Once again, I don't give a rat's ass about list size...

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I come again with a JV opportunity where SIZE DOESN'T MATTER.

I've created a new blog, Mastery of Success. I'll be posting a bunch of material to it, but I'm also looking for contributors. Here's how we both benefit:

How I benefit:

1.) Smaller workload
2.) Bigger resources

How YOU Benefit:

1.) Free article submission + backlink
3.) Higher reputation - people are more likely to join your list as you've already provided value

I'm looking for posts on improving and training the mind for business success - how to get focused, stay destressed, make a plan, learn self-confidence, all that good stuff. Anywhere between 200-500 words is ideal, if it needs to be any longer we'll talk The post must be YOUR original work, be well-written and of course, stay on topic.

PM if interested. Thank you!
#give #list #rat #size

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