What's the best Video Editing software for making YouTube Videos?

122 replies
Just a quick question...

What do you think is the best (and easiest to use) video editing software to make promotional videos for your sites and for You Tube?

#editing #making #software #video #video editing #video marketing #videos #you tube #youtube #youtube marketing
  • Profile picture of the author braver55b
    Right now I just downloaded some editing tutorials from Youtube in order to use my standard windows movie maker, you don't always have to get that overpriced stuff if you're not planning on something too elaborate.

    Besides if you're going to use other video editing software, you can always go to youtube or the other major video sites like I did for tutorials.
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    • Profile picture of the author JeremyL
      So how popular is windows movie maker among warriors?
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      • Profile picture of the author Kevin Riley

        Depends on what you want to do. Windows movie Maker is OK for some editing of live video, but the titling is horrible.

        Camtasia is great for screen capture videos, adding text to live video, creating snappy slideshows.

        BTW, I'll be talking about this stuff on Willie Crawford's Blog Talk Radio on Monday evening (North America time) Internet Radio, Citizen Broadcasting, Social Media Podcasts - Blog Talk Radio
        Kevin Riley, long-time Warrior living in Osaka, Japan

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        • Profile picture of the author Brian Tayler
          Not the easiest program (but I wouldn't say the hardest either) is Adobe Premier. I find it much more powerful than Movie Maker (which, I find, limits my ability/creativity greatly). Premier obviously does a lot of stuff I don't need... but I also am not limited by the PROGRAM'S ability (which is the most imporant aspect in any tool like this for me).

          The learning curve might be there... but as a good example, I'd say it's no more of a learning curve if one was going from MS Paint to Adobe Photoshop for instance. With video growing at the rate it is... I'd say it's a worthwhile investment of your time to make.

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      • Profile picture of the author Tsnyder
        Originally Posted by JeremyL View Post

        So how popular is windows movie maker among warriors?
        I use Movie Maker...

        If I'm just doing screen capture stuff I use Cam Studio.

        If you knew what I know you'd be doing what I do...
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        • Profile picture of the author mr2monster
          If you're creative, you can do a lot more with Windows Movie Maker than people give it credit for... That's what I use.
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          • Profile picture of the author jjpmarketing
            Camtasia for Screenshot Videos and Slideshow Videos.

            Adobe Premier or Sony Vegas for videos made using a camcorder or webcam.

            Movie Maker is the video equivalent of MS Paint. Yes you can do some tasks in the program, but it is very limited. Invest money in a good program.

            If you don't already have Photoshop for graphics manipulation, then you will want to invest in Adobe Creative Suite that included Premier and Photoshop.
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            • Profile picture of the author elitemarketer
              Hey Jeremy,

              My personal favorite "Video Editing SOftware" is....

              Sony Vegas 8.0 or Sony Vegas Movie Studio Platinum

              And listen if you are just getting started with this stuff always remember that even with these very high priced softwares from Major Companies like Sony, TechSmith and so on you can go to their sites and download a 30 FREE TRIAL.

              And this way you have 30 days to put your videos into action and get a return so they can pay for themselves!

              QUICK TIP::: Make sure before you start any trials that you have everything like your scripts, setup and videos complete because you might think it will take you an hour to put together a video and then it takes you a week which gives you less time. So after the video is recorded and just needs to be edited then get your trial and rock n roll

              With Vegas you can add music, another video track (for displaying your domain throughout the video), there are tons of effects and much more. Watch the Free Tutorials because they really help and best of all are "short and detailed"

              Good Luck
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            • Profile picture of the author Brian Tayler
              Originally Posted by jjpmarketing View Post

              Camtasia for Screenshot Videos and Slideshow Videos.

              Adobe Premier or Sony Vegas for videos made using a camcorder or webcam.

              Movie Maker is the video equivalent of MS Paint. Yes you can do some tasks in the program, but it is very limited. Invest money in a good program.

              If you don't already have Photoshop for graphics manipulation, then you will want to invest in Adobe Creative Suite that included Premier and Photoshop.

              I should have clarified that. Adobe Premier is overkill for a slideshow or simple screen capture video. However if I do any VIDEO work I always do it in Premier. For one, the HD options are extensive (does Movie Maker even do HD? I dunno). With my Sony HD camcorder this is very cool... especially with the camera hooked up into Premier's live capture using a firewire cable for live, on the spot, high quality recording.

              ...and for those who say HD isn't needed for online videos, let me just say you're wrong. The quality difference between the standard DV recording and HD method is night and day. Think of the old anology... crap in crap out... so if you start with a low quality recording and compress it for web it will (more often than not) have more noticable flaws than if you go from high quality recording to compression for web.

              I also prefer to go letterbox 99% of the time now. It looks more professional (just from a prospect's standpoint) and all monitors and TVs are headed to a completely letterbox format.

