Just upgraded a site from http to https but now I cannot login from wp-login any ideas ?

7 replies
Hi guys,
I dont really do much IM these day I have a few sites with some adsense on them but thats about it but one of these sites I use to host some images on which I use for Ebay listings, Anyay ebay whats you to move any images from http to https so i bought a certificate and changed the site to https did a bulk search and find on ebay and changed all the http to https and everything worked fine .

The only problem is my site wont alow me to login wp-admin ?? nothings changed I havent changed the user name or password the only thing thats changed is the sites gone from http to https when I go to the sites login in page the user name and password are still still showing they always did but when I click login it just relods to the same log in page ?

Any ideas guys ??
#http #https #ideas #login #site #upgraded #wplogin
  • Profile picture of the author SteveFinch
    A similar thing happened to me and if I remember rightly, I didn't have https at the beginning of my login URL but the old http.
    Try that. Might work.
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  • Profile picture of the author jimkirk1943
    The new url is https so thats not it thanks anyway
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  • Profile picture of the author PPG19
    ok, log into your phpmyadmin in your cpanel then go to the table wp_options , find your site url and home url starting with https, edit it and change that back to http .

    This should solve the problem.
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  • Profile picture of the author jimkirk1943
    Hi PPG19 Im in phpmyadmin but I cannot see `table wp_options` anywhere ? can you advise ?
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    • Profile picture of the author Peter Adamson
      You will find a few databases in your phpMyAdmin. You need to choose the WordPress database. You should recognise the name... it is the one you specified when you created the site.

      Also can you describe the symptoms. Can you load /wp-login.php?
      If so what happens when you submit your credentials?
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  • Profile picture of the author jimkirk1943
    Hi Ive found the tables in myphpadmin I have to go though cpanel to get into myphpadmin and yeah I found the tables but I cannot see where I have to go to change the url back to http I just see load of stuff I dont really know anything about.

    And the symptoms are just this.. after I bought a SSL cert I downloaded a plugin that changed all my pages to https I then went to the login page the detail where still pre populated to be honest Im not even sure what the password is I havent entered it for over a year its just pre populated but I click login and the page loads up and just stays on the the login page, If I manually take out the `s` from the end of the https url and click login again the page loads up but goes right back to the login page witht he `s` placed back on the end of the url
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    • Profile picture of the author Noman Asghar
      Remove that plugin from the file manager of your host then try to login from http version of your site.
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