by danes1
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Hi Warriors,
I am looking for affiliates to promote my new site We are a business that offers tips, strategies, and information in the music industry to help musicians succeed. We have a paid members service were the customers receive links and discounted prices on services that offer quality opportunities to excell there music career. Opportunities such as, internet radio play, major label type management and networking, and finding musicians jobs in the music industry, just to name a few, plus bonus information and tips in the form of eBooks and an informative email series. We will also be launching my eBook titled Make it in Music soon, which will sell for $24 and you make 50% of that. It's a one time fee of $17.99 for members to upgrade there membership. You again will receive 50%. Go to to join our step by step affiliate program. This site should do well as we don't have a ton of competition and there are lots of aspiring music artist.

If you are in the music niche and have a list and/or product I would love to chat with you. Leave a message here or on our facebook page @ Make it in Discussions | Facebook

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