You feelthat they do and uh drug-testing isn't

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You feelthat they do and uh drug-testing isn't like a satisfactory percentage atthe athletes be tested well I mean it's one knows they said youknow I wish there was more drug testing but it's Alpha Cut HD all in context databases ohyeah other while they do blood testing awhile the urine test everybody well the random all season testing in the like wall are you going to pay fivehundred dollars retriever show because somebody got me four you knowand the fact that there is people would be it's like crazy that happen so I mean I i think that they you know doom within the confines Alpha Cut HD of what they can charge for drug testing Ithink they do as good a job as they care you know I'll and I've been involvedafter one million for a dozen years now a I can't help number people I knew youwere cheating on on on my hands you know um and those in them eventually got caughtin fact everything we're staying at the time that I i I'd new with gene got caught some point so I yeah I just I you know you-know-who are this year's absolutelyno doubt about it but is not nearly as prevalent as mostpeople think.
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