Vote for a Tutorial Section on WarriorForum!

by Blakos
0 replies
The Warrior Forum is a MASSIVE community of which consists of a majority of new comers(newbies) which are mainly here to learn something only the experienced know.

When you think of the process of lets say a newbie WordPress author wishing to modify the text on his footer.

Now, this is a simple process of which is practically done one way, and it takes one to post yet another question(Which most likely has been answered before, multiple times) and wait for an answer they don't even know is right until they try it.

Why isn't there a "Tutorial Section" with sub-categories like: WordPress, Web Design, Programming etc.

How much easier would it be to search one section of the forum, of which will very well(In time) hold many useful tutorials by experienced WF members.

What do you think?
#section #tutorial #vote #warriorforum

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