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              • Profile picture of the author jjpmarketing
                Let me put a marketing spin on this. When you are producing the best quality visually speaking. Your product will stand out from the crowd of marketers just throwing videos together. When you have professional transitions and callouts and all these other neat features in good software like the background effect (chromo something)... people will be more inclined to trust your product is good, simply because your video looks professionally done.

                This is because it has a higher perceived value.

                Crap in and Crap out, goes for sales too. Put in a crap effort for research and development, and you will get crap in sales.
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                • Profile picture of the author Lesley Huntley
                  I use Windows Movie Maker almost exclusively. It's just so easy to use, and best of all it is free. I'm not making professional, polished marketing videos however, my videos are more fun (when I make them myself at all!).

                  You can download the free trial of Camtasia Studio for 30 days and give that a try, I had a go with it, but ended up going back to WMM. It was just easier for me. It does (as mentioned) depend on what you want to do with it.
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                  • Profile picture of the author 60MinuteAffiliate
                    I have to say that I've used Camstudio and I just started usion Camtasia this week. I loved how easy it was to record powerpoint presentations into video.



                    Want To Learn How To Make 7K A Month In Minutes A Day?

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                • Profile picture of the author Jack44
                  Originally Posted by jjpmarketing View Post

                  Let me put a marketing spin on this. When you are producing the best quality visually speaking. Your product will stand out from the crowd of marketers just throwing videos together. When you have professional transitions and callouts and all these other neat features in good software like the background effect (chromo something)... people will be more inclined to trust your product is good, simply because your video looks professionally done.

                  This is because it has a higher perceived value.

                  Crap in and Crap out, goes for sales too. Put in a crap effort for research and development, and you will get crap in sales.
                  So True, !!!!!!! If it Looks Like a duck,and Quacks Like a Duck,But STINKS,, Who are you going to Buy from!??? Jack
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              • Profile picture of the author directlyspeaking
                Hi. Could you help me? I own a little marketing company, and my client wants to advertise on youtube. I have a local production company that will do an animation thirty second spot for around $1,500. What then is the proper mark up that I should charge my client? In other words, what is my profit?
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      • Profile picture of the author mariomvr
        Originally Posted by JeremyL View Post

        So how popular is windows movie maker among warriors?
        I used to use wmm but I think that Imovie for mac is way better, way more professional.

        So I recommend Imovie.

        It is easy and looks great, really great.
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      • Profile picture of the author Walter Parrish
        Originally Posted by JeremyL View Post

        So how popular is windows movie maker among warriors?
        I haven't played with the free stuff much, but I have played with movie maker and uhhh it sucked.

        The few I liked best is anything by Sony Vegas Pro is ssssssssssss hott, but they also have low end products that are good too. They have 30 day trials so you can play with them and see the difference between them movie maker and other freebies. Trust me on this you will want commercial lol.

        Corel sucked. What good is 50 percent off, when the program crashes every time you load a full movie.

        Avid they claim is used by industry pros in hollywood, excellent program but it also crashed loading movies, oh btw they got bought out by Corel. I guess Corel is building a family of Crashware Video Editors

        I didn't try anything by Adobe, I guess they have like 20 different programs that can do the editing, problem is the trials were always expired by the time I opened them.

        Magix Movie Edit Pro, now I liked this one a lot too. The company also has a high end version, but I forget the name, but it's definitely does studio quality. Magix did crash a few times, but it held its own for a low end product.

        I've heard great things about pinnacle but never tried it, but shucks I heard great things about Avid too. lol

        ok here's my vote Sony has a low end for around 44 bucks and a 30 day trial. You cannot go wrong with any of Sonys video products. Second choices would be Magix or their high end product.
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        • Profile picture of the author Kurt
          Originally Posted by Walter Parrish View Post

          I haven't played with the free stuff much, but I have played with movie maker and uhhh it sucked.

          The few I liked best is anything by Sony Vegas Pro is ssssssssssss hott, but they also have low end products that are good too. They have 30 day trials so you can play with them and see the difference between them movie maker and other freebies. Trust me on this you will want commercial lol.

          Corel sucked. What good is 50 percent off, when the program crashes every time you load a full movie.

          Avid they claim is used by industry pros in hollywood, excellent program but it also crashed loading movies, oh btw they got bought out by Corel. I guess Corel is building a family of Crashware Video Editors

          I didn't try anything by Adobe, I guess they have like 20 different programs that can do the editing, problem is the trials were always expired by the time I opened them.

          Magix Movie Edit Pro, now I liked this one a lot too. The company also has a high end version, but I forget the name, but it's definitely does studio quality. Magix did crash a few times, but it held its own for a low end product.

