Please remove your popup from our paid WSO offers...

by WillR
5 replies
Today I visited the WSO forum without being logged in and realized that the owners of this forum have now put a popup (for their own benefit) over the top of all of the WSO's we are paying money to list and bump.

It really is no wonder things have fallen off since this forum was purchased a few months ago. Every change that is made to this forum seems to be all about putting money in the pocket of the owners with no thought to how it will affect the members who actually made this forum what it is today. I really don't understand how you expect to grow a forum when treating members in this way.

Please remove this popup from our paid offers or refund our money for all these WSO's since these popups were certainly NOT part of the deal when I launched and paid for all of my WSO's.

Can you please confirm to all members when this popup has been removed from our paid offers.
#offers #paid #popup #remove #wso
  • Profile picture of the author danieljb
    Thanks for your feedback and I agree with what you're saying and will get this changed for paid sections. We'll move this to the suggestion forum.
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  • Profile picture of the author The Copy Nazi
    It really is no wonder things have fallen off since this forum was purchased a few months ago. Every change that is made to this forum seems to be all about putting money in the pocket of the owners with no thought to how it will affect the members who actually made this forum what it is today. I really don't understand how you expect to grow a forum when treating members in this way.
    Yep. And what makes it worse is it's Aussies like us behind it. The whole forum has just become a vipers nest of scammers. There, I've said it.
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    • Profile picture of the author Poprugan
      Originally Posted by The Copy Nazi View Post

      Yep. And what makes it worse is it's Aussies like us behind it. The whole forum has just become a vipers nest of scammers. There, I've said it.
      Very true, i still don't get the point of hike in membership charges ?36 -> 99 in a matter of days is just not a good thing for members here .If the admins want to get their investment back as soon as possible , there are other ways without affecting the members .The 36 ->99 hike right after purchasing is a very bad business decision .
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    • Profile picture of the author GlenH
      Originally Posted by The Copy Nazi View Post

      Yep. And what makes it worse is it's Aussies like us behind it. The whole forum has just become a vipers nest of scammers. There, I've said it.
      No truer words have been spoken.

      I was hoping the WSO section would not become a cesspool or scam artists and junk products, but it's slowly happened.
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      • Profile picture of the author danieljb
        Originally Posted by GlenH View Post

        No truer words have been spoken.

        I was hoping the WSO section would not become a cesspool or scam artists and junk products, but it's slowly happened.
        This is one of our top priorities.

        We have started the cleanup with some subsections, such as removing income claims from Other Products & Services & removing particular offers. In the near future we will be introducing new WSO rules that will address the issues that have been brought up in this thread and more, issues that the community has been concerned with for years.
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