15 replies
I bought a program on getting penny likes on fb.

I couldn't get nearly that cost on my likes and asked the program creator if he set up campaigns for people. He said no.

Is this something that someone does? I'm curious if there are fb smarty-pants that set up campaigns for others?
#likes #penny
  • Profile picture of the author ryanbiddulph
    Hi Ty,

    Hmmm.....buying Likes - even for a penny - might seem like a solid idea, but you want to think end game. If people are working for a penny, to get a Like, can they afford the product or service you have to offer? Probably not.

    I'd go with the organic approach of Liking pages of industry leads, commenting on their status updates, blogging, making friends.....because even though the Likes can give you social proof, these penny Likes will be dead wood, and will do nothing to grow your actual business in the long run.

    All the best!
    Ryan Biddulph helps you to be a successful blogger with his courses, manuals and blog at Blogging From Paradise
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    • Profile picture of the author TyBrown
      Originally Posted by ryanbiddulph View Post

      Hi Ty,

      Hmmm.....buying Likes - even for a penny - might seem like a solid idea, but you want to think end game. If people are working for a penny, to get a Like, can they afford the product or service you have to offer? Probably not.

      I'd go with the organic approach of Liking pages of industry leads, commenting on their status updates, blogging, making friends.....because even though the Likes can give you social proof, these penny Likes will be dead wood, and will do nothing to grow your actual business in the long run.

      All the best!
      I'm talking about advertising and getting likes for a penny.

      I'm not talking about signing up fake accounts to like my page.
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  • Profile picture of the author salegurus
    There is a Facebook Forum here: Social Media Marketing Forum
    Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.

    ― George Carlin
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  • Profile picture of the author melvinsh
    I dont understand fb, I advertised fan page to kill 2 birds with 1 stone and hopefully gain a like and a visit to my site at same time......I set cpc to 0.11 but when you get a click they charge you over 1 dollar. Its not worth it to me, I would rather gain them other ways.
    Syndr.com - Social Media Syndication - stop buying fake shares & likes! Get Real Shares from Onlywire & Sendible users managing their own social profiles! Drip feed - Anonymous Shares - Spun Content - View Reports - FREE Accounts - 45+ Social Networks - Take The Tour

    Wanna run a successful Giveaway? SKYPE: Justin.chasar I can get you 1000s of real subscribers, facebook likes, etc. in days
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  • Profile picture of the author JCorp
    I believe there was a guy who was selling his serices for Likes, etc... try checking the WSO section.

    Also, penny likes are ok... but what exactly is your goal with it? Is it just to build up Likes? Or do you have a specific monetization method?

    My advice is to never start a campaign for the sole purpose of just getting likes... for me, I go for clicks and conversions... it's the thing that pays the bills : )
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  • Profile picture of the author JayantiSoftware
    Create facebook campaigns
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  • Profile picture of the author watsonovedades
    use the facebook ads interface its a lot of easier
    Whatever your mind can conceive and BELIEVE you can achieve
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  • Profile picture of the author automationhero
    Some things I have found while marketing on Facebook:

    1- To get penny likes - $.01-.03 you need to target the less competitive regions. So basically not the US but other english speaking countries as well as other random countries and specify English.

    *Something to note with this method: the engagement is generally not that great
    and the quality of those likes is minimal. However, it gives you some credibility
    as you can get thousands of likes for very cheap.

    2- Another thing to consider- Facebook will give you a 'Suggested Bid'. If you are new to Facebook ads then they will suggest a bid price about 10x higher than if you have advertised a lot with them. Price discrimination. If you still bid for a lower price, your ads will still be shown, but they won't be shown until after the higher bids are shown first. But there is plenty of traffic on FB that your ads will be shown.

    Anyway, 2 things to keep in mind as you're starting out getting cheap likes.
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  • Profile picture of the author phillx
    As automation hero wrote, you can gain cheap likes only from regions that aren't tier1 or even tier2 countries. For example in MMO niche, while building your list you have to take care of your community origin because Tier1 countries convert best.

    Ty, what is the niche of your page? If we know some specifics maybe we could help you create well targeted ad to optimize price for like.

    There are many different tactics...
    ~ Join My Private Online Course: 7 Days To A Profitable Online Business ~
    (...And Make A Full Time Online Income By Using 3 Bulletproof Marketing Methods)
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9022064].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author TyBrown
      Originally Posted by phillx View Post

      As automation hero wrote, you can gain cheap likes only from regions that aren't tier1 or even tier2 countries. For example in MMO niche, while building your list you have to take care of your community origin because Tier1 countries convert best.

      Ty, what is the niche of your page? If we know some specifics maybe we could help you create well targeted ad to optimize price for like.

      There are many different tactics...
      I have a dog training company with two main offerings:

      - Local services of training, boarding, daycare

      - International sales of DVDs. While I do sell international I prefer to target just the U.S.

      There are a few reasons I'm looking to increase likes:

      1- Social proof.
      2- Let local people know about new daycare and boarding offers, etc.
      3- We're starting to put out more products and I'd like to get some interest going from a U.S. community on the content and info we put out about our new products.
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      • Profile picture of the author phillx
        Originally Posted by TyBrown View Post

        I have a dog training company with two main offerings:

        - Local services of training, boarding, daycare

        - International sales of DVDs. While I do sell international I prefer to target just the U.S.

        There are a few reasons I'm looking to increase likes:

        1- Social proof.
        2- Let local people know about new daycare and boarding offers, etc.
        3- We're starting to put out more products and I'd like to get some interest going from a U.S. community on the content and info we put out about our new products.
        Ty, you are in a good niche and will reach right target with your FB ads.

        It's great that you have possibility to target your local area for local service and increase social proof directly from your area.

        - Organize local event, and then create one on FB, and promote it.
        - Offer coupons and promote the to local community...
        - You could even combine your offline promotion with Facebook. Let's say you give small discounts to your clients whole leave you review on your Facebook page.
        - You can even run photo contest app with valuable prize (if you offer inhouse services it won't cost you much) for most "likeable" dog...

        As for international sales I'd try to create valuable content + share parts of your products and promote those post nation wide.

        There are many methods you can create target audience: from facebooks offered interests to software which will scrape you user uids from targeted niche groups.

        One thing you need to be aware of - cost for US ads are higher than for other countries.

        ~ Join My Private Online Course: 7 Days To A Profitable Online Business ~
        (...And Make A Full Time Online Income By Using 3 Bulletproof Marketing Methods)
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  • Profile picture of the author RickCopy
    just my $0.02

    use promoted posts and target your audience really well.... it will keep your costs down. Just finished a small campaign that got $0.02 clicks (not likes...actual clicks) to my money site because I targeted a very small demographic in the promoted post.

    ...and my targeted countries were US and Canada... "tier 2" countries suck as far as traffic and site interaction... waste of money.
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  • Profile picture of the author Moneymaker2012
    still I see Facebook ads are more useful and it can help you gain social presence as well as targeted audience,
    what else can be cheaper than a single post promote option.
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  • Profile picture of the author melvinsh
    So you can get penny likes, how come I set my campaign CPC but when someone clicks facebook says I'm charged per like?
    Syndr.com - Social Media Syndication - stop buying fake shares & likes! Get Real Shares from Onlywire & Sendible users managing their own social profiles! Drip feed - Anonymous Shares - Spun Content - View Reports - FREE Accounts - 45+ Social Networks - Take The Tour

    Wanna run a successful Giveaway? SKYPE: Justin.chasar I can get you 1000s of real subscribers, facebook likes, etc. in days
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