10 IM-ers - May 25 - Lists start 1000+ [Group Adswap]

17 replies
Hi folks,

Because the current adswap group that I host, has
been full up of all the 10 slots available, I start
training next adswap group event for list building.

This will be released on May 25.

Now I am looking for 10 parteners, with lists
1000+ subscribers to partake.

For those not familiar with the term, a group swap is
simply an ad-swap between multiple parties. Each
partener contributes a gift and agrees to promote on
a certain day.

It's like a JV giveaway, but only a certain amount of
parteners are allowed to take part. This means that,
usually, each parteners gift gets downloaded by each
unique visitor. Everyone gets a lot more exposure.

You will each have to offer a very valuable and unique
freebie. I will go through the trouble to create and host
a page where I will put up everyone's free offer.
(name, picture, short description)

The benefits are obvious. It's like getting the results
from ten separate ad-swaps, and there is no need to
spam subscribers with e-mails of 10 times per adswap

We will keep it limited at only 10 gifts, so we will have
a good sign up rate for our offers.

I will take only parteners who has lists of
1000+ responsive IM subscribers.

If you're interested, for this event, I need the following data:

1. List size
2. Your Name
3. Your photo 80x80 px
4. Your product photo - 150x150 px
5. Product name - 50 characters
6. Product Description - 300 characters
7. Link to Your Landing Page
and any dates that will help us for the swap.

Edit: Because I was asked several times how it works group adswap, I have prepared this short proces map. I hope that helps.


You can PM me or e-mail me: gelunastac [at] gmail [dot] com


PS1. You can see the current group adswap here:
VIP Giveaway,list building,adswap,ad-swap,swap

PS2. I tell you that I will go after the rule "first come - first served", and I hope you understand that.
#ad-swap #adswap #adswaps #giveaway #group #imers #list building #lists #start #swap

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