballs into several pairs.