How does a business facebook page and ads work?

3 replies
I am having a membership based website created at the moment. I'd really like to understand how to use facebook to advertise. Can anyone give me an idiot's cliffnotes guide to how it works. I've read up, but am not getting the basic gist of it.

From my understanding.
1. Have a personal normal facebook personal account.
2. Create a fan page for your business

Question 1: Are these two linked somehow? I mean if someone goes on the business page are they going to know it was created by me (e.g., my personal info). How about if someone searches my name on the web, would that show my business facebook page also?

Question 2: What are the different types of facebook ads? I mainly want to use facebook to have targeted visitors from fb come to the website. Sidebar vs. newsfeed vs. domain or somethingetc?

Question 3: What are the costs/terminology involved with the costs?

Question 4: When I'm on my business "fan" page, can I search people and ask them to become a fan (similar to requesting a friend for personal accounts)?

I have tried to read about it online...there is just so much out there. If anyone could give me a nice concise explanation of the basics it would really help frame all the material I'm reading.

Thanks =)
#ads #business #facebook #page #work
  • Profile picture of the author Jessica Davies
    Great information dear.
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  • Profile picture of the author Paul Dilley
    Hi Sundizz,

    1) Your personal page and fan page are not connected, i.e. people on your personal page do not have an idea what pages you have created. However, you have the option to invite friends from your personal page to become fans of your fan page.

    2) To have fans visit your website you should build up your fan base first. For this you need to have sidebar ads with the option to collect fans to your fan page. When you have fans on your fan page you can direct them to your website through posts in your news feed or through the apps on the top of your page.

    3) Cost will differ depending on many factors. Facebook will put a suggested price, which will give you an idea but you are not going to pay this price.
    Put the price that is suggested by Facebook as a start, after getting some clicks you will have an idea about how much your cost will be for each click. Keep on optimizing your ad so that you can minimize your cost.

    4) You can search for people when you are on your fan page, but a better idea is to visit other fan pages that are similar to yours and engage with the content being posted. Provide useful content and people will be eager about your page and eventually visit your page and like it.
    Be careful that you are using Facebook as your fan page and not as personal when you do this.
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    • Profile picture of the author sundizz
      Paul, thanks for the awesome info to get started. I used it as a base and have a much better handle on how to use facebook ads now.

      I still am having a bit of trouble understanding the difference between
      -Clicks to Website
      -Website Conversions

      I can get the back-end pixel stuff done and put in after the "Pay and Confirm" page. However, i'm not clear on what the cost difference is between using these two types of objectives. Does anyone have a numerical example of the difference between the two that they've experienced?

      I have two ad campaigns I want to run (two different custom audiences). One is 220,000 people and one is 1,540,000. Is that enough people/too many people?

      Would the best way to find out be to run the two campaigns using the two different methods (so 4 total campaigns at $10 a day each) using the suggested maximum bid for CPC?
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