Social media on a budget

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I don't know about you guys but sometimes I feel like social media is such a crowded place with not much substance, not for businesses anyway. Facebook and Insta are pretty awesome at managing that with their regular algorithm changes which puts the right content in front of the right people, but I still feel like a business would have to be pretty good at what they're doing to get maximum exposure.

Yes, you can pay to have your content at the top if news feeds in Facebook and you can also pay a social media manager to do it for you but what about for those of us who are on a budget?

I've come up with a few ways you can manage social media on a budget and wondered if anyone has any more bright ideas that they've implemented (for free) to help your content stand out from the crowd as they say.

Consistency is key:
I try and post every day or two to make sure that my pages don't get lost in the crowd. Not always necessarily something too salesy but a relevant meme or quote at least keeps you at the forefront of people's minds. I used to just post every week or so but with competition for space being pretty high, I find I get a much better reach on Facebook and Insta if I post little and often rather than rarely.

Relate to your followers:
I always respond to comments and reply back to people who have taken the time to write to me on social media. It shows that there's a person sitting behind the computer screen and also that you care. When people think you care they're much more likely to spend their money with you - so I believe anyway!

Have an opinion:
So many people are wishy washy on social media these days; obviously don't' be offensive (well you can be if your like but if you've got a business to run I wouldn't recommend it!) but it's good to pick a side as it sparks debate and gets you noticed.

Be original:
I completely think that the most successful businesses are those who break the mould. Instead of sharing content that's been shared a million times already, create your own! Programs like Canva are a great free way to create memes and graphics that nobody's seen before and which will hopefully encourage people to share your unique content.

I know there are lots more rules for people who want their content to get seen above their competitors., so what are the things that you do that are successful? Is there anything you do that isn't listed here?
#budget #media #social

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