Why Facebook, AdWords & Others Services are *NOT DEAD*.

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In economics. Their is a term used, 'utility'. It is a measure of satisfaction, per unit, measured on a scale of 1 to 10 to show absolute want/need.

Their is a effect on utility called, 'the theory of diminishing marginal utility.' What this mean is for each use of X.

(lets call X the # of times each person sees your content (page post, video, link: something in a news reel of a side bar) or interacts with your fan page {if using paid ads this applies too and includes the diminishing population effect} overtime each use erodes at their utility slowly bringing their satisfaction down and down.

In turn they look for alternatives, your competition. And your competition is only a friends like away: friends see friends posts.

In order to break this habit you should focus on a goal, recognize the time frame of what has happened on this last fan page/ad project. And make your fan page posts and conversion goals all easily accessible in order to make money or generate your leads.

Everything has an expiration period if it is not kept current or doesn't satisfy a need stronger than man himself.

----> This needs to be sticked to clear up future misunderstandings. :confused:
#adwords #dead #economics #facebook #services

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