          I've heard great things about pinnacle but never tried it, but shucks I heard great things about Avid too. lol

          ok here's my vote Sony has a low end for around 44 bucks and a 30 day trial. You cannot go wrong with any of Sonys video products. Second choices would be Magix or their high end product.
          Doesn't crash on me, except when opening certain MP4 videos. And to answer your question, it's good for titles, text and screen transitions and basic video "scribes".

          But then again, I'm not looking for "studio quality", only "Youtube quality", which is what this thread is about.
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          • Profile picture of the author Walter Parrish
            Originally Posted by Kurt View Post

            Doesn't crash on me, except when opening certain MP4 videos. And to answer your question, it's good for titles, text and screen transitions and basic video "scribes".

            But then again, I'm not looking for "studio quality", only "Youtube quality", which is what this thread is about.
            Right, that is what I read from users who had the same problem, that with corel its the file format or how they are made.

            I could be wrong but I think the thread was video for sites and youtube. Anyway, you put it I prefer something that's easier for me to use. One of the issues I always had when I was first starting was keeping the sound in sync with the videos.

            I guess it depends on what the person is going to do with them. Editing something already created could be different from creating your own presentation using a cam or computer camera.
            Use Feeder Sites, Articles, And Social Media Sites To Generate Unstoppable Traffic, FREE! Click Here Now To Get It For FREE
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            • Profile picture of the author Kurt
              Originally Posted by Walter Parrish View Post

              Right, that is what I read from users who had the same problem, that with corel its the file format or how they are made.

              I could be wrong but I think the thread was video for sites and youtube. Anyway, you put it I prefer something that's easier for me to use. One of the issues I always had when I was first starting was keeping the sound in sync with the videos.

              I guess it depends on what the person is going to do with them. Editing something already created could be different from creating your own presentation using a cam or computer camera.
              Actually, the reason I like Corel is because it is easy to use...I don't use it for everything, but it has a lot smaller learning curve than Sony Vegas. And it is good for making slideshows without worrying about the licensing that many of the online slideshow makers have...Plus Corel gives you more control.

              But like you said, it depends on what the goal is. To be honest, many of the top rated channels on Youtube have very low "production standards".

              For example, Kipkay has millions of subscribers and this video has 4.7 million views. His videos don't take much in the way of editing skills:

              Discover the fastest and easiest ways to create your own valuable products.
              Tons of FREE Public Domain content you can use to make your own content, PLR, digital and POD products.
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  • Profile picture of the author lakshaybehl
    Hey Jeremy

    Here's a bit of Advice for you..

    If you are just starting out, then use JING!

    FREE, FAST AND GREAT for at least starting with!

    Jing Project: Visual conversation starts here. Mac or Windows.
    Get It NOW.

    And No I am not affiliated with it!

    Focus on making some money before spending more of it!

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    • Profile picture of the author Josh Anderson
      Windows Movie Maker compresses your video files on output so if you are doing live motion video you will end up with crummy looking video because it will be double compressed when you upload it to youtube.

      While I am not going to go into detail on youtube optimization strategies here...

      It does not matter what editor you use for youtube as long as you can save your master in a DV avi format.

      The key is to upload your video to youtube in the least compressed format possible taking into consideration Youtube's file size limitation.

      By uploading the the least compressed format possible you will increase your image quality.

      I use Sony Vegas Movie Studio Platinum but again you can use any editor that will output in a lossless DV avi format.
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  • Profile picture of the author sarthakbehl

    I use camtasia... But if you are just starting you can use zing
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  • Profile picture of the author TimGross
    I think Sony Vegas has the best combination of full-features and fairly quick learning curve. FYI, there are good versions you can get for under 100 bucks, like Vegas 8 Platinum.

    As others said, download the free trial first to see if you like it.
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    • Profile picture of the author LonNaylor
      I own almost every video editor on the planet I think...LOL but:

      I use Sony Vegas Movie Studio Platinum for almost all editing. Best value (about $90), most features, lowest learning curve, very flexible.
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      • Profile picture of the author Chris_Willow
        If you want to do it with style AfterFX is the way to go.
        If not, than evry single piece of software is good enough for youtube

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        • Profile picture of the author dorothydot
          iMovie for MacBook. This is awesomely powerful.

          "Sell the Magic of A Dream"

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          • Profile picture of the author Dave Weaver
            I have used Windows Movie Maker and find it is good for simple editing of video for youtube etc. Sony vegas seems to be pretty popular and has good reviews. I am using Pinnacle Studio 11 and although it is ok it seems to have conflicts with my system. When it works it works fine when it doesn't it freezes up my computer.

            To put videos on site I use VideoWebWizard from Keith Gilbert. There are many options in the program and it converts your video to FLV. The latest version allows you to host the videos offsite and I am using Amazon S3 so I don't have to worry about my shared hosting bandwith and usage.

