New AddThis Custom Messages Section

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Does anyone else think the overhaul of the Marketing Overlay (Now Custom Messages section) is completely atrocious?

My biggest gripe:

You can no longer clone overlays for quick testing, you can no longer add URLs to the show/hide list by using separate lines, just commas now which make it look like a mess.

I spent about an hour now trying to wrap my brain around who approved this garbage. I sent them an E-mail earlier. It was friendly. I addressed these concerns and was notified that more changes are coming. As it is right now though after messing with it more, it's just a mess that really makes me want to find another service to pay for and use.

Why are the show, hide and disable URL's all separate buttons now too. Why not on one page like before that lessened confusion. I often forget which URLs I included/excluded per overlay and with the old style, all I had to do was scroll down a notch to see both at the same time...not switch between tabs...then eye through comma separated URL's on a few very long lines that I have to expand with the box notches. This was a really bad more that they'll hopefully revert or greatly approve upon soon!
#addthis #custom #messages #section

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