Free Bonus Software For Your Buyers...

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Hey Warriors,

I won't waste your time with a long, drawn out affiliate pitch thingy.

Here's what's up...

I've got a great piece of software that generates great keywords at the
click of a button.

And I want to give it to all your buyers at no cost.

So here's what I want to offer you...

You get to use my software as a bonus on one of your products (upcoming
or already being sold) and in exchange, I get a simple opt-in form on
your download page.

So with adding a single line of HTML to your download page you get a ton
of added value at no expense.

You don't have to do any real work for the bonus, pay any price - just
slap a piece of code on your site.

Not too shabby

Anyway, email me directly to let me know you're interested. I don't
personally respond to PMs here - my assistant takes care of all that.

Here's my personal email. -

I look forward to hearing from you...

Chris Ramsey
#bonus #buyers #free #software

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