How to avoid negative reactions to commercial offers?

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Admiration can turn into hate
Social networks have facilitated the creation and dissemination of content to such an extent that with less than 140 characters or with a photo you can surround yourself with faithful communities with thousands or even millions of fans.

Guy Gawasaki has already said it. Nobodies are the new Somebodies.

Anyone with the ability to be useful to others has the possibility to create their own online reign. The feeling that they need you is addictive and you want everyone to love you. That by definition is not possible and many of those who think about making an economic profit to their activity suddenly realize that admiration can turn into hatred.

Do not get me wrong. Im being a bit melodramatic but its my perception that many bloggers have when they first realize that there are people who are unsubscribing from their subscription list.

Change the chip if you want to make money with your community
Be clear that you will never be able to like everyone forever. Things are changing and what has been moving in parallel, can suddenly move in opposite directions.

Life is not free. Even the Wikipedia is raising money every 3-6 months to be able to stay. The fact that you have contributed value in a disinterested way does not mean that in the future you can not make money. It's not bad, it's logical.

If you want to make money with your community, you have to accept this:

Some of those who before loved, will begin to hate you because you are now a commercial.
You can never like everyone forever. No matter what you do It is impossible. Do not eat your head because one person among 100 positive comments will put you to give birth.
Wanting to earn money is not bad, you have every right in the world to seek an economic reward for your activity.

How to earn money with communities by reducing potential damages
Once we have accepted the fact that there may be friction, the point is to reduce potential damages. For this it is advisable not to change radically from one day to another. I would give you these basic tips:

Announce possible commercial offers in time to see how people react and adapt to their needs.
Do surveys to be able to justify the commercial offer since the 35% of people have asked that ...

Continue to offer the vast majority of services and content for free. It is not about making a radical change, but about going in small steps.

It is important that when you launch a payment service the difference is highlighted to existing free offers. A couple of examples.
  • A paid e-book can be based on existing loose content. You can keep it free or structured for a small fee.
  • A free content can adapt for a generic case. In case of eg payment formation the cost can be justified because there is a more personalized treatment.
  • Opportunities also exist within the world of e-commerce. Products that already buy your community, could acquire it from already in your store.
  • Making money with communities is possible and profitable if you do well. If you can not bear the fact that you will only love 99.9%, this route is not for you. Luckily online karma exists and you will find ways to reach yourself.
#avoid #commercial #negative #offers #reactions

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