2 Essential Ways to Explode Your Adsense income

35 replies
One popular misconception about Adsense is that you need TONS of traffic to make money with the program.

Sadly, most people's Adsense content pages are set up to be NARROW and SHALLOW. No wonder their visitors only visit one page or two and bounce back out.

There are 2 tweaks you can use to greatly increase your Adsense income

1) Split your single big blog post into several pages using the "nextpage" tag in Wordpress

2) CALL each article page's readers to action to click INTERNAL LINKS to increase your dwell time. You can even use teasers as you lead the visitor from page to page.

The end results?

Longer visit lengths

Higher adsense revenue

Conclusion: Adsense can be a great PASSIVE INCOME source for 'filler' niches. You just need to maximize views even if you have a low traffic volume.

The techniques I mention above effective turn 1 pair of eyeballs into several pairs.
#adsense #essential #explode #income #ways
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  • Profile picture of the author White Pearl
    It will decrease the bounce rate for sure but i think if you have 1 post article which is high quality then user will interact more rather than clicking again and again to read the full article.
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    • Profile picture of the author Medon
      Originally Posted by White Pearl View Post

      It will decrease the bounce rate for sure but i think if you have 1 post article which is high quality then user will interact more rather than clicking again and again to read the full article.

      I was thinking of the same thing. When visitors are required to click again and again, they get bored and may be tempted to leave the page. So I would recommend that instead of splitting content into pages, let the readers have a full page but write more content if you want to increase click rates. .
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  • Profile picture of the author WonderJack
    Thanks for the advice I'm new to IM
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  • Profile picture of the author msulcs
    Another great way is to add an image gallery, where you need to click the next image, and every 3rd-4th image is an ad.
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    • Profile picture of the author King Manu

      So, by becoming a very annoying website you make more money with Adsense? Are you sure you understand what User Experience stands for?

      Trying to cheat a number isn't the way to prosper my friend.

      And next time when you attach a chart, try to also mention what those slices of pie mean.

      Originally Posted by msulcs View Post

      Another great way is to add an image gallery, where you need to click the next image, and every 3rd-4th image is an ad.
      People that think like this are the reason Adblock was invented, and I am grateful for the addon.
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  • Profile picture of the author DABK
    Define, please, the words/phrases
    TONS of traffic
    make money.

    Because I think there's no misconception: you need a ton of traffic to make money, using my definition of making money.

    If you want to make $100 a month, you don't need tons of visitors. But what happens if you want to make $17,375/month? Or, God forbid, $48,866? (Just some random numbers that fit the definition of tons of money for some people.)

    PS Have you tested any of these? Because, when I come across a site with 'next' and ads, I run away, I don't click on their ads or next pages, and I imagine I am not unique in this.

    Originally Posted by writeaway View Post

    One popular misconception about Adsense is that you need TONS of traffic to make money with the program.

    Sadly, most people's Adsense content pages are set up to be NARROW and SHALLOW. No wonder their visitors only visit one page or two and bounce back out.

    There are 2 tweaks you can use to greatly increase your Adsense income

    1) Split your single big blog post into several pages using the "nextpage" tag in Wordpress

    2) CALL each article page's readers to action to click INTERNAL LINKS to increase your dwell time. You can even use teasers as you lead the visitor from page to page.

    The end results?

    Longer visit lengths

    Higher adsense revenue

    Conclusion: Adsense can be a great PASSIVE INCOME source for 'filler' niches. You just need to maximize views even if you have a low traffic volume.

    The techniques I mention above effective turn 1 pair of eyeballs into several pairs.
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  • Profile picture of the author Frank Donovan
    I don't see any key to the "pizza" diagram. What's the significance of the colors and the percentages?

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  • Profile picture of the author Jack Albany
    Just wondering if you have any numbers, before / after backing up this change? Wondering what the numbers increased might look like against poorer user experience.
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    • Profile picture of the author writeaway
      Originally Posted by Jack Albany View Post

      Just wondering if you have any numbers, before / after backing up this change? Wondering what the numbers increased might look like against poorer user experience.
      Yes, I do. I posted this thread after noticing my Adsense income shot up because I switched from passive page layouts to SLIGHTLY modifying content to actually ENCOURAGE and ENTICE the reader to keep reading

      What did the heavy lifting was the PAGE SEQUENCING

      Here's what pushed me to make the change (not my site) https://backlinko.com/seo-copywriting

      Read the section on bucket brigades

      The Dwell time graphic I posted was the AFTER picture of my audience behavior distribution

      Before that, almost the whole pie chart was GREEN (ie., quick bounce)
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    by becoming a very annoying website you make more money with Adsense?

