Some of my best Facebook posts include ####

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You're posting online to Facebook, and you're getting some traction, but you're not getting the results for the effort you're putting in.

I manage quite a few client's Facebook pages and have been working on social media management across a range of industries and I have started to reflect on what really works and what doesn't.

I've quickly jotted down some of the ways I get big wins engagement-wise in my Facebook posts:

Video - by far, videos trump images. Every. Single. Time.
If you have a super relevant video of footage from the organisation, it can be anything really in the case of one client they are a nature charity and often go out to farms and the wilderness to release or check on endangered animals. 10-second shaky videos of their day out in the bush will generate far more traction and reach than some of the posts I can put together that are seamless and technically perfect. Look for opportunities to include videos, ask your clients to take videos of staff events, special news or any opportunity that footage is relevant and invite your followers to be a part of your world. You would be surprised how a video with sound can make a difference to Facebook results compared to a still image.

Videos with words - if you can create videos with subtitle text do it.
As a bit of a side note, you'll notice in Facebook that unless you click on the video in your feed, you won't hear the sound. So if you can add in titles for text, you may be able to encourage a click from your followers based on their engagement with the text on the video. You can also add in CTA's to the video to tie in with your company messages (do it subtly though for goodness sake).

News - sharing relevant and up to the minute news with followers.
Whether you are writing for child care, restaurants, charities or building developers, latest news for their business or their industry can provide a huge spike in engagement. I have set up Google Alerts for the latest news for each client, which provides me not only with clippings for each business so I can share it online as soon as it is shared online, but relevant industry news with followers will like, share and start talking about. Being a source of information and a guiding light can boost engagement and develop a community on the page.

Day to day images - sharing day to day images makes business more human.
It might sound weird, but some of the most engaging posts are photos of a staff member and their birthday cake, a new staff baby announcement and an announcement about an upcoming wedding or special event. While these are daily events, they offer an insight into the human side of the business page and make followers feel involved. I'm always amazed at the end of the month how these types of posts rank engagement-wise.

Do any of these work for you? Send through some other ways you get serious engagement; I'm always keen to test new ways.
##### #facebook #include #posts #video

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