better and clearer rules for own affiliate promotions

by Chris-
2 replies
There seem to be current rules against promoting ones own affiliate programs on the WF except for paid ads in the appropriate section, yet it seems to be OK to promote any other products here. This doesn't seem fair or sensible, and makes it difficult or impossible to even ask questions about ones own affiliate programs, which surely is an extremely vital part of IM. There are other similar areas of rules, where, because there is a rule against advertising some things (but not others) one cannot even ask questions about vital areas of IM.

I'd like to see clarification and improvement in rules such as these, and other similar rules such as exactly what is allowed in signatures. These change from time to time, so what one has seen done in the past suddenly becomes something one gets banned for a while for, and this is confusing. I suggest having an easy-to-find place to read very clear descriptions of all such rules, and make them a lot fairer and clear enough to understand (I am experienced in IM and educated to PhD level and the rules are not clear to me, so they are not clear, period!).

Otherwise, great forum, I've learned a lot here and value it highly.


#affiliate #clearer #promotions #rules
  • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
    You can advertise your affiliate program here
    Affiliate Program Database

    As for putting it in your signature, I've seen it done provided the site you link to in your sig is yours.

    As for dropping little hints and links all over the forum, that's not allowed for any product or service.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9110436].message }}

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