6 keys about emotional engagement with consumers

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Connecting to an emotional level with the consumer allows a brand to increase its level of recall and generate a deep bond with its audience.

According to data from a study by Millward Brown reveal that 71 percent of companies that implement emotional marketing techniques do so to reinforce their brand recognition.

1. Know your audience deeply. On the internet segmentation reaches higher levels, so knowing Target is indispensable for designing content and actions.

2. Link. Once you achieve that depth of knowledge of the audience you want to target, you can build that match between the brand and the user.

3. Mobile. Take advantage of the technology in your favor. Today social networks are an indispensable part of the communication dynamics, so having a position in these types of scenarios with relevant content is a way to have contact with audiences.

4. Creative execution. You have two threats to overcome, create pieces that do not attract the user and your own content to play against the brand. You must seek the balance between innovation, creativity and timing.

5. Monitoring of social networks. Keeping track of the goals achieved or not achieved allows correcting errors and keeping active the actions that generated impact on users.

6. Storytelling. Telling a good story its a great way to engage with your audience, stories can be a good tool for generating emotions on the consumers.

Ive tried to create emotional engagement in the campaigns I ran using several of this resources, I have never measured my results with scientific methods, but the results that a emotional piece of content have in Social Media are always better than all the other types of content.
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