            The following link shows one of the videos on a site I am hosting. Notice the program does not show the fact that I am using Amazon S3 to host the video.

            Uncle Ray

            Under the video is my affiliate link or you can just go to videowebwizard.com.
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  • Profile picture of the author esh
    Hi Jeremy,

    The free solution can be Windows movie make. Avid Free Dv (Avid Free DV Software Support) & Jumpcut.com (online service) and camtasia free edition for screencaptures.

    Paid solutions are Adobe Premier and for more check out this link,
    List of video editing software - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Here are some open source solutions,

    Welcome to virtualdub.org! - virtualdub.org
    jahshaka.org - Home
    News | t@b ZS4 Free Video Editing Software

    Hope my post is helpful to you.

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    • Profile picture of the author flnz400
      I took some advice from another thread and got Sony Vegas. It's badass!
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      • Profile picture of the author jallen001
        I've used several, but the easiest to use without instructions was Video Studio 11. I made a video that I sell online for screenprinters on fourcolorprocessvideo.com. I had a Hi8 camera and it imported with no problem and rendered the videos very fast. Timeline was easy to manipulate. I noticed that the movie maker on the Mac doesn't even give you as much control and it cost way more.

        CamStudio for screen capture video.

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        • Profile picture of the author winkypee
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          • Profile picture of the author drr
            Depending on what you need done, Windows Movie Maker (free) or Camtasia (expensive) are the ones I use. I would say, if you only need to add basic effects like commentary/URL etc then you can get away with WMM. It's fine. If you want screen recording software, go for Camtasia.
            You Can Get A Lifetime Membership To Internet Business Entrepreneur For Free Right Here
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        • Profile picture of the author espacecadet
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          • Profile picture of the author Josh Anderson
            First I will tell you what it is not:

            1. Not Windows Movie Maker.

            Yes its easy and a great little free tool but it will always degrade the end quality of your youtube videos. The reason is because it uses compression on output. Then when you upload to YT it will compress the video again. That double compression gives you poor quality. Hmmmm

            2. Not Camtasia.

            If you know what you are doing then the end result can be better than Windows Movie Maker but the problem is that almost no one knows what they are doing when it comes to correct formatting for best results on youtube so most camtasia videos are terrible on youtube.

            So here is my suggestion:

            The best editor for youtube is....

            Actually it has nothing to do with what editor you choose.

            To get the best results on youtube it is all about the quality of the master video file you upload and the dimensions of that master video file.

            Personally I use Sony Vegas.

            I challenge anyone to a dual who thinks they can get better youtube video quality than me ;-)
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            • Profile picture of the author daelx
              I use Final Cut... by far the best. Of course it's Mac only.

              You can get Final Cut Express for much less.
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              • Profile picture of the author Jesus Perez
                I use Sony Vegas Pro 8 for movies.

                Hint: You can get the full pack cheap if someone in your household is a student. (Vegas 8 + Architect 5 for $299)

                If you don't have a student inhouse, you can buy just the Sony Vegas Pro 8 OEM software at www.bhvideo.com for $129 (but no Architect or box and only PDF manual).

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                • Profile picture of the author marcanthony
                  ULead for PC's

                  IMovie for Mac

                  Each of them have a feature that allows you to upload straight to Youtube.
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                  • Profile picture of the author Josh Anderson
                    I use Sony Vegas Pro 8 for movies.

                    Hint: You can get the full pack cheap if someone in your household is a student. (Vegas 8 + Architect 5 for $299)
                    Sony vegas movie studio is only $80 and it has more features than most need.... or their is the Platinum version for around $100. Both have free fully functional 30 day trial downloads available.

                    The great thing is that all you have to do is search youtube for "sony vegas tutorial" and you will have all the instruction you need to get rolling.
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  • Profile picture of the author K_tir
    Have you tried Animoto? very easy to use and you can make high-quality video!
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  • Profile picture of the author jackbruce
    edit videos for youtube, I usually used window movie maker and Youtube movie Maker, I think the two softwares are better than others, if you want a good quality on youtube , I think you can try . You can download it from makeyoutubevideo.com
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  • Profile picture of the author Karan Goel
    Cam Studio
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    karan996@irchiver.com karan997@irchiver.com
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  • Profile picture of the author barbling
    Smoke signals works great.

    But if there's a high wind, I prefer keeping it simple - Windows Movie Maker. There's a very helpful forum for it over at Movie Maker Forums .
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    • Profile picture of the author sharoncm
      Windows Movie Maker
      It's the easiest and the best.
      if you need more than that use Camtasia Studio
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  • Profile picture of the author Mr Bill
    I also love using Sony products. I've also bought stuff off Josh - I'd listen to him.

