Help, Insurance social media marketing tips

2 replies
i've been nominated since nothing as social media manager of a local insurance agency in a main italian city. I must create the facebook page and literally "get results", like emails, numbers and maybe some sells.

Can you give me any ideas?

I thought: emailing the clients and the workers to get the first follower, then do fb ads with a low budget (20$) on a landing page where, if you leave your email, i'll give you a coupon in the next days.

What do you think about it?
#insurance #marketing #media #social #social media marketing #tips
  • Profile picture of the author Funtobesocial
    Use the "Lead Ads" to generate new leads. Offer something that is good enough for them to give up their email address.

    Lead Ads are a great way to generate new leads and Facebook makes it easy for you to create and easy for the customer to fill by doing an auto-fill based on their information. They can sign up in 3 seconds using the Lead form in your ad.

    Pro Tip: Your website will need to have a Privacy Policy and you will need to put a link to the Privacy Policy in the ad, but you will see this part as you create the ad. It's not hard just make sure your website does have a Privacy Policy first.
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  • Profile picture of the author newbim
    Have you considered a Facebook Contest? It could save you a few of those $20? You could get people to tell you what they hate about their insurance, leave their email, and you'll select a winner at random from the entries that leave their email address? This way, you're both in a win / win:
    Your leads win because it's a free chance to vent and possibly win money in addition to the pleasure (people love complaining about insurance), and you also win because a) Say you have $20 coupons to give to the first 100 signups / sales, you could pool them together for a much bigger 'prize', and b) you could use that as useful feedback to help develop / provide your company with ways they could improve their USP?

    Just an idea, but I work in insurance, and I know it's a boooooooooooring product, but it is important.

    Just an idea. Let us know how it pans out.
    If what I said helps, let me know, throw me a 'thanks'.
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