Some Feedback On My Page?

3 replies
Hi Guys,

I was trying to figure out ways of optimizing my page as I think it is quite lacking.

The niche is animals which should be amazingly easy to grow with but I am having a bit of trouble for some reason.

I am running $2/day in Facebook ads optimized for clicks and $2/day in Facebook ads for CPM but I am hoping to grow the site more with content sharing than Facebook ads if possible.

Let me know if anything stands out as something I am doing wrong.

Also if you have a Facebook page that you would be interested in selling a status update on, or fully selling get in touch with me via PM.

Thank you in advance guys!
#feedback #page
  • Profile picture of the author Victor Edson
    Encourage people to share your pics. Right now you aren't.

    Say stuff like,

    Share if you want a baby hippo too! Like if you'd take him home!

    That'll get more people liking/sharing your content.

    Also, ask question to get people to respond in your comments. Interaction
    is what you're missing.
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  • Profile picture of the author jvoutreach
    Thanks Victor, I can't believe that didn't pop into my head when I was thinking why people weren't sharing...I should just ask that was a bit of a stupid miss on my part

    Thank you for the feedback, just that will likely help quite a bit!
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  • Profile picture of the author quit9to5
    At first glance, I don't quite understand the purpose of your page. You need a mission statement that states something about wanting to build a community of animal lovers, please share my page, etc.. I don't see a Facebook cover background either. You may also want to look for and like other group pages similar to yours. Whenever a group page you like makes a post, you can comment or like the comments of the post and generate free traffic back to your page.
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