    I also came across a really cool guy called Bill Myers and bought his excellent video production series. He has a really cheap yearly subscription ($10 I think) and he really puts a lot of effort into it. Heaps of really cool short tips for making movies. He will give you the exact settings for great quality clips for you tube and camtasia. I save them as save options so the clips come out very clear and clean. He goes under the you tube name of GuerillaBill. Heaps of great clips for video creation and editing and saving there for free. Once you start watching him you'll just want to keep watching.

    Bill Myers Online

    guerillabill's Channel - YouTube

    Another cool site I've found for taking quick screen movies is www.screenr.com . You arrive at the site, press a big button to start recording, when finished it sends you a copy, saves a copy on the server and also posts it to you tube for you!

    Making videos is fun.
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  • Profile picture of the author spearce000
    As others have said, it depends what kind of videos you're going to make. For screencapture and Powerpoint, Camtasia is far and away the best IMHO.

    For live action videos I use Serif MoviePlus HD Video Editing Software – MoviePlus X5 from Serif (not an affiliate link). You can upload to YouTube directly from the software - which is handy!
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    • Profile picture of the author Daniel Evans
      I've never found the need for anything other than Movie Maker.

      There's a reason for this though. My work is static. I develop logo's. Animation would take away from the artwork which should shine statically.

      It really depends on what you're trying to achieve.

      I don't need the bells and whistles other video editing software provides.
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  • Profile picture of the author Raydal
    For the price and quality I don't think you can beat Sony Vegas.
    I think you get a lot for under $100. Good thing it was an internet
    marketer who made this software you'd be paying $997 for it.

    -Ray Edwards
    The most powerful and concentrated copywriting training online today bar none! Autoresponder Writing Email SECRETS
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    • Profile picture of the author Daniel Evans

      I had a rep (or so it seemed) oddly contact me to try out a trial of Sony Vegas recently. I'm happy with what I have but on second thoughts it's always healthy to step out the comfort zone!
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  • Profile picture of the author Michael D Forbes
    The thread title is loaded. There is no best software for making YouTube videos.

    There are best choices for software for the type of video you are making. There are best choices for easy use. There are best choices for best output quality.

    YouTube cares not one bit what software you use. It's irrelevant.

    Some YouTube videos are raw and unedited - no software involved, straight from the camera.

    Some YouTube videos were edited in Hollywood studios using the most whiz-bang software available.

    It ALL depends on what type of video you are doing and personal workflow preference. Get some free trials, check them out and decide what you like, you will find personal preferences.
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  • Profile picture of the author BabyMama
    I use Camtasia for everything. I LOVE this program. The 30 day trial is good but I went ahead and purchased it. The screen recording is great! Vital for internet marketing demo videos.
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  • Profile picture of the author Chri5123
    I would say:


    Windows Movie Maker




    Sony Vegas or Adobe Premiere

    Obviously with the advanced options you can do more but it depends on what you need them for.

    For a simple YouTube slideshow or video stick with Windows Movie Maker.

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  • Profile picture of the author jacksonlin
    I use the editing function within Camtasia. That does most things.
    Want a 13 Part FREE Internet Marketing Course - Taught By A PREMIER CLICKBANK SUPPER AFFILIATE? Did I mention taught through VIDEOS?
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  • Profile picture of the author wildjohnny
    I use Sony Vegas for all my Youtube clips. It's very easy for use, it's fast and you have everything you need with that software.

    So, my vote for goes for Vegas.
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  • Profile picture of the author elitewms
    camtasia video editing software is in my opinion the best option.
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  • Profile picture of the author YasirYar
    I have used Camtasia. It is probably the best. You will get a 30 day free trial if you download and install the software.

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  • Profile picture of the author John booster
    Originally Posted by JeremyL View Post

    Just a quick question...

    What do you think is the best (and easiest to use) video editing software to make promotional videos for your sites and for You Tube?

    After downloading lots of different demo versions and giving them the 30 trial time, I ended up sticking with muvee Reveal X, Its pretty simple to use, and in terms of youtube, it has a direct youtube uploader. So basically I just click the upload button on the program and it does most of the work for me. pretty good for quick promo and content videos.
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  • Profile picture of the author Sohel Parvez
    Originally Posted by JeremyL View Post

    Just a quick question...

    What do you think is the best (and easiest to use) video editing software to make promotional videos for your sites and for You Tube?

    I am using a great FREE software called EZVID. it's easy to use & downloadable for Windows XP (SP3), Windows Vista, and Windows 7. you can download it from Ezvid.com | The Free and Easy Video and Slideshow Maker for Windows & you don't need to register.

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  • Profile picture of the author celente
    I use camtasia, but I seem to have problems with the audio being too low. When I record it it seems fine, but when I output it to the video it goes very quiet.