    Well, yes, that has been common advice for adsense publishers.

    Make it difficult to leave your site - except by way of ads where people 'click out'...the point of adsense is clicks so anything on the site that encourages people to stay on the site rather than leaving through clicking an ad...is discouraged.

    It's a different mentality than creating 'high quality content' on sites.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11496175].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author writeaway
      Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

      Well, yes, that has been common advice for adsense publishers.

      Make it difficult to leave your site - except by way of ads where people 'click out'...the point of adsense is clicks so anything on the site that encourages people to stay on the site rather than leaving through clicking an ad...is discouraged.

      It's a different mentality than creating 'high quality content' on sites.
      Adsense publishers and people who actually make money using Adsense know that what you mentioned violates Adsense TOS.

      The mindset you described was the de facto standard among publishers in 2010... a lifetime away.... Not 2019.

      Creating multiple pages using quality content that pulls in readers and maximizes dwell time is far from TWISTING ARMS and USING PAGE DOING TRICKS

      Not only does the latter get you BANNED from Adsense, those practices / mindsets do nothing to build trust

      As far as building an annoying site, if a site is set up to annoy, it won't make money... not in the age of RANKBRAIN (Google's latest AI-powered update)
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      • Profile picture of the author King Manu
        Originally Posted by writeaway View Post

        Adsense publishers and people who actually make money using Adsense know that what you mentioned violates Adsense TOS.

        The mindset you described was the de facto standard among publishers in 2010... a lifetime away.... Not 2019.

        Creating multiple pages using quality content that pulls in readers and maximizes dwell time is far from TWISTING ARMS and USING PAGE DOING TRICKS

        Not only does the latter get you BANNED from Adsense, those practices / mindsets do nothing to build trust

        As far as building an annoying site, if a site is set up to annoy, it won't make money... not in the age of RANKBRAIN (Google's latest AI-powered update)
        This makes me confused, because you seem to contradict yourself.

        You want to tell me that if a movie platform is serving you episodes of 5 minutes with ads between them instead of a whole movie, you won't be pissed just because the movie is good?

        I think you're just kidding yourself and that the tactic you describe (with good content on it or not) will be crushed by Google into oblivion as it deserves.

        There's a difference between using bucket brigades and being an annoying salesman. How many ads do you see on Brian's website? Per blog post? Per website?


        But again, this is just my opinion.
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  • Profile picture of the author techwizard
    Why not just creating an appealing content that actually provide what the visitors need?
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    • Profile picture of the author writeaway
      Originally Posted by techwizard View Post

      Why not just creating an appealing content that actually provide what the visitors need?
      This goes without saying.

      A lot of people talk about 'appealing content' but fail to quantify it.

      You can tell objectively if people truly are interested in your content through TRAFFIC BEHAVIOR

      If people are bouncing out, that's all you need to know... you're not going to make money

      My advice (based on experience) is to make CONTENT STICK so as to increase DWELL TIME
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  • Profile picture of the author DABK
    So, you noticed people stay on your site longer. Did that translate into you making more money?
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  • Profile picture of the author Jonathan 2.0
    Originally Posted by writeaway View Post

    1) Split your single big blog post into several pages using the "nextpage" tag in Wordpress

    2) CALL each article page's readers to action to click INTERNAL LINKS to increase your dwell time. You can even use teasers as you lead the visitor from page to page.

    The end results?

    Longer visit length.
    Seems like good advice. Thanks.
    : )
    "Each problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem. The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity."―Joseph Sugarman
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  • Profile picture of the author ryanbiddulph
    I dig the internal linking advice. So many juicy benefits from just a few links here and there.
    Ryan Biddulph helps you to be a successful blogger with his courses, manuals and blog at Blogging From Paradise
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  • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
    This can work but I see this as a short term type of method. I think it's only a matter of time before google cracks down on this. But I guess we shall see.
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  • Profile picture of the author Daniel Thor
    I am not sure Adsense can give great PASSIVE INCOME source.
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    • Profile picture of the author DABK
      You should be absolutely sure it does not.

      What it can do is give you good income in relation to the resources you put into developing and marketing the site.

