Posting to Facebook Groups

31 replies
I'm building up my groups list to 1,000 as I'm told this is needed to get sufficient customers from FB groups, but the more I have the longer it takes to post and so soon I'll be posting to more groups but starting to reach less people in any 24 hour period - and I only have 60 groups on my list so far. I'm told it's possible to post to 1,000/day but I can't see how without getting banned by FB as you'd have to make a post every minute.

Do you know how this can be achieved or is it just an urban myth?

Also, has anyone used these softwares for this purpose and if so what do you think of them or do you have other software to auto post on Facebook?

Tools Star

NitosEdge (AKA Perfect Post App).

#facebook #groups #posting

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