    Maybe it is time to ditch camtasia.
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  • Profile picture of the author ichthyander
    using sony vegus platinum, thinking to give camtasia a try

    Need some fun? visit http://smilegag.com

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  • Profile picture of the author enterforum
    i try several but bb flash player works fine for me.
    it will also record your screen with hd resolution .
    you can edit your video also with bb flash player...
    its amazing software..
    Promote My Service And Get 50/50 On Sale
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  • Profile picture of the author sriram rajan
    Camtasia , Cam studio, Movie maker .... of course... for shorter ones animoto, screen cast ....
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  • Profile picture of the author Kim Phoenix
    Screencast-o-matic is inexpensive, and what I've used. It's about $15 for a year.
    http://www.BuyHealthPLR.com (PLR Written & Edited by a Healthcare Professional)


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  • Profile picture of the author jaiganeshv
    I love camtasis, im sticking to it and trying to learn to make the best use instead of jumping from one s/w to other just like any other shiny object syndrome.
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    • Profile picture of the author Walter Parrish
      Originally Posted by jaiganeshv View Post

      I love camtasis, im sticking to it and trying to learn to make the best use instead of jumping from one s/w to other just like any other shiny object syndrome.
      my advice. make the jumps you will be a master then and it really won't matter what you use.
      Use Feeder Sites, Articles, And Social Media Sites To Generate Unstoppable Traffic, FREE! Click Here Now To Get It For FREE
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  • Profile picture of the author branko
    Hi JeremyL!

    The best free version is definitely ezvid and the best paid video editing program is avs4you.
    I'm personally use these two soft-ware programs and I'm glad for that.

    Best wishes!
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  • Profile picture of the author julesw
    My vote goes to movie studio for editing filmed footage, not expensive, assume positively you will make some affiliate sales, should pay for itself quick. I'd skip WMM.
    WIN my Lanparte Smartphone or GoPro Gimbal! Get Ready Get Steady! Watch my Video Here:
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6520709].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author ryanhan
    well for me...nothing really fancy actually...I use window movie maker.

    quite handy to be frank, for the basic editing. its all there.
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  • Profile picture of the author marketwarrior06
    Windows movie maker for Windows 7 is the best product ever. I think its the easiest of all. And the best part is that it includes all the important parts that you really need.
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  • Profile picture of the author Tasleem Khan
    I use Camtasia, which is really good.
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  • Profile picture of the author ExpertSEOServices
    Camtasia studio is by far the best option. They offer a free 30 day trial.
    Windows movie maker is a free option but I don't think its anywhere near as good as Camtasia.
    I really like the screen capture ability on there plus its easy to use and user friendly
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  • Profile picture of the author Lauraknigh
    If you can get your hands on Adobe Primere, that is a great program.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kurt
    Depending on what I need to do:

    Sony Vegas
    Corel Video Pro
    DVD Slideshow GUI
    ProShow Producer
    Discover the fastest and easiest ways to create your own valuable products.
    Tons of FREE Public Domain content you can use to make your own content, PLR, digital and POD products.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6758632].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author jjbalagosa
    I use a combination of Camtasia and Sony Vegas.

    But it probably doesn't matter now, since the OP posted this thread almost 4 years ago... :p
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  • Profile picture of the author eugenedm
    For me the best and easiest video editing software are the ff:

    Microsoft movie maker
    Applie iMovie
    ** Avid FreeDV - has both basic video and audio editing capabilities, as well as up to two streams of real-time effects
    ** Wax - This is a flexible free video editing software program which is good for both home users and professionals

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    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6759992].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author wackiin
    three I use depending on the type of movie and what I am doing with it
    Pinnacle Studio
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  • Profile picture of the author KickAss Marketing
    There are a lot of Video Editing Software you can use depending on you choice and needs. But i would prefer Windows movie maker.
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  • Profile picture of the author jamesrich1
    For screen capture camtasia is the best hands down. Its a bit pricey but its worth it. The editing features on the software are amazing.
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  • Profile picture of the author Deepak Media
    I use keynote for creating infomovies. For editing video footage, something as simple as windows movie maker works for me. For screen casts, Camtasia is great.
    Digital Marketing Author | Speaker | Consultant

    Read my Blog: DigitalDeepak.com

    @ Bangalore, India.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6761391].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author bhushan@rancor
    I use windows movie maker when i need to editing while making youtube videos.
    Interactive Bees Pvt Ltd best known for Quality Web Development Solutions and Online Marketing Services.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mach1Marketing
    Something easy and Professional...Animoto. Local Businesses eat these up. If that's your thing. Very easy upload too.
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  • Profile picture of the author Martin Lee Jr
    I use Cyberlink Power Director for all my editing
    How Can I help...
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  • Profile picture of the author GaurabBorah
    Have you ever tried Cyberlink PowerDirectory? Its similar to Windows movie maker. But with lots of other options. I like it.
    [WSOTD] Easy STEP-BY-STEP $50-$100/Day Posting Lame FB Ads!*WARRIORS MAKING MONEY*(New Social PROOF)...Click here
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    • Profile picture of the author Rbtmarshall
      Camtasia by TechSmith is pretty good for basics and a little beyond. Adobe Premiere and Sony Vegas are good for more advanced editing.
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  • Profile picture of the author JorgeLuis
    Besides Camtasia, I use ProShow Producer.