      Originally Posted by Daniel Thor View Post

      I am not sure Adsense can give great PASSIVE INCOME source.
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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    A simple way to Adsense income is to build a site or blog, build an optin email list, keep writing relevant content on the site, and continue to bring your email list subscribers back to the blog. Soon they will be clicking on Adsense links that they find important or curious to them. The more they click, the more money you make. But you have to keep these subscribers coming back to your blog. So GREAT content is needed, and a reputation and consistency of publishing new good content needs to be established. There's no get rich quick with Adsense.
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  • Profile picture of the author Monica8297
    Just wondering If you have any numbers, before / after backing up this change? Wondering what the numbers increased might look like against poorer user experience.
    Thanks for your post.
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  • Profile picture of the author amirali999
    Thanks for the giving helpful article.
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  • Profile picture of the author themarketsoup
    Never thought of utilizing nextpage tag. I thought having complete long article on a single page helped SEO because of how long the content was. I did see this technique being used on some of the gaming sites but people were put off by having to navigate to more pages to read. This had stopped me from experimenting this.
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  • Profile picture of the author brettb
    I hate those next >> links in articles. They take so long to read and usually the content is junk anyway. Google is probably smart enough to know I hate them. This advice is terrible.
    ÖŽ FindABlog: Find blogs to comment on, guest posting opportunities and more ÖŽ

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  • Profile picture of the author Pribeiro
    About this post i think like this:

    IF you have a lot of traffic Adsense may be interesting, depending on the niche you are on.


    If you have a lot of traffic , lets say at least 30k page views per month (1k/day) you can try to join top paying advertising networks like Mediavine where you get a lot more then with Adsense, top paying niches will bring you around $30 RPM (30 dollars for each 1000 impressions), not clicks, impressions!

    But lets say that your site is only average, even then you can make around $8 per RPM so it will be much higher then with Adsense in the majority of the cases.

    If you have low traffic then adsense will give you cents... you will offer a bad user experience for pennies? that´s your call.
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  • Profile picture of the author bugzy
    Back when twitch is still JustinTV, I have this newly created sports website that offers random video sports clips.

    What i'm doing before is, everytime there's a live sports event, I always create multiple channels pretending that I have this live sports event that they can watch but what i'm doing is, I'm pointing them to go to my website instead where they'll be able to watch it live (which in reality it just a clickbait).

    I place adsense strategically on the websites where visitor have this urgency to click any links just to find where they can watch the sports event live on my websites.

    I've earned like thousand of dollars in adsense and have like 1 million unique visitors in a span of 3 months.

    This is when I'm still new in making money online.

    I already stop doing it as I've learned the hard that nothing beats being honest in making money online.

    Just want to share it how I explode my adsense income before which is very related to this topic.
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  • Profile picture of the author chuckholmes
    I hate those articles you have to click 10-20 times just to read the full article. I leave those websites quickly. I'm sure many other people feel the exact same way. User experience is everything.
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  • Originally Posted by writeaway View Post

    One popular misconception about Adsense is that you need TONS of traffic to make money with the program.

    Sadly, most people's Adsense content pages are set up to be NARROW and SHALLOW. No wonder their visitors only visit one page or two and bounce back out.

    There are 2 tweaks you can use to greatly increase your Adsense income

    1) Split your single big blog post into several pages using the "nextpage" tag in Wordpress

    2) CALL each article page's readers to action to click INTERNAL LINKS to increase your dwell time. You can even use teasers as you lead the visitor from page to page.

    The end results?

    Longer visit lengths

    Higher adsense revenue

    Conclusion: Adsense can be a great PASSIVE INCOME source for 'filler' niches. You just need to maximize views even if you have a low traffic volume.

    The techniques I mention above effective turn 1 pair of eyeballs into several pairs.
    Great share!

    Way back then... I was reluctant to do this on my Adsense sites... because I thought it was bad customer experience.

    But looking at the top-earning magazine news sites out there, I saw them doing the same thing.

    So I adapted. Learned. And experimented.

    The result?

    All my Adsense sites doing this MULTIPLIED their traffic, page views, social shares, and most importantly...


    ... significantly!

    Of course, you content still needs to be so good that they'll enjoy clicking through.

    And it's a plus if you can structure your content in a way that splitting it across multiple pages makes it more pleasing on the eye.
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  • HI
    Publish High-Quality Content Consistently.
    Bump Conversion With Ad Variety.
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  • Profile picture of the author Rohit Manglik
    I personally don't like this feels annoying to read one article.
    Just in case I stumble upon on any website like this I hit back button immediately and open the next Google search result.

    If your Content is written so well connected people read and stay on the page.
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  • Profile picture of the author sgalla414
    This was a good thread to read.. I don't do Adsense but what looked like good advice from the OP on the surface was critiqued by others with better suggestions.
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  • Profile picture of the author nelson cortel
    Number 1 is to appeal to your top referrers and number 2 is to write a valuable content that links to your website
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  • HI Friends
    Use all your ad blocks, and make them big.
    Place at least 2 ads within the post content.
    Use Red Instead of Blue.
    Use a Scrolling Ad Block.
    Use Text & Image Based Ad.
    Create a Shortcode.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11524286].message }}
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