    That software is great for creating spectacular slideshows presentation. Check it out
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  • Profile picture of the author Rbtmarshall
    I haven't used proshow producer in a few years. but I do remember it being great for slideshows. It had many one click transitions and panning options to add a little bit of motion to an otherwise still photo. It's also had many templates for borders and title screens from what I remember
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  • Profile picture of the author seotothecore
    I like camtasia because splitting videos for youtube is so darn easy. Seriously no special skills needed to use it
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  • Profile picture of the author sadneck
    Originally Posted by JeremyL View Post

    Just a quick question...

    What do you think is the best (and easiest to use) video editing software to make promotional videos for your sites and for You Tube?

    We have tried quiet a few, but my list would go like this:

    Camtasia for screen capture.
    Simple Videos = Windows Live Movie Maker
    Advanced Videos = Adobe Premier

    We have used everyone, and depending on the scope of your project and what you are trying to do dictates what you should use. A good introduction or product launch video should be designed by a professional artsy type, (good thing thats my brother,) and cheaper quicker videos can be done with WLMM.

    I have to say, ever since windows went from the big clunky windows movie maker to the newer slimmed down Windows Live Movie Maker, I am very impressed. It feels less sluggish and I feel like I can get more of the basics done very quickly.

    I also like to use WLMM for compression of videos.

    Hope this helps!
    Special Launch Price!
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  • Profile picture of the author Malteaser
    I personally use Camtasia studio... great stuff!
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  • Profile picture of the author Michaelocity
    iMovie, Camtasia, Final Cut Pro all work fine for me...
    Stop wasting time & money trying to do it all by yourself!
    Mike Wayne | LifestyleHackers.Com
    | Mike@LifestyleHacker.Com
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  • Profile picture of the author WebMeUp
    To make some step-by-step tutorials or just to quickly edit your video files and add voice-over, text callouts, etc - use Camtasia by Techsmith. It's really simple and it takes probably about an hour to see how everything works.

    If you however need something more advanced (special animations, video effects, etc.), then the best solution would be to use Adobe products - After Effects and Premiere.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kurt
    Wow! This thread really has a life of its own and has been brought from the dead a number of times. The OP is from 2008.

    Over time, I've tried and used more and more video editing programs. There's a number of different video making programs, and to pick a "best" would require knowing what type of video someone wants to make.

    Without knowing what type of video was being careted, if I had to choose just one program, I'd probably go with Powerpoint 2013 (or 2010). For IMers, Powerpoint offers flexibility, ease and features. Just make sure it's PP 2010 or 2013, as these versions can export as video.

    Powerpoint, along with a good mic and the free audio program Audacity, can create excellent videos.

    I think many people underestimate just how important the audio protion of a video really is. If you have good content in your audio (voice over), it only takes a few simple graphics to make a quality video.

    Record your voice over content, buy some stock media like video clips, images, clipart, etc., add them to Powerpoint and apply some very basic animations to the medai, and if your voice-over audio content is good, you'll have a good video.
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  • Profile picture of the author jessicah
    I recommend Sony Vegas, but if you are a beginner, you should use Windows Movie Maker. It's kind of annoying at some levels, but it's the easiest to use.
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  • Profile picture of the author Malteaser
    I would say Camtasia but highly recommend you buy a blue yeti podcasting mic for clear sound!
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  • Profile picture of the author sarhad12
    I use Camtasia, the quality is superb and also you are able to upload direct from Camtasia to YouTube. If you are camera shy, Camtasia would just be the editing software you need.
    If you are looking for paid and top of the list editing softwares then there are lots to choose from but I would be more than satisfied with Pinnacle Studio Ultimate.
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  • Profile picture of the author VernonNoyes
    NCH Software - Download Video, Business, Graphics & Computer Utility Programs has everything you need, including fully functional free trials and very reasonable prices.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mostafa82
    I think camtasia studio is the best for making tutorials and youtube videos
    $420/week just for your opinions http://globaltestmarket.com
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  • Profile picture of the author Mostafa82
    RowToon and videoScripe is two of the best animation promotional services out there
    $420/week just for your opinions http://globaltestmarket.com
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  • Profile picture of the author Beatinest
    I'll chime in as a Sony Vegas user. If you are just screencasting then Camtasia is awesome.
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    • Profile picture of the author Nightengale
      Another vote for Sony Movie Studio Platinum!

      Professionalism is super important to me and I didn't my videos to look "homemade." I'm making very simple videos, but professional titling, animations and backgrounds are a must.

      So I invested in Sony Movie Studio Platinum and have been happy with it. Video is NOT my forte and it's been a heck of a learning curve (i.e. a MASSIVE headache). But I persevered because I wanted to be able to create short, simple, yet professional tips videos for YouTube. It makes no sense to pay someone else to professionally edit short, simple videos every week or two when I'm in startup and cash is tight.

      Once I figure SMS out, I was pleased. Essentially, I created a video template for myself which I can now use over and over again for every video I create. The template is basically two parts:

      1. A professional, animated intro and outro with music
      2. Professional titling (my name on screen)

      Add this to the live video part (me-on-camera) and it makes for a simple, yet professional video.

      The software is about $90 or so, but it was listed for about $50 on Amazon. And then they were having a sale when I bought, so I got it for $33 last Dec.

      Hope this helps!


      P.S. Yes, I know this thread is old, but for those who still need the info, I hope it helps.
      "You can't market here. This is a marketing discussion forum!"
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  • Profile picture of the author Pritom
    I use Jing and Cam Studio for my personal works ..
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  • Profile picture of the author iDesigners
    Although I was a bit worried about the trustworthiness of the site, I purchased VideoMakerFX and so far, it works well.

    As we are a design team, we could easily make the money we spent in a few hours. As it is based on some kinda ready-made templates, the chances of creating 100% unique animations are rare, but still we can survive

    You can have a look at the samples here - 9 Dollar Videos | Amazing Videos At An Unbelievably Low Price [ I would appreciate your comments as well]

    Fina Robbins
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  • Profile picture of the author halk
    I like Camtasia, is nice for create some videos.
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  • Profile picture of the author Vickcarty
    There is only one software that you can rel;y on and it is camtasia.

    Try it as it has a 30 day trial version.
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  • Profile picture of the author ChristinaCa
    I think Window Movie Maker is best video edit software.it is easy to use just drag and drop clips on to the programme.
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  • Profile picture of the author marianneswa
    I worked with Final Cut Pro, Pinnacle Studio, and the two default ones for Win and Mac (Movie Maker & iMovie), also with Camtasia for screencasts.
    My personal love is Final Cut Pro, very convenient and offers a lot of possibilities. It also has a great library of sounds
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  • Profile picture of the author Limonpervez
    I am using Camtasia its very good for me
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  • Profile picture of the author NickNimmin
    I use Sony Vegas Pro 12 for editing. Camtasia for screen recording. You can also pull your edited Camtasia footage into Vegas to add it to your "real" videos.

    To see an example of some of the things you can do with Vegas, my YouTube channel is /nicknimmin
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  • Profile picture of the author skjaat
    If you want little editing than window movie maker is light weight and good speed software for youtube video editing. And many of other software avilable in market for good video editing.
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  • Profile picture of the author JustinLee720
    I like to use camtasia and windows movie maker.
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  • Profile picture of the author heoabcd
    can use Avid Studio can make videos very easy
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  • Profile picture of the author zenxseo
    1# Adobe after effects
    2# Sony
    for newbie
    camtasia and windows movie maker
    Explaindio , videomarker Fx
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    • Profile picture of the author rhinocl
      You can often find older versions of Sony Vegas on Amazon or E-Bay for around $8 plus shipping. You should get a new disk and the license number. It won't have the latest features but by the time you are ready for those you will have made a ton of videos which will hopefully all make you money to spend on the latest version. The real truth is that most people will never use the latest features anymore than they need the latest version of Excel.
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  • Profile picture of the author sprucevn
    You can use the following sofware:
    1. Camtasia
    2. Sony Vegas Pro
    In my personal view, Sony Vegas Pro is better.
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  • Profile picture of the author SpezNacci
    Personally for me best one is Camtasia studio,I use it to edit my videos,it's really simple
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  • Profile picture of the author marks2424
    I use software from a company called serif which has a lot of great features and isn't very expensive.
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    • Profile picture of the author Kurt
      Originally Posted by marks2424 View Post

      I use software from a company called serif which has a lot of great features and isn't very expensive.
      Serif MoviePlus is a pretty good program. If you live in the US and sign up for their newsletter they will send a special offer once in a while to get MoviePlus for $20(?). They send a physical CD and a training booklet. It's a good deal for someone that's patient and waits for the deal.
      Discover the fastest and easiest ways to create your own valuable products.
      Tons of FREE Public Domain content you can use to make your own content, PLR, digital and POD products.
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  • Profile picture of the author jtoelle
    Camtasia is great

    Use AutoRegram to Repost Viral content on Instagram.

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